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  1. #41
    Nderi i Universit Maska e Gostivari_usa
    Atje ku nuk me gjeni dot!
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga The Boy Lexo Postimin
    o Gostivar, o ti vella musliman, SHIJAT jane ata qe thone qe Kur`ani vazhdon te shpallet akoma edhe sot edhe kesaj dite, SHIJAT jane ata qe shajne, ofendojne SAHABET e te Derguarit te Allahut, SHIJAT more Gostivar vellai, jane ata qe deklarojne dhe besojne se Engjelli FISNIK dhe Besnik = Xhibrili alejhi selam e ka ngaterruar SHPALLJEN dhe ne vend qe tja transmetonte KUR`ANIN ALIUT, ia transmetoi Muhammedit, dhe keshtu ata vazhdojne te thone edhe sot e gjithe diten dhe gjithe naten, ata ne kete menyre e Mohojne Kur`anin dhe Sunnetin duek rene ne KUFER te hapur, SHIJAT jane sekti me larg sunnetit dhe me larg ISLAMIT AUTENTIK nga te gjithe sektet e tjera te devijuara, SHIJAT jo vetem qe kane ngjashmeri me cifutet, porse DIJETARET ISLAME te te gjitha koherave i kane cilesuar SHIJAT si me te keqinj se cifutet, E THEKSOJ DIJETARET ISLAM TE TE GJITHA KOHERAVE, dhe jo vetem keta "dijetaret saudite" qe i shan ti dhe i ke inat, se ashtu te kane mesuar ty dhe ashtu te kane edukuar, nuk ke shuem faj ti. Une po ti them keto fjale me shpresen se do te mendohesh dhe do te reflektosh dhe do te interesohesh me teper per te marre DIJE rreth ISLAMIT, dhe rreth HADITHEVE dhe fjaleve te DIJETAREVE TE NDERUAR MUSLIMANE qe kane sqaruar realitetin e SHIJAVE. Allahu te udhezofte dhe te drejtoifte qe ti kuptosh ceshtjet mire dhe sakte, dhe te befte te sinqerte ne gjetjen e SE VERTETES dhe jo qe te kundershtosh kot me inat, apo me mllef apo me ironi dhe sarkazem. Allahu i ruajte muslimanet nga sherri i shijave....Allahu i udhezofte shijat nese e duan udhezimin, e nese nuk e duan, Allahu ua thyyefte shpinen atyre, por argumentet tregojne qe ata do te shkaterrohen ne lufterat qe do te zhvilloje IMAM MEHDIU...
    Okay , pik se pari dua te ndalem pak tek ato pjese te postimit tend qe i kam be bold.
    Ti thua qe shijat predikojne se Kurani akoma shpallet!!! A ka mundesi qe ta vertetojsh kete me fakte?!! Me trego ku te gjej nje "Kuran" te tyre dhe ta krahasoj me kete qe kemi ne , nqs se Kurani por ato akoma shpallej te paketn ne Kuranin e tyre nese nuk gjejm nje sure te re, te pakten do te gjejm nje ajet qe ato e kane ne "Kuranin" e tyre e ne se kemi ne Kuranin tone!!!

    Sa i perket ceshtjes se dyte, se Shijat i shajn sahabet, kjo eshte e vertete, dhe sa kam une njohuri keta mlefin me te madhe e kane kunder Ebu Bekrit.
    Por sidoqofte nese je i drejte do te pranojsh se keto sharje nk burojne nga Kurani por burojne nga ndatsite e tyre politike!!!
    POLITIKE , qe skane te bejne me fene, por qe kishin te bejn me interesat e vecante te disave qe kishin nje pozite ne komunitetin musliman.
    Dhe ti e di fort mire qe pas vdekjes se profetit muslimanet u ndane ne dy grupe. Grupi i pare favorizonte sahabet e profetit dhe grupi i dyte favorizonte familjes e profetit.
    Nga adhuruesit e grupit te pare sot kemi SUNIZMIN dhe nga adhuruesit e grupit te dyte sot kemi SHIIZMIN!!! Keto qe ti them jane fakte te vertetuara historike okay.
    Secili grup permes "dijetareve" te tyre me baterija mundoheshte qe te diskteditoj grupin tjeter, dhe per kete nje rol te madh luajten hadithet, sepse i interpretonin ato ashtu si u leverdiste atyre, dhe ne raste kur hadithet per X ceshtje nuk ekzistonin keta e krijonin nje vete, vetem e vetem qe anes kmundershtare ti thonin se ne kemi mbeshtetjen e profetit!!!!

    I njejti profet sipas haditheve ka VDEKUR TRE HERE , E JO NJE!!!
    Pse e them kete , e them ngase amaneti i profetit eshte regjistruar ne tre variante te ndryshme!!!

    Varianti i pare te cilen e urejne edhe sunit edhe shijat ( dhe te cilen perkrah une ) thot se PROFETI KA LENE PER NE VETEM KURANIN!!! VETEM KURANIN DHE ASGJE ME SHUM!!!!
    Lexoj hadithet ne te cilat mbeshtetesh ti dhe do ta gjesh kete hadith, te garantoj.

    Pershkak se ky hadith nuk ka zgejdhur problemin e krijuar mes dy grupeve, secili grup e ka modifikuar kete hadith, sunit ketij hadithi i kane shtuar fjalen SUNETIN TIM qe ti mbrojne pozitat e tyre, ndersa shijat i kane shtuar ketij hadithi fjalen FAMILJEN TIME me qellim qe ti mbrojne pozitat e tyre.

