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  1. #21
    BluEyEsS * AnGel Maska e KoTeLja_VL
    nel mio piccolo mondo
    Mi sentivo perso in questo mare della vita, le onde s'infrangevano contro gli scogli del mio orgoglio, volevo fuggire lontano dal mare, lontano dalla terra, lontano da tutto, ma una voce mi chiamņ e mi disse:"Resta con me, anch\'io mi sento sola!" Rimasi un istante a pensare, tentennando non sapevo cosa fare, ma la voce mi prese per mano e, scaldandomi il cuore, mi portņ in un luogo dove vi era la pace. Mi sentii rinascere e non volevo pił fuggire via, volevo solo restare lģ.Allora compresi che quella era la voce dell'AMORE

  2. #22
    BluEyEsS * AnGel Maska e KoTeLja_VL
    nel mio piccolo mondo
    I hold a feeling deep inside,
    A feeling I must always hide.

    A wish that you would love me, too,
    The way that I do love you.

    But this emotion must never be told,
    Because you have someone you hold...

    Someone you love and care for deeply,
    While I long for you discreetly.

    So I will put this love away and seal it,
    And hope that someday you will feel it...

    What I feel for you, my love,
    And then I'll thank the stars above.

    I'll thank them for making me as happy as can be,
    And for making the one I love, love me!
    Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura Fotografitė e Bashkėngjitura  

  3. #23
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Era1

    ME FALTA tiempo para celebrar tus cabellos.
    Uno por uno debo contarlos y alabarlos:
    otros amantes quieren vivir con ciertos ojos,
    yo sólo quiero ser tu peluquero.

    En Italia te bautizaron Medusa
    por la encrespada y alta luz de tu cabellera.
    Yo te llamo chascona mķa y enmarańada:
    mi corazón conoce las puertas de tu pelo.

    Cuando tś te extravķes en tus propios cabellos,
    no me olvides, acuérdate que te amo,
    no me dejes perdido ir sin tu cabellera

    por el mundo sombrķo de todos los caminos
    que sólo tiene sombra, transitorios dolores,
    hasta que el sol sube a la torre de tu pelo.


    Amiga, no te mueras.
    Oyeme estas palabras que me salen ardiendo,
    y que nadie diria si yo no las dijera.
    Amiga, no te mueras.
    Yo soy el que te espera en la estrellada noche.
    El que bajo el sangriento sol poniente te espera.
    Miro caer los frutos en la tierra sombria.
    Miro bailar las gotas del rocio en las hierbas.
    En la noche al espeso perfume de las rosas,
    cuando danza la ronda de las sombras inmensas.
    Bajo el cielo del Sur, el que te espera cuando
    el aire de la tarde como una boca besa.
    Amiga, no te mueras.
    Yo soy el que corto las guirnaldas rebeldes
    para el lecho selvatico fragante a sol y a selva.
    El que trajo en los brazos jacintos amarillos.
    Y rosas desgarradas. Y amapolas sangrientas.
    El que cruzo los brazos por esperarte, ahora.
    El que quebro sus arcos. El que doblo sus flechas.
    Yo soy el que en los labios guarda sabor de uvas.
    Racimos refregados. Mordeduras bermejas.
    El que te llama desde las llanuras brotadas.
    Yo soy el que en la hora del amor te desea.
    El aire de la tarde cimbra las ramas altas.
    Ebrio, mi corazon. bajo Dios, tambalea.
    El rio desatado rompe a llorar y a veces
    se adelgaza su voz y se hace pura y tremula.
    Retumba, atardecida, la queja azul del agua.
    Amiga, no te mueras!
    Yo soy el que te espera en la estrellada noche,
    sobre las playas aureas, sobre las rubias eras.
    El que corto jacintos para tu lecho, y rosas.
    Tendido entre las hierbas yo soy el que te espera!
    Es cierto, amada mia, hermana mia, es cierto!
    Como las bestias grises que en los potreros pastan,
    y en los potreros se aman, como las bestias grises!
    Como las castas ebrias que poblaron la tierra
    matandose y amandose, como las castas ebrias!
    Como el latido de las corolas abiertas
    dividiendo la joya futura de la siembra,
    como el latido de las corolas abiertas!
    Empujado por los designios de la tierra
    como una ola en el mar hacia ti va mi cuerpo.
    Y tu, en tu carne, encierras
    las pupilas sedientas con que mirare cuando
    estos ojos que tengo se me llenen de tierra.
    Firma ime eshte : SHQIPTARE

  4. #24
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Edgar Alan Poe-The Tell-Tale Heart

    TRUE! - nervous - very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses - not destroyed - not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily - how calmly I can tell you the whole story.

