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  1. #21
    i/e regjistruar

    30.03.2005 20:06
    Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. Who said this? I don't know. Why should I know? Can't I be the one to say this first. Maybe somebody before me said this and I think sb. did, but if I were born before him I would have said it for sure. I would have said it today. Yes, today. Absolutely...


    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Veshtruesja
    There are so many things to say..... But I don't feel like saying anything. I like keeping my thoughts to myself and I like going over them. Reorganizing them. Reanalizing them. At least this way I know I will reach some sort of conclusion, or if not a conclusion, at least some sort of hypothesis. If i don't like what I conclude, then I will just re-think it again and observe it from a different angle, perhaps... maybe even the same angle again, only under a different light...I know that this way I won't act until I am sure my thoughts are in tact...
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga [xeni] : 30-03-2005 mė 14:14

  2. #22
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga [xeni]

    Because on certain days we feel a certain way depending on our experiences on that particular day.

    And on some particular days, there is no "why", there is no specifik reason, or perhaps there is just too many reasons to count and so you just think: "that's just the way it is...".

    :) 30.03.2005

  3. #23
    i/e regjistruar
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Veshtrusja
    Because on certain days we feel a certain way depending on our experiences on that particular day.

    And on some particular days, there is no "why", there is no specifik reason, or perhaps there is just too many reasons to count and so you just think: "that's just the way it is...".

    :) 30.03.2005
    OK. Thank you...! I don't understand... :)

    P.S. I quoted you because I realized that what you said was somewhat contradictory to what I thought. Don't misunderstand me...:)
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga [xeni] : 30-03-2005 mė 15:32

  4. #24
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Another day just passes by...

    I wonder, will it rain tommorow, or will we have sun?

    A just wanna quote a famous saying:" I want to know God`s thoughts, all the rest are details". How true. ;)
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  5. #25
    Blanc et noir
    Once there was a sunshine
    That lightened up my life
    He spoke to me in sweet words
    Making my heart alive
    He's eyes where full of passion; but deep inside was pain
    He knew our love would'nt last....
    The distance took it all
    And loosing you is harder than it seems....
    Quand le doigt montre le ciel, l' imbécile regarde le doigt.

  6. #26
    .... ...


    I suffered from a minor sense of guilt, today. The good news is, it looks like I still have a conscience (although I had hoped like hell to have done away with it.)

    Felt guilty towards myself, towards somebody I have never even met. The human mind, and conscience remains a mystery to me. Especially the conscience and its complexity. It wold be much easier to walk the path of life, without one, but then, would kind of voyage would that be? Certainly not a dignified one.

  7. #27

    Someone once said: Life is like a box of chocolates, never know what you're gonna get. I may not be an expert on life but at least I'm an excellent one on chocolates.


  8. #28
    Had two exams back to back today...ngelda dje duke mesuar nga ora 10am deri sot ne mengjez 9:27am lool every last minute cramming counts. The other secret into keeping your mind sharp, while studying so many hours is not to eat at all. It works wonders for me. Hopefully my sister doesn't take long to bring the car back to school so I can go get some sleep, my eyes hurt even writting this message.
    Hope everyone else has a better day.

  9. #29
    oopps forgot to mention that coca-cola is even better than coffe to stay up long hours during the night. Yeah coffe wakes you up in an instance but in an hour all you want to do is sleep.

  10. #30
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga s0ni
    oopps forgot to mention that coca-cola is even better than coffe to stay up long hours during the night. Yeah coffe wakes you up in an instance but in an hour all you want to do is sleep.
    11. 04. 2005

    Thanks for the tip! Tonight will be my turn ...

    PS: I hope you did well.

  11. #31
    i/e regjistruar
    Monday 11, April, 2005 :/

    Assuage your fears, and think positive. But how can I? The negative thoughts i cannot avoid. I drift into thoughts of disappointment, naivety, time squandering ...apprehending my own predilections...yet the disappointment i abominate...should i forgive and forget? No this is becoming redundant...let time disclose you what is the right choice.
    I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.

  12. #32
    In God I Trust! Maska e MisCongeniality
    Dear Diary,

    Just out of curiosity….don’t you ever get sick and tired of generations of people, dumping their intellectual crap on you every moment of eternity? Don’t you ever feel nauseated and want to throw up all the gibberish piled up within you in different languages and writing styles? Don’t you ever feel edgy, craving to scream until your uvula oscillates like a pendulum, “STOPPPPPPPPPPP. I don’t care about your problems. I don’t give a hoot about your fake nail that broke or his cat that refuses to flush the toilet.”
    Don’t you wish you could plug up your ears so that no string of human thought passes through? Don’t you long of being in the company of SILENCE for even a split of a second and slowly stretch out your worn out pages and aerate the spaces between them?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, I am truly sorry. Grow up and stop complaining. You signed up for this never-ending job until the judgment day and you’d better deal with it. You cannot quit!!
    Bye, bye now, sweetie. I have places to go, people to see, and goals to accomplish! :D
    What bond is there between me and the world? I am like a rider on a summer day who takes shelter to rest under the shade of a tree, then goes on his way. ~ Profeti Muhamed Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam

  13. #33
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Veshtrusja
    11. 04. 2005

    Thanks for the tip! Tonight will be my turn ...