    Nese nuk ka ndodhur keshtu, ateher profeti ka lene amanetin e pare , ka vdekur , pastaj eshte ringjallur, ka thir besimtaret perseri ne kuvend , ka lene amanetine fundit persedyti duke shtuar fjalen Sunet, ka vdekur , eshte ngjallur perseri , i ka mbledhur shijat rreth tij , ua ka be qefin atyre, ka lene amanetin e fundit dhe ka shtuar fjalen FAMILJEN E TIJ dhe ka vdekur !!!!


    Profeti The Boy ka lene nje amanet te fundit e jo tre qe qarkullojne sot. Dy jane te shpifura edhe me garancion!!! Ti ke per detyre , jo vetem ti , por cdo musliman ne bote te perdori trurin dhe te kuptoj se cilat variante jane te shpifura.

    Tani sa i perket shpalljes, perseri je gabim. Une nuk e di se nga i merr keto informata , por nese te intereson se si besojne shijat, besom duhet ti pyesish ata e jo ca vehabista qe kane per qellim te perhapin percarje midis muslimaneve.
    Edhe pse nuk jam shia, nuk jam as suni sa per info, jam MUSLIMAN, por i di bazat e besimit si te sunive si te shijave.
    Shijat psh besojne se A.S. Muhamedi ka qene profeti i fundit , dhe i vetmi dallim midis sunive dhe shijave eshte se shijat i japin nje autoritet hyjnor R.A. Aliut duke e quajtur ate "Vahid" ( nese jam i sigurt dmth njeri qe Zoti ka sjellur ne Toke per te siguruar se ligji i Allahut do te zbatohet midis njerezve) , por asnje shia nuk thot se Allahu ka be gabim, dhe se shpalljen me gabim ia ka shpallur A.S. Muhamedit e jo Aliut R.A. Kjo eshte genjeshter asgje me shum.

    E sa i perket dijetareve, mvaret per cilet dijetar flet dhe mvaret nga cili tabor po vijne keta dijetar!!!
    Nese ti pret qe nje dijetar Shia ti levderoj sunit , ke per te prit edhe gjate kohe , dhe me e keqja sdo te ndodhi kurre.
    Dhe e njejta vlen per dijetaret suni, nese ti pret qe ndonje dijatar suni ti levderoj shijat , ska per te ndodhur kurre kjo , as mos e diskuto.
    Pra puna e dijetareve eshte se ato mbrojne pozitat e grupit qe perfaqesojne, asgje me shum dhe asgje me pak.

    Me Respekt

  2. #42
    i/e regjistruar

    Shijat jane me te devotshem se Sunitet

    A ka Fe me te cilter e me te delire sesa Feja e Shijave?
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga BEDR : 27-09-2009 mė 15:19
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  3. #43
    i/e regjistruar
    A ka me te afert me Familjen e Pejgamberit alejhi selam sesa Shijat?
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  4. #44
    i/e regjistruar
    Shijat i duan Femijet!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  5. #45
    Musliman Shqiptar Maska e pejani34
    njerz te mallkum

  6. #46
    Gostivari :
    Ti thua qe shijat predikojne se Kurani akoma shpallet!!! A ka mundesi qe ta vertetojsh kete me fakte?!! Me trego ku te gjej nje "Kuran" te tyre dhe ta krahasoj me kete qe kemi ne , nqs se Kurani por ato akoma shpallej te paketn ne Kuranin e tyre nese nuk gjejm nje sure te re, te pakten do te gjejm nje ajet qe ato e kane ne "Kuranin" e tyre e ne se kemi ne Kuranin tone!!!
    Gostivari pasi ti merr vesh anglisht dhe un nuk kam mundėsi ta pėrkthejt tėrė materijalin se nė ēfar Kur'ani besojnė shijat ja lexoje vetė kėtė mė poshtė :
    001. Neither we accept such Lord nor do we accept the Prophet of such Lord whose Caliph is Abu-Bakr ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#278 - Published Iran]

    002. None of the Prophets (a.s) had been bestowed with the Prophet Hood until He declared His belief in the fallacy character of ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#265 - Published Iran]

    003. Disclaimer to the doctrines that fate, benediction and vice belong to ALLAH (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#293 - Published Iran]

    004. The fourteen innocents (Ma'sumeen) are incomparable and unprecedented like ALLAH. (Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#2 - Published Lahore]

    005. There is no difference between ALLAH and Ali (r.a) such as in the virtues for; The master of Khatim-e-Suleman, The Master of Doomsday, The master of Siraat (The Bridge over Hell) and Renaissance Field, The Creator of leaves on the trees, The one who ripens the fruits, The one who continued fountains, The one who made drift in the canals (Na'uzubillah). [ Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

    006. To call ALLAH Omnipresent and Omniscient is against faith (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

    007. Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his descendants are omnipresent and omniscient, and it is only theirs quality, not of ALLAH's (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

    008. ALLAH when talks about blessings, does so in Persian and when talks about persecution does so in Arabic (Na'uzubillah) . [Tareekh-e-Islam, Pg#163 – Published Lahore]

    009. Shiite confession of faith "LA ILAHA IL-ALLAH-U MUHAMMAD-UR RASOOL-ULLAH ALI-UN WALI-ULLAH WASI-U RASOOL-ULLAH WA KHALIFA-TU BILA FASL" (Na'uzubillah) . [Tohfa Namaz Ja'fariyah, Pg#10 – Published Lahore]

    010. Wherever Quran referred the word "RABB", it meant as Ali (r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#66 – Published Lahore]

    011. Original Quran will not come into view till the manifestation of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12 th Imam) (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#360 - Published Iran ]

