Faqja 0 prej 2 FillimFillim 12 FunditFundit
Duke shfaqur rezultatin -19 deri 0 prej 22
  1. #1
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    Komente mbi Kulturen Shqiptare

    Burimi per kuotimet e meposhtme eshte ky:

    The principle Gheg speakers live in Kosova and are adopting many Serbian words while the Tosk dominant "standard" Albanian has adopted much from Italy. A British friend who has spent time in Albania reports that one of his close friends is a linguist who feels that within thirty years "Albanian" and "Kosovar" will be separate languages (Udell). [end note 7]

    The Albanians have the most cramped living status of any Europeans, with seven and a half square meters per person (compared to fifteen in Romania, seventeen in Bulgaria or twenty in Poland) (UNDP, 1995 22). While this is certainly partially due to high birthrates and recently allowed movement to the cities with an inability of construction to keep up, it is also at least in part cultural.

  2. #2
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Disa komente te tjera mbi kulturen shqiptare.

    "The Albanians have no innate religious vocation of the theistic type. [As an example] Scanderbeg was born an Orthodox and raised as a Moslem while a hostage in the Ottoman court, then acted as a Catholic for the rest of his life." (Norris 17) If "religion" is defined as that philosophy upon which one bases his or her life, for many that core is found in the Kanon of Lek.

    Adoption to Ottoman ways was the road to success for those whose aspirations were greater than the village in which they were born. Under the Ottomans "believers" paid significantly lower taxes than non-believers (Christians), so many families converted. As it was men who were required to pay the cizye (poll tax on non-Muslim men) there were also a number of villages where women continued to be publicly Christian but the men all officially converted to Islam. Interestingly, in many communities one designated family continued in the Christian faith. Others assisted with the increased taxes. They also asked a member of this Christian family to serve as a "God Father" to the Islamic offspring-- just in case the Christians ever come back into power. They would then be able to argue that this was simply an economic issue to the incoming Christians. (The Christian children were also provided with Moslem God Fathers).

    The church runs parallel to society in the Kanun. There is no admonition to believe, though there are regulations that hold the property and representatives of the church in a position of some honor. It is left to civil authorities (the banner) to maintain this respect, but it is kept separate from civil society (Fox 2-12). This left the issue open to easy abandonment of Catholicism and assimilation of Islam.

  3. #3
    Gezuar Kosoven e Pavarur Maska e dodoni
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga King_Gentius
    Burimi per kuotimet e meposhtme eshte ky:

    The principle Gheg speakers live in Kosova and are adopting many Serbian words while the Tosk dominant "standard" Albanian has adopted much from Italy. A British friend who has spent time in Albania reports that one of his close friends is a linguist who feels that within thirty years "Albanian" and "Kosovar" will be separate languages (Udell). [end note 7]

