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  1. #1
    Crazy-Albanian Maska e Tony Montana

    New York To London For 54min !!!( E pabesueshme)

    Transatlantic Tunnel

    Nje magnetic tren qe do kaloj oqeanin Atlantik, ne Extreme
    Engeenering (dmth dicka qe mendohet te behet ne te ardhme)Do shkoj nga New York to London per 54 min me nje shpejtesi 5000mph ne nje tunnel 3100 mile i gjate ne Oqeanin Atlantik.Do jet 150m poshte nivelit te detit per asye te anijeve, dhe nje nga tunelet me gjate edhe gjithashtu do kushkoj triliona dollare!Si mund te behet dicka e tille? LExoni me poshte planat e shkenctarve!

    Utility Conduits
    The tunnel would be powered by electricity, which would have to be accessible for 3,100 miles.The utility condoit would house the electrical wiring.

    To reach from New York to London, the tunnel would be build of 54 000 prefabricated sections, connected by waterlight and vacuum-tight gasket and would take decades to complete.Each section'n outer skin would be constructed of stainless steel, followed by a thick layer of superbouyant foam.

    Service Port
    Anchored to the sea floor from below, the tunnel would hover at 150 feet below the sea surface.Above and below the tracks, service tubes would provide electrical power, communications and acces for repairs.The entire tunnel might require 1 billion tons of steel, cost $12 trillion, and take decades to build.

    Affords riders a (very) brief view of the ocean depths.

    Sea Anchor
    A floating tunnel has never been built, even on a small scale.To woek across the Atlantic Ocean would require that each section be anchored to the sea floor with tethers, more than 100 000 of whick would be required.They would have to let the tunnel float 150 feet below the surface, ideal to avoid ships and still minimaze pressure, and also to sway a bit under pressure.

    The interior of the tunnel would hold one track for eastbound(New York to London) trains, a separate track for westbound (London to New York) trains, nad a emergency auxiliary track.The train would not actually ride on the tracks, but woulder rather be magnetically suspended about an inch about the track.

    Vacuum Pump
    To travel at 5000 mph the trains could not encounter even basic air resistance.The system would have to be a perfect vacuum, which would be created by massive vacuum pumps.

    Maglev Train
    To make the tunnel feasible for traveling, trains would have to cary passengers at 20 times the speed of today's fastest trains.That would mean replacing wheels and rails with magnetics to lift, guide and propel the train.To counter g-forces, passengers on this "magnetic levitation" train would sit poviting, rotating seats.And each car would be like its own sealed spaceship.

    Kjo ishte edhe fundi i kesaj ideje madheshtore ose e nje arkitekture!
    Besoj se ju ka pelqyer,
    Se shpejti do u sjell dicka tjeter!
    Deri atehere ja kalofshi sa me mire.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga Tony Montana : 08-02-2004 mė 13:05

  2. #2
    Crazy-Albanian Maska e Tony Montana
    Kjo eshte nje pic qe gjeta ne Google!Pak e vogel por ska ne internet.Me vjen keq
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga Tony Montana : 08-02-2004 mė 13:11

  3. #3
    Crazy-Albanian Maska e Tony Montana

    Subways in America!

    Cdo dite 4.5 milion njerez levizin ne New York subways.
    Kjo eshte nje shifer teper e madhe edhe shkenctaret kane bere
    disa projkte per te rekonstructuar New York subways.Kane bere projekte per ti bere me te shpejta edhe gjithashtu qe te levizin nje shifer e madhe njerezish.Ky projekt eshte planifikuar te jet 140 kembe poshte GRAnd Central Station.
    Me poshte jane planet .( me vjen keq per punen e fotove por nuk ne ka ne internet)

    The New York subway sustem has some of the most
    extensive transport service yards in the
    world.It has some 7000 subways cars servicing
    468 stations along a subway line that is already
    more than 800miles long.

    Planners think that while they are boring through tons
    of granite schist deep below the city with special,
    rock-chewing tunnel boring machines, life will go on
    as usual above.But at its completion, the average subway
    trip from Long Island to Manhattan would be cut by some

    Central Station
    Plans for the future of the subway system include a massive
    new tunnel from Long Island to Manhattan that would
    culminate in a "mega-terminal" 140 feet below GRand Central
    Station.It would have eight tracks and four platforms,and also
    would be built to handle 80 000 cummuters a day.

