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Tema: DNA test

  1. #1
    i/e regjistruar

    DNA test

    I am an Albanian who grew up in the US. I cannot write in Albanian (I can't spell) but I can read it, so feel free to respond in Albanian, I will understand.

    I recently took a DNA test and got these results:

    Emri:  tumblr_p1h7n7tm0b1urs2jjo1_540.jpg

Shikime: 2477

Madhėsia:  23.2 KB

    I am pleased to see the 100% Balkan, but am confused about the <.1% Japanese. Have there been any migrations of Japanese into the Balkans? The results say this "Japanese" ancestor likely lived between 1730 and 1820. It is most likely a lab error, but I am just curious to know if there's any history that can support this.

    I have three grandparents from Shkodra and one grandparent from Gjakova, if that helps give any context. My family knows nothing of such an ancestor in our family.

    Again, feel free to respond in Albanian if it is easier.

    Thank you~
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga shkodrane~ : 24-12-2017 mė 14:51

  2. #2
    i/e regjistruar Maska e SERAFIM DILO

    Pėr: DNA test

    Ma ha mendja se nuk egziston nje DNA 100 % europian.

    Emigrimet,trasformimet,hibritacionet... e geneve e bejne pothuajse te pamundur qe edhe genetika te kete nje shpegim llogjik,mundet te tregoje deri diku njefare perkatesie ose prejardhje por eshte shume e veshtire te shpegoje nje periudhe dhjetra mije vjeēare.

  3. Anetarėt mė poshtė kanė falenderuar SERAFIM DILO pėr postimin:

    Shkenca (28-12-2017)

  4. #3
    i/e regjistruar

    Pėr: DNA test

    I didn't think 100% was possible either, which is why I was very doubtful in the first place. I didn't realize this when I first posted, but the results the DNA company first presented to me were at "50% confidence". They give me different sets of results with 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% confidence.

    Here are my results with "90% confidence", so these are the most accurate/precise I guess?
    Emri:  Screenshot (324).png

Shikime: 2327

Madhėsia:  11.5 KB

    As you can see, the "Japanese" part disappears, which means they weren't sure about it in the first place, so I guess that answers my original question. It probably was lab error or something, or the DNA was too ambiguous to identify. You are right that they can only identify DNA origin up to a certain time period, and then after that they're too hard to analyze.

    I guess DNA tests are still a developing science.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga shkodrane~ : 24-12-2017 mė 19:04

  5. Anetarėt mė poshtė kanė falenderuar shkodrane~ pėr postimin:

    SERAFIM DILO (24-12-2017)

  6. #4
    Shpirt Shqiptari Maska e Albo
    Postimet nė Bllog

    Pėr: DNA test

    Is that DNA test from

    If that is all you get as a result, that is pretty disasspointing. What does "Southern European" even mean? I was thinking of getting one of these tests done because I was curious but after reading your result, it feels like a total waste of money.


  7. #5
    i/e regjistruar

    Pėr: DNA test

    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Albo Lexo Postimin
    Is that DNA test from

    If that is all you get as a result, that is pretty disasspointing. What does "Southern European" even mean? I was thinking of getting one of these tests done because I was curious but after reading your result, it feels like a total waste of money.

    No, I did it with 23 & Me.

    I guess they break down genetic origin from larger groupings (like "European") to smaller groupings (like "Southern European") to even smaller groupings (like "Balkan"). This means there is a genetic difference between Northern and Southern Europeans? I don't know how they do these things.

    I'm disappointed because I was really expecting more. The nice thing is that they provide me with a list of my third/fourth/fifth cousins that have also taken the test but when I look at their DNA results, they show pretty much similar results (usually with a tiny percentage of Eastern European or Italian or even middle eastern). Most Albanians get similar results (90%+ balkan), as far as I've seen. I don't know if I'd do it again, I got exactly what I expected and it doesn't give me any additional insight to my genetic origin.

  8. #6
    i/e regjistruar

    Pėr: DNA test

    Shkodrane, as far as these generic autosomal DNA tests go that 23andme, ancestryDNA and other similar companies offer you seem pretty typical for an Albanian. Based on their hypothetical clusters. However, such autosomal DNA tests are useless if you’re in search of your more distant genetic origins. Also, third or fourth cousins there could very well be false positive matches because 23andme doesn’t do any phasing.