    It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture - a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees - very gradually - I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.

    Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded - with what caution - with what foresight - with what dissimulation I went to work! I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him. And every night, about midnight, I turned the latch of his door and opened it - oh so gently! And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head. Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in! I moved it slowly - very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep. It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. Ha! would a madman have been so wise as this, And then, when my head was well in the room, I undid the lantern cautiously-oh, so cautiously - cautiously (for the hinges creaked) - I undid it just so much that a single thin ray fell upon the vulture eye. And this I did for seven long nights - every night just at midnight - but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye. And every morning, when the day broke, I went boldly into the chamber, and spoke courageously to him, calling him by name in a hearty tone, and inquiring how he has passed the night. So you see he would have been a very profound old man, indeed, to suspect that every night, just at twelve, I looked in upon him while he slept.
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  5. #25
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Edgar Alan Poe-Berenice

    Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum forelevatas.

    - Ebn Zaiat.

    MISERY is manifold. The wretchedness of earth is multiform. Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow, its hues are as various as the hues of that arch - as distinct too, yet as intimately blended. Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow! How is it that from beauty I have derived a type of unloveliness? - from the covenant of peace, a simile of sorrow? But as, in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. Either the memory of past bliss is the anguish of to-day, or the agonies which are, have their origin in the ecstasies which might have been.

    My baptismal name is Egaeus; that of my family I will not mention. Yet there are no towers in the land more time-honored than my gloomy, gray, hereditary halls. Our line has been called a race of visionaries; and in many striking particulars - in the character of the family mansion - in the frescos of the chief saloon - in the tapestries of the dormitories - in the chiselling of some buttresses in the armory - but more especially in the gallery of antique paintings - in the fashion of the library chamber - and, lastly, in the very peculiar nature of the library's contents - there is more than sufficient evidence to warrant the belief.

    The recollections of my earliest years are connected with that chamber, and with its volumes - of which latter I will say no more. Here died my mother. Herein was I born. But it is mere idleness to say that I had not lived before - that the soul has no previous existence. You deny it? - let us not argue the matter. Convinced myself, I seek not to convince. There is, however, a remembrance of aerial forms - of spiritual and meaning eyes - of sounds, musical yet sad - a remembrance which will not be excluded; a memory like a shadow - vague, variable, indefinite, unsteady; and like a shadow, too, in the impossibility of my getting rid of it while the sunlight of my reason shall exist.
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  6. #26
    Northern Line

    Some people might like to get a train to work
    Or drive in, in a Beemer or a Merc
    Some guys like to travel in by bus
    But i can't be bothered with the fuss
    Today i gotta take my bike
    Cos once again the Tube's on strike
    The greedy b*****ds want extra pay
    for sitting on their a**e all day
    Even though they earn 30k.
    So im standing here in the pouring rain
    where the fcuk is my fcuking train?!

    London Underground!!! By Adam Kay and Suman Biswas (Tune by Paul Weller)

    Kjo eshte nje poem e shkruar dhe kenduar nga ata me siper, dhe flet per trenat (underground) ne Londer, sepse transporti eshte jashtmase i poshter. Eshte e shkruar ne Metro Paper, por me pelqeu dhe me kujtoj kur po punoja vjet dhe me duhej te perdorja underground, mezor mund te zesh nje vend ne tren ngaqe platforma eshte e mbushur plot me njerez qe presin te shkojne ne pun. Neqofse 5min me vones te dalesh nga usual time dije se ne pun do shkosh 1 ore me vones, per arsye se do jesh mrapa te gjithve na platform dhe duhet te presesh te kalojn nja 3 trena per te kaput te 4-ertin i cili do ket ven per ty :D
    What we do does not define who we are. What defines who we are, is how we rise when we fall!!

  7. #27
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold

    The sea is calm to-night.
    The tide is full, the moon lies fair
    Upon the straits; on the French coast the light
    Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
    Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
    Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!
    Only, from the long line of spray
    Where the sea meets the moon-blanch'd land,
    Listen! you hear the grating roar
    Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,
    At their return, up the high strand,
    Begin, and cease, and then again begin,
    With tremulous cadence slow, and bring
    The eternal note of sadness in.