    The Albanians have the most cramped living status of any Europeans, with seven and a half square meters per person (compared to fifteen in Romania, seventeen in Bulgaria or twenty in Poland) (UNDP, 1995 22). While this is certainly partially due to high birthrates and recently allowed movement to the cities with an inability of construction to keep up, it is also at least in part cultural.
    Komenti i pare:
    -Shqiptaret Gege nuk jane vetem shqiptaret e Kosoves por edhe ata te Maqedonise VeriPerendimore, Malit te Zi, Shqiperise se Veriut dhe Shqiperise se Mesme. Kurse shqiptaret toske jane ata te Shqiperise se Jugut, te Maqedonise JugPerendimore dhe Camerise.
    -Dallimet dialektore midis geges dhe toskes nuk jane aq te medha sa te arrish ne nje konkluzion te tille se Gega eshte me afer serbishtes dhe Toska me afer italishtes. Gjuha jone, e marre ne teresi, eshte me e afert me italishten se me cdo gjuhe tjeter. Toska eshte dialekt me i bute dhe tingellon (vetem tingellon ashtu sepse fjalet jane pakashume njesoj me ato gege) me e afert me italishten, kryesisht per shkak te perdorimit te prapashteses "o", sidomos ne shume prej emrave e mbiemrave te shqiptareve toske. Kurse gegerishtja eshte dialekt me i ashper dhe tingellon me shume si gjermanishtja.
    -Eshte normale qe gjuhet gjate bashkejeteses se tyre te marrin nga njera-tjetra, dhe edhe shqipja ka marre nga gjuhet tjera, por edhe ju ka dhene shume gjuheve tjera, bile me shume ka dhene se qe ka marre. Psh. fjala Bregu-Brigjet etj. eshte fjale shqipe (si gege ashtu edhe toske) sepse rrjedh nga fjala Brinjet, Bri etj. e jo fjale serbe sic pretendohet nga disa pseudogjuhetar, edhe pse perdoret edhe nga serbet. Poashtu, fjala Pranvera (si toske ashtu edhe gege)eshte fjale shqipe sepse rrjedh nga prane veres. Pra, edhe serbet e edhe italianet kane marre nga gjuha jone.
    -Une per vete nuk besoj qe do ndahet gjuha jone ne Gjuhe Shqipe dhe Kosovare por mendoj qe do zyrtarizohen te dy versionet e gjuhes sone, gegerishtja dhe toskerishtja.

    Komenti i dyte:
    Nuk eshte e vertete qe jeta ne hapesira te vogla rrjedh nga kultura jone kombetare por nga kushtet ekonomike. Edhe tek ne sikur ne cdo vend tjeter te botes, ata qe jane te pasur jetojne ne mijera metra katrore kurse ata qe jane te varfer jetojne ne vetem disa metra katrore.
    Leje mos m'trano, pashe zotin!!!!

    Rrofte Shqiperia Etnike

  4. #4
    Gezuar Kosoven e Pavarur Maska e dodoni
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga King_Gentius
    Disa komente te tjera mbi kulturen shqiptare.

    "The Albanians have no innate religious vocation of the theistic type. [As an example] Scanderbeg was born an Orthodox and raised as a Moslem while a hostage in the Ottoman court, then acted as a Catholic for the rest of his life." (Norris 17) If "religion" is defined as that philosophy upon which one bases his or her life, for many that core is found in the Kanon of Lek.

    Adoption to Ottoman ways was the road to success for those whose aspirations were greater than the village in which they were born. Under the Ottomans "believers" paid significantly lower taxes than non-believers (Christians), so many families converted. As it was men who were required to pay the cizye (poll tax on non-Muslim men) there were also a number of villages where women continued to be publicly Christian but the men all officially converted to Islam. Interestingly, in many communities one designated family continued in the Christian faith. Others assisted with the increased taxes. They also asked a member of this Christian family to serve as a "God Father" to the Islamic offspring-- just in case the Christians ever come back into power. They would then be able to argue that this was simply an economic issue to the incoming Christians. (The Christian children were also provided with Moslem God Fathers).

    The church runs parallel to society in the Kanun. There is no admonition to believe, though there are regulations that hold the property and representatives of the church in a position of some honor. It is left to civil authorities (the banner) to maintain this respect, but it is kept separate from civil society (Fox 2-12). This left the issue open to easy abandonment of Catholicism and assimilation of Islam.
    Komenti i pare:
    Nuk dihet saktesisht se cfare feje ka pasur familja e Kastrioteve ne kohen e lindjes se Gjergjit. Shume studiues e bazojne thenien se Gjergj Kastrioti ka lindur ortodoks ne statujen e Shen Nifonit ortodoks tek varri i tij, por ky mendoj qe eshte fakt i pamjaftueshem per te ardhur ne nje konkluzion te tille sepse Gjergj Kastrioti dihet qe ne fund te jetes se tij ka qene unitarist (pra per bashkimin e katolicizmit dhe ortodoksizmit) dhe poashtu ka mundesi qe e ka vene statujen e tij per respekt ndaj gjysmes se kombit tij qe ka praktikuar fene ortodokse ne ate kohe.