    Anyway, if you really want to dig deeper and know more about your distant ancestors you should test your father or male siblings for Y-DNA either at Family Tree DNA or YSEQ and yourself for mitochondrial DNA. You can also join the Albanian project if you wish from their databases for a more detailed analysis.
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga skerdilaidas : 28-12-2017 mė 15:34

  9. #7
    i/e regjistruar

    Pėr: DNA test

    Citim Postuar mė parė nga shkodrane~ Lexo Postimin
    I am an Albanian who grew up in the US. I cannot write in Albanian (I can't spell) but I can read it, so feel free to respond in Albanian, I will understand.

    I recently took a DNA test and got these results:

    Emri:  tumblr_p1h7n7tm0b1urs2jjo1_540.jpg

Shikime: 2477

Madhėsia:  23.2 KB

    I am pleased to see the 100% Balkan, but am confused about the <.1% Japanese. Have there been any migrations of Japanese into the Balkans? The results say this "Japanese" ancestor likely lived between 1730 and 1820. It is most likely a lab error, but I am just curious to know if there's any history that can support this.

    I have three grandparents from Shkodra and one grandparent from Gjakova, if that helps give any context. My family knows nothing of such an ancestor in our family.

    Again, feel free to respond in Albanian if it is easier.

    Thank you~

    Ka shume mundesi qe testet e ADNse te ofrohen per arsye te tjera sesa per te njohur lidhjet e gjakut.

    Duke pare rrezultatet dhe shpjegimin e perfundimeve (edhe une e kam bere testin tek Ancestry) me ben te dushoj mbi aftesine e ketyre kompanive ose me mire, me ben te dyshoj ne arsyen se pse "ofrojne" kete lloj sherbimi.

    Lexova diku, para ca javeve, qe Kompanite qe ofrojne testin gjenetik te ndajne informacionin e mbledhur per te ndihmuar "shkencen" ?!

    Po kerkohet qe informacioni (i cili eshte privat dhe gjoja i mbrojtur) te jepet haptazi.

    Ideja qe te njekesh gjenetiken e paraardhesve me duket shume terheqese, ama, problemi eshte se keto kompani jane gjenerike, te gjitha njesoj.

    Keto kompani nuk kane laboratoret e tyre, te gjitha kampinonet testohen ne Amerike, ne nje vend.

    Kompani si Ancestry, 23and me etj etj...... s'jane gje tjeter veēse ndermjetese (3d party).

    Fillimisht "rrezultatet" thoshin se isha 82% Greko-Romak, 12% Europian Lindor, 3 % Finlandez/Rus verior lindor (Eston, Latv apo Lituanez) etj etj...

    Tani thote, se 82% nga Greko, Shqiptar, Turk.........

    As Grek, as Shqiptar dhe as Turq nuk kane nje haoplogroup te tyren.

    Kur mundohet te tregoje kronologjine e levizjeve (emigrimit) del ne kontalradita.

    1775 tregon se paraardhesit paskesh qene nga zonat Greko-Turke si dhe Epiriote (Shqiptare).

    Por une kam kontaktuar persona qe jane Amerikanendhe kane paraardhesit Arberesh,bnga zonat Arbereshe te Italise, ku ne informata tregojne qe jane shperngulur qe qe 5 shekuj me pare dhe jo 1775.

    Rrezultatet e ADNse ndryshojne shpesh, sepse asnje kompani nuk ka logjistiken apo qofte dhe bagazhin e duhur per te dhene nje rrezultat te qarte.

    Krahasimi i ADNse duhet bere me mbetjet SKELETORE te lashta te zones Ilirike, per te pare sesa (asnjehere 100%, ndoshta 20-40%) afersi kemi me pararadhesit tane ne keto toka.

    Atehere mund te percaktohet perqindja e haplogrupit.

    Ama ky rrezultat ka nje gje interesante, duke thene se perqindje te vogla jane, Suedeze (Vikinge) apo Finlandeze (Ostrogote) ne nje menyre dhe mbeshtet kronikat historike per pushtimet e zones Ilirike si nga Vikinget, Gotet dhe Ostrogotet.

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