    Sophocles long ago
    Heard it on the {AE}gean, and it brought
    Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
    Of human misery; we
    Find also in the sound a thought,
    Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

    The Sea of Faith
    Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
    Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd.
    But now I only hear
    Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
    Retreating, to the breath
    Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
    And naked shingles of the world.

    Ah, love, let us be true
    To one another! for the world, which seems
    To lie before us like a land of dreams,
    So various, so beautiful, so new,
    Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
    Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
    And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
    Where ignorant armies clash by night.
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  8. #28
    ✯ fRee ✯ sPirit ✯ Maska e Black`Angel
    ne k0lltukun e se tAshmes me vEshtrimin nga e aRdhmja

    Krijime nga une

    Il aimait la mort, et ses sombres promesses,
    Avenir incertain d'un garēon en détresse,
    Il voulait mourir, laisser partir sa peine,
    Oublier tous les jours ą la mźme rengaine...

    Elle aimait la vie, heureuse d'exister,
    Voulais aider les gens et puis grandir en paix,
    C'était un don du ciel, toujours souriante,
    Fleurs et nature, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente.

    Mais un beau jour, la chute commenēa,
    Ils tombčrent amoureux, mauvais choix,
    Elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort,
    Qui d'entre les deux allait źtre le plus fort ?

    Ils s'aimaient tellement, ils auraient tout sacrifié,
    Amis et famille, capables de tout renier,
    Tout donner pour s'aimer, tel était leur or,
    Mais elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort...

    Si différents et pourtant plus proches que tout,
    Se comprenant pour protéger un amour fou,
    L'un ne rźvait que de mourir et de s'envoler,
    L'autre d'une vie avec lui, loin des atrocités...

    Fin de l'histoire: obligés de se séparer,
    Ils s'étaient promis leur éternelle fidélité,
    Aujourd'hui, le garēon torturé vit pour elle,
    Puisque la fille, pour lui, a rendu ses ailes...

    Il aimait la mort,
    Elle aimait la vie,
    Il vivait pour elle,
    Elle est morte pour lui.

  9. #29
    Forbidden Maska e Soul`Silence
    Lost In Space
    Nice Black Angel Duket qe je Poete :D

  10. #30
    ✯ fRee ✯ sPirit ✯ Maska e Black`Angel
    ne k0lltukun e se tAshmes me vEshtrimin nga e aRdhmja
    il n'y a pas plus lourds des poids pour mon ame que le fait de ne pas ou ne plus savoir ce que je dois voilą avec toutes mes idées noires qui me harcélent et qui ne veulent pas me quitter...j'attends avec tous ce qu'il me faut, avec mes faiblesses ainsi que toutes mes espérances sur le port de mes souffrances le voyage de mon ame.
    lą bas et pas trés loin, je vois la barque du bonheur qui me donne son dos et se dirige vers l'autre coté de la riviére en me laissant derriére elle sous un ciel gris sombre, dans mon silence qui ne fait qu'etouffer le plaisir de mon existance...donc j'ai ramassé toutes mes valises d'éspérances...j'ai donné aussi mon dos ą l'autre coté de la riviére pour me diriger vers ma tristesse qui m'attendait depuis quelque temps sans impatience, on dirait qu'elle savait que je vais revenir...elle savait qu'elle est mon destin, mon univers....
    alors je me suis dirigé vers elle et je lui ai dis:"salut chére tristesse, c'est ą toi que je m'adresse..c'est toi qui me cherche et me voilą je te baise."

  11. #31
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Aksinja
    kojshi me SkėnderBeu-n
    nėse ėshtė e mundur versonin shqip, se kėshtu ėhė snuk fare
    Secili pėr vete, Zoti pėr tė gjithė

  12. #32
    ✯ fRee ✯ sPirit ✯ Maska e Black`Angel
    ne k0lltukun e se tAshmes me vEshtrimin nga e aRdhmja