    012. Collectors of Quran eliminated virtues of Prophet's progeny from Surah Al-Ahzab which was about to the length of Surah Al-Bakrah (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#66 - Published Iran]

    013. Usman (r.a) made alteration in Surah Al-Rehman by eliminating words "MINKUM" (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#525 - Published Iran]

    014. Quran has been purposely altered by the drunkard Caliphs {Abu-Bakr ( r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a)}; The present Quran is false; It's the duty of Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) to bring it in its original form; When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will come, then the Quran will be recited in its original form (Na'uzubillah) . [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#12, Pg#384 – Published India]

    015. "ILAA AJALIN-MUSAMMA" has been removed from the Quran (Na'uzubillah) . [Muta'h Aur Salahuddin A'ybi, Pg#60 – Published Karachi]

    016. Quranic verses were not arranged by Abu-Bakr (r.a) in the same order as that in which it was revealed {hence Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran and present day Quran is incorrect} (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#134 – Published Karachi]

    017. After the death of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) original Quran was in the possession of Ali ( r.a) which he brought before Abu-Bakr (r.a) but He refused to prevail such version that is why Muslim Ummah was deprived of original Quran (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#138 – Published Karachi]

    018. To provide reasoning to "WATI-FIL-DUBR" changes were made in the Quranic comprehension (Na'uzubillah) . [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#415 – Published Iran]

    019. The present (false) Quran doesn't mentions the name of "Pakistan" however ours (SHIAs) true Quran even have the name of "Pakistan" (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazar Tumhari Das Hamari, Pg#554 – Published Karachi]

    020. Shiites scholars believe that Ali (r.a) and all his innocent patriarchs are superior to all Prophets ( a.s) except Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#70 - Published Iran]

    021. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will come out of his cave he will be naked like a newborn and the first person who shall take the oath of allegiance on his hands will be the Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

    022. The greatest slander upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) of sexual intercourse… (Na'uzubillah) . [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#119 – Published Iran]

    023. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) used to perform Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) (Na'uzubillah) . [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#118 – Published Iran]

    024. On the night of consummation of marriage of Ali (r.a) and Fatima ( r.a), Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) instructed them not to start their work (sexual intercourse) until He arrives their (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#1, Pg#251 – Published Multan]

    025. Ali (r.a) and other Ahlul Bayt (r.a) are equal in the rank with Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) and are superior to all other Prophets (a.s) (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

    026. After ALLAH and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) only Holy Descendants ( r.a) reached the height of saintliness, rest all other Prophets (a.s) and Angels (a.s) lie below their ranks (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#29 – Published Lahore]

    027. Jibrael (Gabriel) used to talk with Fatima (r.a) {after the death of Muhammad ( s.a.w.w)} (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#1, Pg#198 – Published Multan]

    028. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and his Holy Descendants (r.a ) are not the offspring of Adam (a.s) (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

    029. Adam (a.s)'s prayers were accepted on the mediation of Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w), Ali (r.a), Fatima (r.a), Hasan (r.a) and Hussain (r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

    030. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) had some purpose to acquiesce Usman ( r.a) with Himself otherwise that man was of no use to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Na'sal Ko Qatal *** Do, Pg#129 – Published Karachi]

    031. Adam (a.s) became Infidel due to His jealousy (Na'uzubillah). [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#428 - Published Iran]

    032. Ali (r.a) possesses same rights as were kept by Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#380 - Published Iran]

    033. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) taught Taqiyyah (conceal the facts) to Abu-Zar Ghaffari ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Char Yaar, Pg#92 – Published Karachi]

    034. The rank of Imams (12 Imams) is higher than every Prophet ( a.s) and every Angel (a.s) (Na'uzubillah) . [Hakumat-e-Islamiah , Pg#52 – Published Iran]

    035. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)'s house was like that of dirge player's house (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

    036. What was the compulsion on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) that He used to do intercourse with Ayesha ( r.a) during her menses? (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#63 – Published Lahore]

    037. What the lady "Zulekhah", Ayesha (r.a) had got that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w ) despite having coeval wives or other young ladies, married with a nine years old little mother at His age of fifty (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

    038. Slander to Ali (r.a) to declare rape as a dogmatic matrimonial (Na'uzubillah) . [Fir'o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#467 – Published Iran]

    039. One who does not consider Ali (r.a) as the first Caliph (successor) is an apostate (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#264 - Published Iran]

    040. To marry Umm-e-Kulsoom (r.a) with Umar (r.a) was a subterfuge on the part of Ali ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81-82 - Published Iran]

    041. Penis proclaimed the Imamate (patriarchate) of Ali (r.a ) (Na'uzubillah) . [Aasar-e-Haidery, Pg#557 – Published Lahore]

    042. When the last era will come, Ali (r.a) will appear (Na'uzubillah) [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#603 - Published Lahore]

    043. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a cattle who will arise from earth before the Doomsday) (Na'uzubillah) . [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#602 - Published Lahore ]

    044. Ayesha (r.a) was an American Lady or any European Madam? (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#64 – Published Lahore]

    045. Hafsa (r.a), a bad natured woman, was accepted by Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w)… She was a pig-faced woman (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#124 – Published Lahore]

    046. Ali (r.a) is Dabat-ul-Arz (a four-legged animal) (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#336 - Published Iran]

    047. When Imam Mehdi will appear, he will first dig out Ayesha ( r.a) from Her grave and will reprehend her (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#347 - Published Iran]

    048. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) who gave poison to Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#700 – Published Iran]

    049. Ayesha (r.a) and Shiites Imam performed Muta'h (a form of temporary marriage regarded as illegitimate in Islam) (Na'uzubillah) . [Jawaz-e-Muta' h, Pg#78 – Published Bhakkar]

