Sic duket, kerkimi i rrenjeve historike te personaliteteve monoteiste vazhdon te prodhoje te njejtin konkluzion: ATA NUK KANE EKZISTUAR NDONJEHERE. Deri me tani kisha mesuar keto argumente per hebrejte: Moisi, e Jeshu. Por te degjoja te njejtat gjera per : Muhamedin ...kete s'ma priste mendja. Muhamedi, duke qene i vetmi personalitet fetar qe ka jetuar nen driten e plote te historise, eshte i pamundur te mohoet si homo sapiens qe ka ekzistuar. Keto konkluzione edhe per Muhamedin me bejne te mendoj se 'shkollarshipi' modern, studimet moderne qe kerkojne prova empirike, jane 'gjepura' e njerezit duhet te kene kujdes.
The Quest for the Historical Muhammad
Edited by Ibn Warraq
Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2000. 554 pp. $34.95
Startling conclusions follow from this. The Arab tribesmen who conquered great swathes of territory in the seventh century were not Muslims, according to Judith Koren and Yehuda Neva; perhaps they were pagans. The Qur'an is a not "a product of Muhammad or even of Arabia," John Wansbrough suggests, but a collection of earlier Judeo-Christian liturgical materials stitched together to meet the needs of a later age. Most broadly, Ibn al-Rawandi concludes, "there was no Islam as we know it" until two or three hundred years after the traditional version has it (more like C.E. 830 than 630); it developed not in the distant deserts of Arabia but through the interaction of Arab conquerors and their more civilized subject peoples. Patricia Crone and Michael Cook go yet further, doubting even the existence of Muhammad
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