    Digging new tunnels below New York City is easier said than done.To find unused real estate means taking new tracks 14 stories underground,whick will require blasting through granite.Why?Because subterranean
    New York already filled with sky scraper basements, 6,200miles of sewers and 32million utility lines.

    Transit Center
    The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center could have been much worse if not for the subway station below,which helped hunderds escape the area.Enguneers now plan a downtown transit center that will spread
    over 170,000 square feet and take seven years to complete.But it will help alleviate congestion in the busy area.

    Kjo ishte nje planifikim tjeter nga arkitektet per te bere levizjen e njerezve ne New York City me te shpejt edhe me te rehateshme.
    Ja kalofshi sa me mire

  4. #4
    Administratore Maska e Fiori
    Toni pergezime per temen (do te ishte me mire sikur materiali te ishte i perkthyer ne shqip).

    Disa projekte te tjera te inxhinjerise ekstreme jane dhe :

    Qyteti ne Qiell (Tokio)

    Ky qytet do mund te kete 35000 shtepi dhe do mbaje gati 100,000 punetore, studente dhe vizitore. Tani per tani ideja e ndertimit te nje qyteti ne qiell mund te duket pak e egzagjeruar por ne nje menyre eshte pergjigja e vetme per qytete te mbi populluara si Tokio.

    Ura Bering Strait

    Inxhinieret kane menduar per ndertimin e nje ure e cila do te lidhe Azine me Ameriken Veriore. Po tani per tani inxhinieret jane duke vrare mendjen si do mund te ndertojne dicka mbi 55 milje det dhe akull (duke pasur parasysh veshtiresite qe mund te hasen nga rrymat e uji etj).

    Keto lloj projektesh jane gati te pafund dhe vertet interesante nq se fillon studion menyren se si inxhinieret dhe arkitektet mendojne ti realizojne.

    Sot nuk kam shume kohe, po ndoshta ne ditet ne vazhdim mund te sjell me shume informacion!

  5. #5
    Crazy-Albanian Maska e Tony Montana

    Hi te gjitheve!

    Shume flm Fiori, sic the me lart edhe une skam pasur shume kohe per te perkthyer dmth per te vene nje informacion ne shqip.

    Por sado do mundohem te bej dicka!
    Ketu me poshte eshte dicka tjeter per nje project tjeter i cili ndodhet perseri ne Tokoy Bay.

    Qyteti ne Piramide. (qytet brenda ne piramide)

    Kjo eshte nje project i cili eshte shume interesant edhe une vecanerisht e pelqej shume.Kjo besoj eshte ideja/projecti me i bukur ose me fantastic qe shpresoj te realizohet.
    Imagjino nje qytet trekendesh (dmth qyteti brenda nje trekendeshi) te jete 12 here me i madh se Piramida e Giza's ne Egypt, e bere nga robotet...edhe te ket 750 000 banues ne gradacelat.

    Ne kete qytet sdo kete makina, mjetet e levizjeve do jene PeRsonal Rapid Transit(eshte nje lloj treni i vogel, me dy vagona i cili do jet electronic.

    Ky qytet gjigand do kete nje bazament shtylla betoni, te cilat do jene 100 here me te renda se nje pirame.Keto shtylla betoni qe do ndertohen per bazamentin e ketij qyteti.Do behen kastile per kete piramide edhe Arctitectet duan qe te perdorin shtylla betoni per te mos prishur boten nen ujore edhe gjithashtu do jene te forta.

    Robotet ne kete project do luajne rolin me te madh te punes, ata do bejne punet me rezikshme edhe me te veshtira.Gjithashtu ata do e bejne punen edhe me te shpejt.

    Kjo piramide do ket edhe shume ashensora te cilet do levizin njerezit ne ane te ndryshme te piramides.Ketu ne kete qytet gjithashtu do jene edhe walkways te cilat do jene me shpejta se keto te diteve te socme.

    Shkencataret edhe arkitectet duan qe ky qytet ti rezistoje termeteve, dallgeve, stuhive.

    Me shume respect tony

  6. #6
    PEDAGOG Maska e Pyes_Lotin
    ..Ender e mbuluar me sfond te erret me duket...

    Jam JETUS jo TREGUS!.

  7. #7
    Crazy-Albanian Maska e Tony Montana
    Seshte ender o drilon, eshte behet se shpejti!Shiko titullin me lart!

Tema tė Ngjashme

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