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est réapprendre ą voir, ą sourire, ą aimer
    c'est lui dire simplement bonjour
    quand tu aurais envie de l'embrasser
    c'est quelqu'un qui regarde par la fenźtre
    et qui attend celui qui ne viendra pas
    c'est quelqu'un qui espčre en entendant quelques pas...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le dernier rendez vous qui t'a semblé si merveilleux
    c'est les étoiles qui reflétaient dans ses yeux
    c'est un beau clair de lune que tu ne voudrais pas voir
    c'est vouloir mais ne jamais pouvoir...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est se bātir un monde ą cause d'un sourire
    c'est ce qui fait que l'on ne vit qu'avec ses souvenirs
    c'est rencontrer ses amis et leur dire que tout va bien
    c'est sourire malgré toi de ses manies que tu connais si bien...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est vouloir l'oublier d'un regard amoureux
    c'est se sentir coupable de le voir malheureux
    c'est de pleurer en écoutant la chanson qu'il fredonnait
    c'est l'aimer malgré tout le mal qu'il t'a fait...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est de ne plus źtre capable de regarder des amoureux
    c'est de rire avec des larmes aux yeux
    c'est l'indifférence qui s'installe en toi
    c'est se surprendre ą l'attendre comme autrefois...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le regarder sans pouvoir le toucher
    c'est rźver la nuit sans jamais exister
    c'est un roman qu'on ą déją lu
    c'est un soleil qui ne réchauffera plus...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est quand tu t'aperēois qu'une autre
    a pris ta place dans son coeur
    c'est une église vide ou en silence tu pleures
    c'est une question en sachant toujours la réponse
    c'est continuer ą combattre mźme si parfois tu renonces...

  13. #33
    cherry blossom girl
    Cancella, amore, le mie lacrime,
    gocce di rugiada sui sensi sopiti.
    Schiudi con un tocco profumato
    i petali di questo fiore addormentato.

  14. #34
    I once heard about a young man who, in his eagerness to make it to the top, went to a well-known millionaire for advice about how to get there.
    "What is the first reason for your success?" he asked.
    "Hard work," the millionaire replied.
    Disappointed, the inexperienced fellow responded, "What is the second reason?"
    We laugh at this young man's desire for a quick-and-easy formula, but his response brings up a much more serious question for people who aren't doing what they know they'd like to do: Are you willing to pay the price to get there?
    You don't get a fulfilling career at a bargain-basement price. In fact, the cost is often much higher than many people are willing to pay. I've seen more examples of this than I can count. People embark on a new career path with energy and enthusiasm, only to fizzle out when they realize how much effort is involved. If they had counted the cost first--if they had seriously investigated what it would take to make them successful in that area--they may have gone another direction. Instead, they're right back where they started--dissatisfied and unfulfilled.
    The way to avoid this scenario, of course, is to count the cost of doing what you'd like to do before you begin. So what does the price tag include? Here are just a few items:
    1. Hard work
    There's no way around this--you can't fulfill your career dream without a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and maybe even a little elbow grease. You also might have to spend time--perhaps large quantities of time--working diligently at jobs you don't particularly like in order to prepare yourself for the job you want.
    2. Learning
    Doing what you love might require you to acquire some new skills, polish existing abilities or earn another degree. Are you willing to devote the time, money and energy to making that happen?
    3. Discipline
    It takes focus and commitment to pursue your goal without getting sidetracked or giving up. Success doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.
    4. Change
    At the surface, this might not seem like a significant price. After all, you wouldn't be engaging in this exercise if you didn't want a change in your life. And yet, as we all know, change isn't easy. It can cause stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and a host of other uncomfortable emotions.
    5. Emotional stamina
    On your way toward doing what you love, you're going to stumble and you might even take a few hard falls. When that happens, you've got to have the intestinal fortitude to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get going again. Do you?
    As you think about the price of doing what you want to do, remember that the specifics vary from job to job. One career path might require a higher cost in the area of learning, while another might take more emotional stamina. The only way to find out for sure how much you'll have to pay in each of these and other areas is to find someone who is having a great time doing what you'd like to do and ask them about the cost. Ask them what they DID in order to DO what they do.
    The young man in our introduction got it partly right--he went to someone for advice about how to be successful. Sadly, his response shows that he was unwilling to pay the price. But it doesn't have to be that way for you.
    Now the ball is in your court. If you know what you want to do but aren't doing it yet, stop making excuses and start taking steps to make it happen. Don't wait until everything is perfect to begin because everything will never be perfect. Don't put it off until tomorrow because tomorrow you'll be tempted to put it off until the next day.
    Just start.
    And as you begin, remember these three truths about the end result.
    1. Doing what you want to do will be different than you imagined it would be.
    2. It will be more difficult than you ever imagined.
    3. And it will be better than you ever imagined.