    050. Jealousy, hatred and resentment were the attributes of Ayesha ( r.a)'s nature (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#40]

    051. Ayesha (r.a) use to misbehave, oppose, talk louder, babble and slander on Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#70]

    052. The youth of this misfortune {Ayesha (r.a)} would have spoil the old age of Mua'zzamah (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#88]

    053. Ayesha (r.a) used to babble and fight with Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#53]

    054. On not arriving of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), Ayesha ( r.a) suffered with the fits of madness and passion (Na'uzubillah) . [Hazrat Ayesha Ki Tareekhi Haisiyat, Pg#54]

    055. After the death when Angels of grave start questioning then Maula's {Ali ( r.a)} chair is being brought and sins are pardoned only after recognizing him (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

    056. Sheikheen (r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) & Umar (r.a)}, Hafsa ( r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) gave poison to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#28, Pg#894 – Published India]

    057. Ayesha (r.a) for the first time initiated the war customs (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#275 – Published Karachi]

    058. Ayesha (r.a) was a malicious and short-tempered woman (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#289 – Published Karachi]

    059. Abu-Moosa Asha'ri (r.a) and Ayesha (r.a) had become apostate by narrating forged Hadiths (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#475 – Published Karachi]

    060. Ayesha (r.a) used to say that kill the Na'sal {Usman ( r.a)} because he has become a Infidel (Na'uzubillah) . [Na'sal Ko Qatal *** Do, Pg#Preface – Published Karachi]

    061. Ayesha (r.a)'s heart was blacked-out (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#30 – Published Karachi]

    062. Ayesha (r.a) had such an opposition with Usman (r.a) that she ordered for his murder (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#31 – Published Karachi]

    063. Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) played a cunning game like fox upon Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#69 – Published Lahore]

    064. O Sunnis! Is Ayesha (r.a) a woman or a female monkey? (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#67 – Published Lahore]

    065. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will resurrect Sheikheen ( r.a) {Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a)} and punish them by hanging on the tree (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#361 - Published Iran]

    066. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear, before other nonbelievers, he will kill Ahl-e-Sunnah and Ahl-e-Sunnah scholars (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#527 - Published Iran]

    067. Imams used to say Salam to each other while taking bath (Na'uzubillah) . [Hulya-tul-Muttaqee n, Pg#118 - Published Iran]

    068. Imams are not born through the womb of their mothers but they are born from the sides of their mothers (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#474 – Published Lahore]

    069. Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) recited Holy Quran and called Salam in the womb of his mother (Na'uzubillah) . [Jila-ul-A'yoon, Vol#2, Pg#475 – Published Lahore]

    070. Imams are also innocent like the Prophets (a.s) (Na'uzubillah) . [Tohfa Namaz Ja'fariyah, Pg#28 – Published Lahore]

    071. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba was the first who declared the faith in Imamat and that Ali ( r.a) is the true God (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#234 - Published Iran]

    072. We (Imams) among ALLAH's creatures are His eyes and among His servants (human being) the people of command (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#260 - Published Iran]

    073. In the early Islamic period due to Taqiyyah (subterfuge) , Shiites scholars used to hide the Hadiths (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#92 - Published Iran]

    074. To weep on the vulnerability of Imams and to hide the secrets is like Holy crusade (Jihad) (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#283 - Published Iran]

    075. World cannot exist without Imam (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#233 - Published Iran]

    076. Imams know all what happened earlier and what is about to happen and nothing remains hidden to them (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#10 - Published Iran]

    077. Without knowing the Imam, God cannot be proved (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#331 - Published Iran]

    078. Imam knows the time of his death and dies by his own will (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#23 - Published Iran]

    079. Imam has greater qualities than the Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#299-300 - Published Iran]

    080. Imams are equal in the status with Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w ) (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#287 - Published Iran]

    081. Imam get revelations (WAHI by ALLAH) (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#329-330 - Published Iran]

    082. In the state of Taqiyyah (subterfuge) whatever Imam says just obey him and act accordingly (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#1, Pg#72 - Published Iran]

    083. The Angels reveal upon Imams in the Shab-e-Qadr (Na'uzubillah) . [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#569 - Published Lahore]

    084. When Imam Mehdi (SHIAs 12th Imam) will appear there will be only forty perfect believers (Mo'min) in the world (Na'uzubillah) . [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#571 - Published Lahore]

    085. All Angels, Jibrail (a.s) {Gabriel (a.s)} and Mikail (a.s) will take the oath of allegiance upon Imam Mehdi's (SHIAs 12 th Imam) hand (Na'uzubillah) . [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#594 - Published Lahore]

    086. After Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w)'s death all his disciples except four became apostate (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#81 - Published Iran]

    087. Umar (r.a) told to Satan that he had invaded the Caliphate of Ali ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#1, Pg#82 - Published Iran]

    088. Ali (r.a) imprecated Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) to ruin in life and thereafter (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#189 - Published Iran]

    089. The first three Caliphs (r.a) and other Sahabah (r.a) became apostate due to the denial of Ali ( r.a)'s prophecy (Na'uzubillah) . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#2, Pg#184 - Published Iran]

    090. Mua'wiyah (r.a) can be associated with whole vice (Na'uzubillah) . [Ay As As, Pg#35 – Published Karachi]

    091. Sahabah (r.a) brought disgrace upon Islam in Uhad War (Na'uzubillah) . [Ay As As, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