    PS: I hope you did well.
    Thanks I'm optimistic, shpresoj qe dhe ti :)


    I know everyone hears it alot, so I don't think you would mind me repeating it. Wear your safety belts while driving!!!! Yesterday a friend of mine got in a car accident while driving to work. He got a fractured arm and lost his left eye, (the socket of his eye got ruptured and therefore he lost his eyesight on this eye). If he had worn the seat belt then he would have been OK. Today, ONE day after the accident the doctors are releasing him from the hospital ?????? the beauty of american health care. It is scary when stuff like this hits close to home, It can and might happen to anyone of us so take all of the precautions that are available to you.

  14. #34
    In God I Trust! Maska e MisCongeniality
    Postuar dy here. Sorry guys.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga MisCongeniality : 16-04-2005 mė 23:04
    What bond is there between me and the world? I am like a rider on a summer day who takes shelter to rest under the shade of a tree, then goes on his way. ~ Profeti Muhamed Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam

  15. #35
    In God I Trust! Maska e MisCongeniality
    Dear Diary,

    Come closer, closer, closer, please! I have a secret to whisper into your ear. I don’t want the entire world to hear, so pay attention and don’t make me repeat….

    Now, you see dear diary, I don’t like it when you open your gates wide open to the entire world, allowing anyone and everyone to eve’s drop on our conversations. How do you expect me to tell you what truly is in my heart in front of so many people?

    You know dear diary, you are the storage box to my life-long experiences. You are the one whose cheeks I scratch with my anger and whose pages I tear with frustration. Into your very existence I carve my sorrows and glorious moments. In your company, I am the real ME, the person that very few have ever met. I lay down my iron shield and go about being myself because I know you don’t judge me. I can be wearing an old pair of pajamas, faded from overuse, and have my hair in a pony tail and you still find me adorable. In front of you, etiquette is a word without meaning. I can yell, scream and curse and you don’t think of me as impolite. I can sing on top of my lungs and you just listen mesmerized even though the tune is more like a crow’s screeching sound. I can eat my dinner straight out of the cooking pan and you just smile at my basic instincts. I carelessly wipe my tears off the shirt’s sleeve and you console me, offering another of your white pages to poor my sorrows into.

    Now you understand that if I talk to you while all these people are watching, it will either be about things I care less or about things I don’t mind the world knowing. So please offer no more. I will meet with you when the night has covered the city and the world has fallen asleep.
    However, before I go, here are some random thoughts for you….God is warming up my life, light is brightening up my room, and peace is finally settling into my soul. And oh, I also got internet at home. :D
    What bond is there between me and the world? I am like a rider on a summer day who takes shelter to rest under the shade of a tree, then goes on his way. ~ Profeti Muhamed Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam

  16. #36

    Have you ever thought to yourself: " 'I want to 'know', but then again I 'don't want to know' "? Is it really within "our control" to chose only those things which we wish to learn? On-and-off I keep wondering about the power of selection, choice compared to the power of, what should I call it, .... the power of life itself (?). Do we simply chose that which we desire to know or are there some things we learn regardless of whether we want to know them? The answer is obvious, I think.... What I find particularly funny is the fact that we often think we know that which we don't know only to be proven wrong at a later time. Does this mean, however, that at that later time we have learned that which we did not know before? Perhaps...

  17. #37

    Today is the perfect day, especially if you have a runny nose. It's perfect because you can stay underneath two blankets. Perfect because you can drink a cup of hot tea. With honey. It wouldn't be perfect without honey... and lemon, too. It's perfect because you can watch a movie. Even if you rent it for the second time, it's still perfect. It's perfect because it suits the mood, my mood...

  18. #38
    In God I Trust! Maska e MisCongeniality
    Dear diary,

    Let's get to the point. T.G.I.F!

    See you when I have nothing else better to do! And u know it won't happen during the weekend. :D
    What bond is there between me and the world? I am like a rider on a summer day who takes shelter to rest under the shade of a tree, then goes on his way. ~ Profeti Muhamed Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam

  19. #39
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Dear diary

    I am writing to you cause my day started so badly at work, untill...untill a person called me, and completely changed the course of this day.
    I am just happy, I have spent a whole evening in total happiness and I keep telling my self I am one lucky person.
    However, after the sun, always comes rain, and for I got to wake up for work tommorow, the feeling of fullfilness fades away and here comes cruel reality.
    Damn, if it could only last a little bit longer. :)
    Anyways, TGIF! (Thankg God It`s Friday)
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  20. #40
    In God I Trust! Maska e MisCongeniality
    Dear Diary,
    I hope Stormi gets a life-changing phone call every day of his life because he seems like a nice guy who deserves to be happy.
    He just has to learn to keep the memories fresh for a bit more than just a mere day 'cuz they might never come again! :)
    What bond is there between me and the world? I am like a rider on a summer day who takes shelter to rest under the shade of a tree, then goes on his way. ~ Profeti Muhamed Salallahu Alayhi Wa Salam

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