  15. #35
    cherry blossom girl
    per mua edhe kjo eshte poezi...

    "...Una volta un re fece una festa e c'erano le principesse pił belle del regno. Ma un soldato che faceva la guardia vide passare la figlia del re. Era la pił bella di tutte e se ne innamorņ subito. Ma che poteva fare un povero soldato a paragone colla figlia del re! Basta!
    Ma, finalmente un giorno riuscģ a incontrarla e le disse che non poteva pił vivere senza di lei. E la principessa fu cosģ impressionata del suo forte sentimento che disse al soldato:
    “Se saprai aspettare cento giorni e cento notti sotto il mio balcone, alla fine, io sarņ tua.”
    Ma, subito il soldato se ne andņ lą e aspettņ un giorno, due giorni e dieci e poi venti. Ogni sera la principessa controllava dalla finestra ma quello non si muoveva mai. Con la pioggia, con il vento, colla neve era sempre lą. Gli uccelli ci cacavano in testa e le api se lo mangiavano vivo ma lui non si muoveva.
    Dopo novanta notti era diventato tutto secco, bianco e gli scendevano le lacrime dagli occhi e non poteva trattenerle poiché non aveva pił la forza nemmeno per dormire... mentre la principessa sempre lo guardava.
    E arrivati alla novantanovesima notte il soldato si alzņ, si prese la sedia e se ne andņ via”.

    ( Nuovo Cinema Paradiso )

  16. #36
    ♥ Kitty Loves Bubi ♥ Maska e Viola.V
    Po sjell edhe une nje poezi timen . Kam edhe te tjera, but this is soooo special to me .

    Virtual Tour !

    If you and I were to move forward (?!)
    Take me inside your body for an adventures ride.
    First time ever , let me see through your eyes
    To confirm what is true and what is a lie.

    I am not trespassing – it’s a genuine thing to do
    Be ready do be explored by me – dressed up like you
    Comes the story of : Are we one or more than two?
    Let me first focus only on Me and YOU .

    Barely speak your language , this is a reason why,
    Is this really Love ?! You need to know, so do I .
    Real and true interpretation can’t do me harm in any way
    Too long gone,damage it’s done, I am in love with you eitherway.

    In your mind what file was created , what was original ?
    Did I made you proud ; Was my love for you magical ?
    I was thinking : Oh boy,you made me fall in love with you !
    I (dressed up like you ) conformed: Yes, yes that is so true !

    Good ! You brought me here, couldn't understand it on my own,
    A live ,HD version of you,one place down more places to go.
    The unknown is ugly and endless .
    More than you can bare , it hurts always .

    When I entered your heart I found a real chaos .
    Sparkling , a written name you kept in your favorite spot .
    I tried Abra Cadabra ,to see if that was the magical code,
    But not luck , ‘cause was already open and in “Love – Mode”

    Starting a drive–through into your blood stream
    Hot,burning up, "vorbull marramendese", it’s a lovers dream.
    Asking me to be your Master,begging me like always,
    Gasping for air, surviving this ;Wow, my mind was to impress !

    I am under your skin; Oh baby, now I understand how you feel
    Oh this pleasure , looking at my blue eyes you are in love with !
    I’d start myself one-way trip , no one can take away from me .
    You will get yours ; Tell me , is this how it’s meant to be ?!

    If you put your blood stream in a slow motion
    One word you get only - Love it’s the name of this emotion
    You go backward : missing me it’s what you see
    Fast forward : you love(d) me ; Baby , this it’s the best chemistry !

    …Oh no, no,no I can’t go more down : a veryyyy scary place
    A volcano,no need to know,it’s the habit of the happiest place (!!!)
    I love that ! Crazyyyyy …..No, I am not scared ; Are you scared ?
    Oh ,not now baby, I am in another mission ;Take me another time “there”.

    A dazzling drive–through into your veins
    A dine-in , in this kingdom of your brain
    A soft touch, sweet , hot , under you skin
    A lost look in your gazing eyes, a sacred place within.

    After so long , after so many years
    You brought me Alive , crossed so many “fears”
    Your Love for me has stood the test of time
    The seeds are planted , the stage of future is mine

    If you and me were to move forward (?!)
    I’ll do it all over again , starting from the scratch
    It meant so much to me,I was so much impressed on this ride
    Have I done it different way ?!- Now I understand why : I did good for a start !