    092. Ja'far Sadiq (r.t.a) never stood up from the prayer mat unless he had not sent curse upon Abu-Bakr ( r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua'wiyah (r.a), Ayesha (r.a), Hafsa (r.a), Hind (r.a) and Umm-ul-Hakm (r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [A'yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#599 – Published Iran]

    093. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w), except three all the Sahabah ( r.a) have become apostate (Na'uzubillah) . [A'yn-ul-Hayat, Pg#3 – Published Iran]

    094. The first after Satan who had accepted his religion is Abu-Bakr ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#18 – Published Lahore]

    095. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was of the same belief which was founded by Satan (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#22 – Published Lahore]

    096. We have only La'nat (curse) and Tabbarah (imprecation) for Abu-Hurairah ( r.a) like narrators (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#20 – Published Lahore]

    097. Mua'wiyah (r.a) was a disgraced character (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#65 – Published Lahore]

    098. Mua'wiyah (r.a) and Abu-Hurairah (r.a) were infidels and apostates (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#79 – Published Lahore]

    099. Sahabah (r.a)'s testimonial cannot save them from imprecation (Na'uzubillah) . [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#32 – Published Lahore]

    100. Sahabah (r.a) were not blessed according to the Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w)'s Hadiths (Na'uzubillah) . [Char Yaar, Pg#68 – Published Karachi]

    101. Some Sahabah (r.a) performed evil deeds; they did the acts of stealing, rape and telling a lie (Na'uzubillah) . [Char Yaar, Pg#64 – Published Karachi]

    102. Ayesha (r.a) use to compare Usman (r.a) with a Jew named Na'sal and say that he should be killed (Na'uzubillah) . [Chouda Sitaray, Pg#584 - Published Lahore ]

    103. The caliphate of first three caliphs is like the penis of donkey (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#72 – Published Lahore]

    104. Sahabah (r.a) made innovations in the religion after Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w), cut Islam into pieces and minced the Shari'ah (Islamic Jurisprudence) (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

    105. Sodomy was very common among various Sahabah (r.a); for e.g. Waleed bin Mugha'irah, Umar (r.a)… (Na'uzubillah) . [Haqiqat Fiqah-e-Hanafiah Dar Jawab Fiqah-e-Jafariyah, Pg#59 – Published Lahore]

    106. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a) and Usman (r.a) will enter into hell through a special door (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#500 - Published Iran]

    107. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a) and Mua'wiyah will be persecuted severely than other hellish people (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#503 - Published Iran]

    108. Abu-Bakr (r.a), Umar (r.a), Usman (r.a), Mua'wiyah (r.a ), Ayesha (r.a) and Hafsa (r.a) are the worst creatures (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#519 - Published Iran]

    109. Abbas (r.a) and Aqeel (r.a) were weak believers and men of mean spirit (Na'uzubillah) . [Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol#2, Pg#618 – Published Iran]

    110. There is no difference in the faith of Abu-Bakar and in the faith of Satan (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#93 – Published Lahore]

    111. Abu-Hurairah (r.a) was the greatest liar who associated false Hadiths to Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w) (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#442 – Published Lahore]

    112. Mua'wiyah (r.a) was apostate, the greatest non believer and a corrupt man (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

    113. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was a puppet in the hands of Umar (r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#92 – Published Lahore]

    114. Mua'wiyah (r.a) is being burnt inside a coffin beneath the interior most part of the hell and if Pharaoh (Firo'un) would have not said "INNA RABBI-KUM-UL- A'LA" there would be no one below Mua'wiyah ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#316 – Published Lahore]

    115. Mua'wiyah (r.a)'s mother and granny were prostitutes (Na'uzubillah) . [Kaleed-e-Manazrah, Pg#301 – Published Lahore]

    116. Usman (r.a) protested against Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w ) and disobeyed him (Na'uzubillah) . [Quran Translation by Maqbool Hussain Delhvi, Chap#30, Pg#934 – Published India]

    117. Quran does not show the superiority of Abu-Bakr (r.a) but the infidelity of Abu-Bakr ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Manazarah Hussainiyah, Pg#47 – Published Lahore]

    118. Zubair bin Al-Awam (r.a) is the breed of Muta'h (temporary marriage illegitimate according to Islam) (Na'uzubillah) . [Muta'h Aur Salahuddin A'ybi, Pg#24 – Published Karachi]

    119. Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cunning person (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#339 – Published Karachi]

    120. Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a) made naked himself… (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

    121. Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a liar and a miser (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#147 – Published Karachi]

    122. Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a)'s mother was a big liar. [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#146 – Published Karachi]

    123. Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a) was a cheater. [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#245 – Published Karachi]

    124. Abu-Moosa Asha'ri and Umr'o bin Al-Aas (r.a) were hypocrites and traitors (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#474 – Published Karachi]

    125. The history of the first three Caliphs was full of ignorance, stupidity, brutality, bribery and sinfulness (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#252 – Published Karachi]

    126. How unfortunate are these Talha (r.a), Zubair (r.a) and Ayesha ( r.a)! (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

    127. Mua'wiyah used to feign and wile (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#421 – Published Karachi]

    128. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) himself passed the orders of Mua'wiyah ( r.a)'s murder (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

    129. Mua'wiyah (r.a)'s all army men were foul-natured, bastards, wile and non-believers (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#473 – Published Karachi]

    130. Mugha'irah bin Shaiba (r.a) himself and his father were hypocrites and imps (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#775 – Published Karachi]

    131. Mugha'irah bin Shaiba (r.a) was very unfortunate in faith and Islam and he left this world in the same state (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#258 – Published Karachi]

    132. Rural-ship of a villager is better than the piety of Sahabah ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#432 – Published Karachi]