    Komenti i dyte:
    Eshte pakashume i sakte.

    Komenti i trete:
    Eshte shume i sakte dhe mendoj qe ky eshte shkaku kryesor i islamizimit te shumices shqiptare (si katolike ashtu edhe ortodokse) gjate kohes se pushtimit osman. Sikur kishat tona te kishin udhehequr jeten shoqerore tek ne (ashtu sikur edhe ne shtetet tjera ballkanike Greqia, Serbia, Bullgaria etj. qe kane qene nen pushtimin osman sikur ne) nuk do te kishte ndodhur kurre islamizimi i shumices shqiptare ne ate kohe.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga dodoni : 11-07-2005 mė 20:05
    Leje mos m'trano, pashe zotin!!!!

    Rrofte Shqiperia Etnike

  5. #5
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Te huajt gjithmone do ti kapin disa gjera gabim per shqiperine. Ky tekst ka disa gabime te tilla bazike, por mu duken me interesante keto kuotimet qe po postoj ne kete teme.

    Muslimanet Bektashi

    Quote: The Albanian story is that Bektashism was introduced through Corfu late in the thirteenth century by dervish Sari Sailteku. "He founded seven tekkes, including one on the mountains above Kruja, where he was said to have slain a dragon" (Pettifer 72).

    Quote: The teachings are basically Shi'a, but in a very early form with both Christian and pagan elements. Followers confess their sins to a spiritual advisor and receive absolution; they do not veil their women and are not forbidden to drink alcohol. They attach little significance to formal prayer, and pay little attention to the hours for "call to prayer" as properly they "have a prayer in one's heart at all times." They tend to be universalists, accepting anyone who will accept their beliefs. [end note 15]

    Quote:"Bektashism in its peculiar Albanian form undermined all factions and opposites, mixed pagan, Christian and Muslim elements, and stood for mystic unity, intellectual honesty, and universal tolerance" (Ward 103). As a pantheistic sect it grew steadily throughout the country (though slower in the Catholic areas) and left its indelible mark on the Albanian people.

  6. #6
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Kjo eshte kuota ime e preferuar:

    Quote:As the ban on Albanian religion was lifted the Saudi Sunnis paid for more than half a million copies of the Qur'an to be imported, "which so exceeded local demand that a familiar sight in mosques in 1991 and 1992 were numerous unopened boxes of these volumes" (Vickers/Pettifer 102). When we arrived in 1993 we found many homes had the volumes on prominent display; homes in which we were universally offered alcohol and often in which lived young adults who wore a crucifix necklace as seen on Italian TV, "because it's western." Is this a Bektashi influence or simply the effects of the twenty-three year ban on religion? most likely, some of both.

    Arabet do cmendeshin
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga King_Gentius : 12-07-2005 mė 20:03

  7. #7
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Nju Jork Taims, Shkurt 8, 1880

  8. #8
    Pėrgėzime tė dyve. Mbreti Gjėnth, njė kėrkesė qė mundėsisht t'i japėsh referimet pak mė tė zgjeruara, sipas mundėsive, ose ndonjė shpjegim si e qysh sipas rastit. :)


  9. #9
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Pershendetje Legjion,

    Ky artikull eshte botuar ne Amerike gjate kohes qe shqiptaret ishin ne lufte me malazezet per Plaven dhe Gucine. Pershkrime te peraferta me keto te artikullit te mesiperm besoj se ka tek puna e Edith Durham , e cila visitoi Shqiperine ne fillim te shekullit te 20. Libri i saj ka shume info per shqiptaret e asaj kohe.

    Hartimi nga ku merren kuotimet e shkurtra eshte shume i gjate dhe prandaj vendosa te postoj ekstraktet qe me bene pershtypje. Po te keni kohe mund te lexoni gjithe hartimin ne linkun qe postova ne fillim. Shkurt, autori do te theksoje se sa perdoret Kanuni sot dhe se si ky Kanun ka percaktuar cfare eshte shqiptari historikisht.