    Sex - an act of the moment - Desperate need for you and me ,
    Love - lost years , still Love ahead of us ; You always will be my baby !
    Ndryshuar pėr herė tė fundit nga Viola.V : 11-06-2011 mė 17:36
    $ € $ ... ♥♫ - ♥♫

  17. #37
    "Shkruaj me gjak" Niēe Maska e Spleen1
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Black`Angel Lexo Postimin

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est réapprendre ą voir, ą sourire, ą aimer
    c'est lui dire simplement bonjour
    quand tu aurais envie de l'embrasser
    c'est quelqu'un qui regarde par la fenźtre
    et qui attend celui qui ne viendra pas
    c'est quelqu'un qui espčre en entendant quelques pas...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le dernier rendez vous qui t'a semblé si merveilleux
    c'est les étoiles qui reflétaient dans ses yeux
    c'est un beau clair de lune que tu ne voudrais pas voir
    c'est vouloir mais ne jamais pouvoir...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est se bātir un monde ą cause d'un sourire
    c'est ce qui fait que l'on ne vit qu'avec ses souvenirs
    c'est rencontrer ses amis et leur dire que tout va bien
    c'est sourire malgré toi de ses manies que tu connais si bien...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est vouloir l'oublier d'un regard amoureux
    c'est se sentir coupable de le voir malheureux
    c'est de pleurer en écoutant la chanson qu'il fredonnait
    c'est l'aimer malgré tout le mal qu'il t'a fait...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est de ne plus źtre capable de regarder des amoureux
    c'est de rire avec des larmes aux yeux
    c'est l'indifférence qui s'installe en toi
    c'est se surprendre ą l'attendre comme autrefois...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le regarder sans pouvoir le toucher
    c'est rźver la nuit sans jamais exister
    c'est un roman qu'on ą déją lu
    c'est un soleil qui ne réchauffera plus...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est quand tu t'aperēois qu'une autre
    a pris ta place dans son coeur
    c'est une église vide ou en silence tu pleures
    c'est une question en sachant toujours la réponse
    c'est continuer ą combattre mźme si parfois tu renonces...
    Nuk dua te komentoj por vetėm do e jap nje lidhje kete me poshte...
    "Sois sage, ō ma Douleur et tiens-toi plus tranquille "

  18. #38
    "Shkruaj me gjak" Niēe Maska e Spleen1
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Black`Angel Lexo Postimin
    Il aimait la mort, et ses sombres promesses,
    Avenir incertain d'un garēon en détresse,
    Il voulait mourir, laisser partir sa peine,
    Oublier tous les jours ą la mźme rengaine...

    Elle aimait la vie, heureuse d'exister,
    Voulais aider les gens et puis grandir en paix,
    C'était un don du ciel, toujours souriante,
    Fleurs et nature, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente.

    Mais un beau jour, la chute commenēa,
    Ils tombčrent amoureux, mauvais choix,
    Elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort,
    Qui d'entre les deux allait źtre le plus fort ?

    Ils s'aimaient tellement, ils auraient tout sacrifié,
    Amis et famille, capables de tout renier,
    Tout donner pour s'aimer, tel était leur or,
    Mais elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort...

    Si différents et pourtant plus proches que tout,
    Se comprenant pour protéger un amour fou,
    L'un ne rźvait que de mourir et de s'envoler,
    L'autre d'une vie avec lui, loin des atrocités...

    Fin de l'histoire: obligés de se séparer,
    Ils s'étaient promis leur éternelle fidélité,
    Aujourd'hui, le garēon torturé vit pour elle,
    Puisque la fille, pour lui, a rendu ses ailes...

    Il aimait la mort,
    Elle aimait la vie,
    Il vivait pour elle,
    Elle est morte pour lui.
    Edhe nje Angel
    "Sois sage, ō ma Douleur et tiens-toi plus tranquille "

  19. #39
    ♥ Kitty Loves Bubi ♥ Maska e Viola.V
    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Spleen1 Lexo Postimin