    133. Talha (r.a) and Zubair (r.a) were seditious, vicious and dissentious persons who could commit any crime for wealth and power (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#443 – Published Karachi]

    134. Among a few extremely remorseful and shameful characters of the world, one is of Zubair ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Nehj-ul-Bala' gah, Pg#48 – Published Karachi]

    135. Usman (r.a) reaped whatever he sew (Na'uzubillah) . [Na'sal Ko Qatal *** Do, Pg#108 – Published Karachi]

    136. Usman (r.a)'s mother was a prostitute (Na'uzubillah) . [Na'sal Ko Qatal *** Do, Pg#18 – Published Karachi]

    137. I dare say that today's Iranic Nation is far better than the people of Hijaz (Sahabah) in Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w)'s era (Na'uzubillah) . [Sahifah-e-Inqalab {Khomeini's last will and testament}, Pg#46]

    138. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was habitual of using foul-mouth and giving abuses (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#148 – Published Karachi]

    139. Abu-Bakr (r.a) used to abuse very often (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#21 – Published Karachi]

    140. Abu-Bakr (r.a) had no religious status (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#8 – Published Karachi]

    141. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was like Halaku and Changez (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#10 – Published Karachi]

    142. Abu-Bakr (r.a) was only curious about the money in his Caliphate (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#142 – Published Karachi]

    143. Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar (r.a) were culpable and unforgiving (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#159 – Published Karachi]

    144. Mua'wiyah (r.a) killed Ayesha (r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#32 – Published Karachi]

    145. Umar (r.a) not even liked Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) and His daughter (Na'uzubillah) . [Sheikh-e-Saqifah, Pg#94 – Published Karachi]

    146. Starting from the day first, Umar (r.a) is responsible for the hostilities and blood-shedding among the Muslims (Na'uzubillah) . [Waqi'a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#63 – Published Karachi]

    147. Umar (r.a) passed humiliating sentences upon Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.w)'s sayings (Na'uzubillah) . [Waqi'a Qirtas Aur Kirdar-e-Umar, Pg#67 – Published Karachi]

    148. Abbas (r.a)'s false allegations upon Abu-Bakr (r.a) and Umar ( r.a) (Na'uzubillah) . [Wohi Mujrim Wohi Munsif, Pg#75]

    149. Umar (r.a) was sent to Hell on 9th Rab'i-ul-Awwal (Na'uzubillah) . [Zaad-ul-Mua' d, Pg#404 – Published Iran]

    150. Curse upon Ayesha (r.a) and Umar (r.a); Mua'wiyah (r.a ) was sent to Hell on 22nd Rajab so this day must be celebrated (with Koondas) (Na'uzubillah) . [Zaad-ul-Mua' d, Pg#34 – Published Iran]

    151. Last diet of Umar (r.a)'s was Vine (Na'uzubillah) . [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#241 – Published Lahore]

    152. Umar (r.a) belonged to such family in which mothers and sisters are made as wives (Na'uzubillah) . [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#306 – Published Lahore]

    153. Umar (r.a) is the lock of Hell, it was better if he would be the gate (Na'uzubillah) . [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#430 – Published Lahore]

    154. Umar (r.a) and Waleed Bin Mugha'irah (r.a) were she-gay (Na'uzubillah) . [Sehm Masmoom, Pg#246 – Published Lahore]

    155. Nikkah is valid without the witnesses. [Fir'o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#5, Pg#387 – Published Iran]

    156. Quran can be recited in toilet (Na'uzubillah) . [Fir'o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#502 – Published Iran]

    157. By hiding the private parts with only hand, Sattr can be achieved. [Fir'o-ul-Kaafi, Vol#6, Pg#501 – Published Iran]

    158. What so ever the Ahl-e-Sunnah scholar tells about some query, to do its opposite is SHIA religion . [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#3, Pg#55 - Published Iran]

    159. According to SHIA scholars, Ahl-e-Sunnah are worse and dirtiest infidels than the Jews or Christians or Majoos (Na'uzubillah). [Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#306 - Published Iran]

    160. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the true religion . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#332 - Published Iran]

    161. Taqiyyah (concealing the facts) is the part of belief . [Usool-ul-Kaafi, Vol#3, Pg#328 - Published Iran]

    162. By not reciting "ALI-UN-WALI- ULLAH", Ahl-e-Sunnah are not Mo'min (Na'uzubillah). [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#13 – Published Lahore]

    163. ALLAH produces 70 Angels from the couple who perform Muta'h which keep on praying for them (Na'uzubillah). [Chara'gh-e- Mustafvi Aur Sharar Bu-Lehbi, Pg#85 – Published Lahore]

    164. Ahl-e-Sunnah (Nasibi) are worse than dog in front of ALLAH (Na'uzubillah) . [Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Pg#516 - Published Iran]

    165. Black dress is the dress of people of Hell (Na'uzubillah) . [Hulya-tul-Muttaqee n, Pg#8 - Published Iran]

    166. Leavings of Ahl-e-Sunnah' s are as Haram then any other Non-Muslim. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#1 ,Pg#8 - Published Iran]

    167. Niece and Aunts can remain in Nikkah at a time. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#4 ,Pg#260 - Published Iran]

    168. Donkey's flesh is Halal. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#4 ,Pg#213 - Published Iran]

    169. Black dress is the dress of Firo'un. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#1 ,Pg#163 - Published Iran]

    170. No witness is required in the Nikkah as GOD Himself is. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#4 ,Pg#251 - Published Iran]

    171. Present Azaan is correct, curse be upon Mafoodha who innovated "ALI-UN-WALI- ULLAH" in Azaan. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#1 ,Pg#188 - Published Iran]