    Se shpejti do postoj dhe dy artikuj qe pershkruajne shqiptaret dhe malazezet.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga King_Gentius : 19-07-2005 mė 10:16

  10. #10
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    Independent London News, 1881
    Hakmarrja ne Shqiperi

  11. #11
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    The Suuni are also increasingly in evidence. They have had a building project so that by 1997 almost every village had a mosque. A Catholic friend tells us that they were paid for by "outsiders" and were accepted as a sort of WPA make-work project. He adds that they are still mostly empty of worshipers, but he fears that as their presence becomes more accepted they will eventually get their share. He is annoyed by the call to prayer, particularly in the pre-dawn hours (Ēashku 1995). His concerns my be realistic. We saw no women wearing the Moslem veil in 1993. By 1997 occasionally women in Tirana were seen wearing the veil.

    E vertete eshte kjo gje?

    Before leaving the area of religion, one further connection with the Kanun should be mentioned. Albania is one of few countries that had more Jews after World War II than at its beginning. As Thessaloniki was "ethnically cleansed" of its Jewish population, a large number were able to make their way into the mountains of Albania. As the Kanun decreed that guests be honored, they were taken in and protected. Trapped by Hoxha, they shared the lives of Albanians until the early 1990's when El-Al sent in a plane to take any Jews who wanted to immigrate to Israel. Many more reported than the plane would hold, but most could document their rightful place. In 1996 the Kibbutz Philharmonic performed a concert in Tirana in tribute and thanks.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga King_Gentius : 23-07-2005 mė 15:42

  12. #12
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    The folktale that is used to define "besa" relies on a young woman who is to be married to a man who lives a great distance from her family. Her mother is not happy with this. She has a brother who promises that should the mother ever want to see his sister he will escort her home. Shortly after the marriage he is killed in battle. In her grief, the mother bemoans the loss of the daughter as well. The young man leaves his grave to take his sister to visit her mother, thus fulfilling his "besa" promise. [end note 17]

    Lek Dukagjini

    The British traveler and writer, Edith Durham, adds in her 1909 book,
    of Lek himself little is known. His fame among the tribes that still bear his name far exceeds that of Skenderbeg, and the fog of mythology is thick round him. He has left no mark on European history-- is purely local influenced the people that "Lek said so" obtains far more obedience than the Ten Commandments. The teachings of Islam and of Christianity, the Sheriat and Church law, all have to yield to the Canon of Lek. (High 25)


    Syrja Pupovci wrote an introduction to the 1972 reprint of the Kanun in which he postulated, "the preservation of customary law was one of the most important elements in helping the Albanian people to maintain their individuality under Ottoman domination" (quoted in Vickers, Serb 21).

    the Kanun was divided into "books": Church; Family; Marriage; House, Livestock and Property; Work; Transfer of Property; Spoken Word; Honor; Damages; Law Regarding Crimes; Judicial Law; and Exemptions and Exceptions. Noel Malcolm sums up the basic principles this way: the Kanun was divided into "books": Church; Family; Marriage; House, Livestock and Property; Work; Transfer of Property; Spoken Word; Honor; Damages; Law Regarding Crimes; Judicial Law; and Exemptions and Exceptions. Noel Malcolm sums up the basic principles this way:

    The foundation of it all is the principle of personal honour. Next comes t he equality of persons. From these flows a third principle, the freedom of each to act in accordance with his own honour, within the limits of the law, without being subject to another’s command. And the fourth principle is the word of honour, the besė (def.: besa), which creates a situation of inviolable trust. (1

    Within the published code of twelve books or twenty-four chapters are 1263 paragraphs or articles with some very specific language defining how people should conduct themselves. Edith Durham found that "Lek is fabled to have legislated minutely on all subjects. For example, a man told me that Lek had ordered that men should walk the length of one gun-barrel apart, lest in turning the barrel should accidentally strike the next man, for a blow even by chance must be avenged" (High 25).


  13. #13
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Nju Jork Taims, Prill 25, 1885

  14. #14
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

  15. #15
    The Suuni are also increasingly in evidence. They have had a building project so that by 1997 almost every village had a mosque. A Catholic friend tells us that they were paid for by "outsiders" and were accepted as a sort of WPA make-work project. He adds that they are still mostly empty of worshipers, but he fears that as their presence becomes more accepted they will eventually get their share. He is annoyed by the call to prayer, particularly in the pre-dawn hours (Ēashku 1995). His concerns my be realistic. We saw no women wearing the Moslem veil in 1993. By 1997 occasionally women in Tirana were seen wearing the veil.

    E vertete eshte kjo gje?
    Konstatimet janė tė vėrteta. "Objektet e kultit" nė pjesėn dėrrmuese janė financuar nga jashtė, pėr tė gjitha fetė. Pra nuk vijnė nga vetė shqiptarėt, mė e theksuar kjo nė rastin e xhamive. Sipas Durhamit e njėjta gjė ndodhte dhe nė vitet 1800-1900.

    Ndėrsa pėr nisjen e pėrdorimit tė ferexhesė, kjo qėlloi tė ndodhte pikėrisht me hyrjen e disa arabosauditėve dhe atyre tė Emirateve, qė filluan tė vinin pas '95-ės. Gratė dhe tė punėsuarit e tyre vishnin tė tilla. Nė vende tė administratės ashtu si dhe nė objekte publike shtetėrore (shkolla, ministri, etj) veshja nga nxėnėsit/studentėt apo nėpunėsit, etj., nuk lejohet.

  16. #16
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    Nju Jork Taims, Maj 1880

  17. #17
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius

    Malesoret 1880

  18. #18
    i/e regjistruar Maska e King_Gentius
    Nje artikull tjeter nga NY Times:
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga King_Gentius : 02-08-2005 mė 22:01

  19. #19
    R[love]ution Maska e Hyllien
    Mobil Ave.
    Germo Tare germo, vetem se tarja i ka lujt fene tani, germo car gjen i fut i te shitur, edhe vjen me artikujt e gazetave nen titullin "komente mbi kulturen shqiptare".

    Cfare di ti nga kultura shqiptare si nismetar i temes qe je ?
    "The true history of mankind will be written only when Albanians participate in it's writing." -ML

  20. #20
    Po pse ky ves cinizmi keqdashės kundrejt bashkėfolėsve? Po e shoh pothuaj tė pamundur qė tė dalloj njė replikė konstruktive nėpėr temat e hapura. Pse kaq tė ndėrsyer kundėr njėri-tjetrit? Nėse e shikon se Kingu mbetet prapa, tregoji gabimin me njė hap tėndin mė tė madh, por jo duke i vėnė stėrkėmbėshin atij.

Faqja 0 prej 2 FillimFillim 12 FunditFundit

Tema tė Ngjashme

  1. Diaspora shqiptare nė mbrojtje tė ēėshtjes sonė kombėtare
    Nga altin55 nė forumin Ēėshtja kombėtare
    Pėrgjigje: 2
    Postimi i Fundit: 09-10-2012, 09:20
  2. Identiteti evropian i shqiptarėve
    Nga Iliriani nė forumin Portali i forumit
    Pėrgjigje: 572
    Postimi i Fundit: 02-05-2012, 15:45
  3. Cili ėshtė synimi i AKSH-sė?
    Nga Faik nė forumin Ēėshtja kombėtare
    Pėrgjigje: 65
    Postimi i Fundit: 04-12-2003, 04:22

Regullat e Postimit

  • Ju nuk mund tė hapni tema tė reja.
  • Ju nuk mund tė postoni nė tema.
  • Ju nuk mund tė bashkėngjitni skedarė.
  • Ju nuk mund tė ndryshoni postimet tuaja.