    172. There is no right for Ahl-e-Sunnah in Islam so Nikkah with them is also Haram. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#3 ,Pg#258 - Published Iran]

    173. Istinja (washing of private parts) with Saliva is legitimate. [Malla Yahzur-ul-Faqeeh (Fiqah-e-Jafariyah) , Vol#1 ,Pg#41 - Published Iran]

    174. Announcement of SHIA Kalimah; reciting "LA-ILAHA-ILL- ALLAHU-MUHAMMAD- UR-RASOOL- ULLAH" is not the sign of Iman. [Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Pg#3 – Published Lahore]

    175. Neither Fasting is spoiled nor Bath (Ghusl) is subjected by doing un-natural things with a women. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#460 – Published Iran]

    176. Own female servant can be given to someone temporarily for Muta'h practices. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#244 – Published Iran]

    177. Muta'h can also be done with Non-Muslims. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#256 – Published Iran]

    178. A man can even take benefit (by doing Muta'h) from a woman for about an hour or so. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#266 – Published Iran]

    179. Muta'h (illegitimate temporary marriage) has no accountability; it can be done with 1000 even. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#258-259 – Published Iran]

    180. Imams use to order openly for Muta'h. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#253 – Published Iran]

    181. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#302 – Published Iran]

    182. Ahl-e-Sunnah are infidels (Kafir) so Nikkah with them is illegitimate and their slaughtered animals are also Haram. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#303 – Published Iran]

    183. Muta'h (illegitimate temporary marriage) is legitimate even for the sake of a piece of wood. [Tehzeeb-ul- Ahkaam, Vol#7, Pg#267 – Published Iran]

    184. MEHRAM male and female can see each other's body. [Tohfa Namaz Ja'fariyah, Pg#292 – Published Lahore]
    Fitorja e vėrtetė i takon Allahut dhe besimtarėve por qafirat kėtė nuk e kuptojnė.

  7. #47
    i/e regjistruar

    Vellazeria mdisi Shijave!

    Shijat kane unitet te pashembullt mes veti. Kudo neper Iran mbizoteron dashuria. Ata e duan njeri-tjetrin, ndryshe na c'bejne sunitet qe theren dhe hidhen ne ere per hesap te grupacionit apo partise, al-kaeda, hamas, taleban etc. Merrni mesim o ju sunita, mesone Islamin e vertet!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga BEDR : 27-09-2009 mė 23:27
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  8. #48
    i/e regjistruar
    Kush eshte Feja me e paster: e Suniteve apo e Shijave? Dihet ai muhabet, padyshim Feja e Shijave!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga BEDR : 27-09-2009 mė 23:22
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  9. #49
    i/e regjistruar
    Disa e mbajne Kuranin ne zemer, disa ne mendje, kurse Shijat...
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura   
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  10. #50
    i/e regjistruar
    Fragmente nga politika konstruktive e Shijave me Kombet e tjera te Botes:
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  11. #51
    i/e regjistruar
    Shija = Jo dhunes, jo gjakut!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura    
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga BEDR : 27-09-2009 mė 23:33
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  12. #52
    i/e regjistruar
    Profesor, mos i ngacmo gocat!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura  
    vdekja nuk eshte tragjedi
    tragjedi e vertete eshte ajo cka ndodh pas vdekjes

  13. #53
    Lazaratas Maska e Bel ami
    Ju thjesht jeni duke demostruar ate qe ju tha Gostivari, pra nje propagand te hapur ne favor te grupimit tuaj.Popullsia Islame nuk ka pse te tregoje njeri-tjetrin me gisht.
    ... E ku thuhene ne karte
    Fjalet e Gjuhes se Zjarrte!

  14. #54
    i/e regjistruar Maska e shkodranja.1
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Bel ami Lexo Postimin
    Ju thjesht jeni duke demostruar ate qe ju tha Gostivari, pra nje propagand te hapur ne favor te grupimit tuaj.Popullsia Islame nuk ka pse te tregoje njeri-tjetrin me gisht.

    Si duhet me jua a thane ndryshe se ato te felliqur nuk jane musliman!
    Thuaj!Namazi im,kurbani im,jeta dhe vdekja ime jane vetem per Allahun Zotin e boteve.6:162

  15. #55
    Musliman Shqiptar Maska e pejani34
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Bel ami Lexo Postimin
    Ju thjesht jeni duke demostruar ate qe ju tha Gostivari, pra nje propagand te hapur ne favor te grupimit tuaj.Popullsia Islame nuk ka pse te tregoje njeri-tjetrin me gisht.
    por kjo nuk vlen per ty bre burr, ketu asht komuniteti musliman.

    edim qe te djeg qe po i qesim ne shesh vllaznin e tu ,,shijat (e trent ) po vet ke faj je ne adres te gabuar.

  16. #56
    Vete zot, vete shkop Maska e jarigas
    Asht per tu habit me ty pejan.......ti e qun veten doktor te fese, dhe masandaj vjen kety qe te gjykosh te tjeret nese jane apo jo myslimane, te denje apo jo..........
    A nuk e ke te ndaluar me Kuran te gjykosh nje mysliman tjeter??????

  17. #57
    Musliman Shqiptar Maska e pejani34
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga jarigas Lexo Postimin
    Asht per tu habit me ty pejan.......ti e qun veten doktor te fese, dhe masandaj vjen kety qe te gjykosh te tjeret nese jane apo jo myslimane, te denje apo jo..........
    A nuk e ke te ndaluar me Kuran te gjykosh nje mysliman tjeter??????
    se pari ti derr ngranes nuk te takon ty te me gjykosh

    sedyti un nuk po flas per musliman por per shija ,

  18. #58
    Nderi i Universit Maska e Gostivari_usa
    Atje ku nuk me gjeni dot!
    BEDR keto qe ke sjellur , jam dakort me ty se behet fjale per vese te pista.
    Por vese te tilla kane edhe sunit , ta garantoj, ndoshta jo te ketij niveli , por vese te tilla kane edhe sunit.
    Ne nuk folim per vese ketu, ne folim per fene se si feja eshte zhvilluar deri ne kete nivel. Kush ishin faktoret muslimanet u ndane ne sekte, dhe kush jane faktoret qe muslimanet akoam sot e kesaj dite po ndahen ne sekte!!!
    Keto jane pikat qe na interesojne neve, e jo veset apo zakonet e njerit ose tjetrit grup.

    Ti e din fort mire se pas vdekjes se profetit muslimanet u ndane ne dy grupe, qe kishin qendrime te kunderta politike, pra u ndane si me thene ne dy parti!
    Njera parti favorizonte sahabet e profetit , ndersa tjetra familjen e profetit, ashtu. Ajo qe ti nuk je ne gjendje te kuptojsh eshte loja qe secila "parti" ne raste te tilla luan me opinionin.
    Qellimi i nje grupimi , i nje partije e ku ta di une se cfar, eshte qe sa me shum njerez te afroj prane taboreve te saja, dhe shpesh here per te arritur qellimet e tilla, partite , grupimet etj etj bazohen ne rena , ne genjshtra.
    Nga situata e krijuar pas vdekjes se profetit dhe duke pasur parasysh se as grupi i pare e as grupi i dyte nuk kishin deshire ti permbaheshin amanetit te fundit te profetit, lindi nevoja disi me e ndryshuar ate amanet, okay.
    Amameti i fundit i profetit i udhezon muslimanet qe te zgjedhin njeriun me te mire ne mesin e tyre ( kujdes jo ne mesin e SAHABEVE ) qe dmth se cdo musliman mund te behej udheheqes i komunitetit musliman nqs posedonte njohurit e duhura.
    Por kjo nuk u shkonte per shtat dy grupeve mbrenda komunitetit musliman, nuk u shkonte pershtat sunive te sotem dhe shiave te sotem.
    Andaj keta dy grupe modifikuan amanetin e fundit te profetit ne ate menyre qe te mbroj pozitat e tyre politike. Shijat amanetit te fundit ia shtuan fjalen "Familjen Time" ndersa sunit ia shtuan fjalen "Sunetin Tim" !!!
    Nqs se pyet sunit, hadithi ne te cilen bazohen shijat do te thajne se eshte i gabimte, dhe nqs se pyet shijat , ata do te thuajne se hadithi ne te cilen bazohen sunit eshte i gabimte (fabrikim)!!
    Ndersa nqs se me pyet mua , une kisha thene se te dy hadithet jane te gabimte (fabrikime), i vetmi hadithi vertete eshte ai sipas te cilit profeti A.S. ka thene se ka lene per neve VETEM KURANIN, asgje me shum e asgje me pak!

    Tani pasi shumica e jone i bazon qendrimet e veta ne hadithe, nese une refuzoj te besoj hadithet, i refuzoj pershkak te kesaj historije sipas te ciles profeti thot se ka lene per ne VETEM KURANIN, okay!!!
    Me cfar te drejte juve me quani mua Kaffir ?!!!!! Pasi qe u bindem fjaleve te profetit ashtu , per kete me quani "kaffir"?!!

    Njeri qe lexon , arin tek e verteta vetem nese deshiron qe te arrij atje.

    ME Respekt

  19. #59
    Musliman Shqiptar Maska e pejani34
    a e dini more njerz se si del njeriu nga islami, a veq poja futni kot.

    shijat e ( trent) dhe sufit e ( qmendur ), keta jan dal qysh moti nga islami ,mjafton edhe te vetmen shkronj te kuranit ta mohojn dhe mjafton.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga pejani34 : 28-09-2009 mė 07:40

  20. #60
    Vete zot, vete shkop Maska e jarigas
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga pejani34 Lexo Postimin
    se pari ti derr ngranes nuk te takon ty te me gjykosh

    sedyti un nuk po flas per musliman por per shija ,
    Une qe thua ti "doktor" i fese, jam vegjetarian, bile veganian.......e keshut qe ti me merr te keqen ne ate kah......ti vjell vrer kunder gjithe botes se krishtere, kunder derrngrenesve, por pastaj rron ne Gjermani, ne vendin ku ma shume hahen derrat......sipas teje ti je nje person serioz???????
    Flet per shiat(shitet) sikur te jesh rritur me ta, por pastaj nuk sjell asnje argument, siē ben Gostivari apo xhamia......bile edhe Explorer kerkon te argumentoje qte qe mbron.......ndersa ti ......vetem helm vjell........
    Ti as nuk e di se ē'eshte myslimani, se po ta dije nuk do te vije ketu te derdellisje kunder myslimaneve te tjere....e ke te ndaluar me Kuran.......ti veteriner islamik....
    bile ke fytyren qe te flasesh edhe per sufit, te cilet e gjithe bota i nderon, te pakten per deshiren qe ata kane ne drejtim te thellimit te dijes fetare......kurse ti , ēfare ke studiuar ne Gjermani pejan, besoj se sa gjermanishten nuk e flet mire....duke pa shqipen tende........ti verteton etiketen qe kane myslimanet ne syte e botes......

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