    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Black`Angel Lexo Postimin

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est réapprendre ą voir, ą sourire, ą aimer
    c'est lui dire simplement bonjour
    quand tu aurais envie de l'embrasser
    c'est quelqu'un qui regarde par la fenźtre
    et qui attend celui qui ne viendra pas
    c'est quelqu'un qui espčre en entendant quelques pas...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le dernier rendez vous qui t'a semblé si merveilleux
    c'est les étoiles qui reflétaient dans ses yeux
    c'est un beau clair de lune que tu ne voudrais pas voir
    c'est vouloir mais ne jamais pouvoir...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est se bātir un monde ą cause d'un sourire
    c'est ce qui fait que l'on ne vit qu'avec ses souvenirs
    c'est rencontrer ses amis et leur dire que tout va bien
    c'est sourire malgré toi de ses manies que tu connais si bien...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est vouloir l'oublier d'un regard amoureux
    c'est se sentir coupable de le voir malheureux
    c'est de pleurer en écoutant la chanson qu'il fredonnait
    c'est l'aimer malgré tout le mal qu'il t'a fait...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est de ne plus źtre capable de regarder des amoureux
    c'est de rire avec des larmes aux yeux
    c'est l'indifférence qui s'installe en toi
    c'est se surprendre ą l'attendre comme autrefois...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est le regarder sans pouvoir le toucher
    c'est rźver la nuit sans jamais exister
    c'est un roman qu'on ą déją lu
    c'est un soleil qui ne réchauffera plus...

    Un chagrin d'amour
    c'est quand tu t'aperēois qu'une autre
    a pris ta place dans son coeur
    c'est une église vide ou en silence tu pleures
    c'est une question en sachant toujours la réponse
    c'est continuer ą combattre mźme si parfois tu renonces...
    Nuk dua te komentoj por vetėm do e jap nje lidhje kete me poshte...

    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Spleen1 Lexo Postimin

    Citim Postuar mė parė nga Black`Angel Lexo Postimin
    Il aimait la mort, et ses sombres promesses,
    Avenir incertain d'un garēon en détresse,
    Il voulait mourir, laisser partir sa peine,
    Oublier tous les jours ą la mźme rengaine...

    Elle aimait la vie, heureuse d'exister,
    Voulais aider les gens et puis grandir en paix,
    C'était un don du ciel, toujours souriante,
    Fleurs et nature, qu'il pleuve ou qu'il vente.

    Mais un beau jour, la chute commenēa,
    Ils tombčrent amoureux, mauvais choix,
    Elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort,
    Qui d'entre les deux allait źtre le plus fort ?

    Ils s'aimaient tellement, ils auraient tout sacrifié,
    Amis et famille, capables de tout renier,
    Tout donner pour s'aimer, tel était leur or,
    Mais elle aimait la vie et il aimait la mort...

    Si différents et pourtant plus proches que tout,
    Se comprenant pour protéger un amour fou,
    L'un ne rźvait que de mourir et de s'envoler,
    L'autre d'une vie avec lui, loin des atrocités...

    Fin de l'histoire: obligés de se séparer,
    Ils s'étaient promis leur éternelle fidélité,
    Aujourd'hui, le garēon torturé vit pour elle,
    Puisque la fille, pour lui, a rendu ses ailes...

    Il aimait la mort,
    Elle aimait la vie,
    Il vivait pour elle,
    Elle est morte pour lui.
    Edhe nje Angel

    Spleen , e keqja eshte se Black' Angel ka shkruar "Krijime nga une" duke pandehur qe me gjithe kete teknologji te sotme nuk do kapet . Kerkojne ownership per nje gje qe nuk ju perket , kur shume lehte mund te shkruanin " Krijime qe pelqehen shume nga une"

    Por ka edhe ne gje tjeter : si mund te kapet nje njeri qe i perkthen nga nje gjuhe tjeter ne shqip ?! Atyre si mund t'ja vesh emrin ! Google nuk i recognize dot .

    Krijime te bukura vecse qarkullojne ( duke i pronezuar si te tyret ) ne cdo site : Forumishqiptar , FB dhe forume te tjera .
    $ € $ ... ♥♫ - ♥♫

  20. #40
    Forbidden Maska e Soul`Silence
    Lost In Space
    Black Angel me keto poezite e tua po me ben te te kerkoj doren per nuse :p
    The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live.

Faqja 2 prej 3 FillimFillim 123 FunditFundit

Tema tė Ngjashme

  1. Bibla Kur'ani Dhe Shkenca
    Nga Florim07 nė forumin Komuniteti musliman
    Pėrgjigje: 8
    Postimi i Fundit: 15-04-2009, 21:26
  2. Kontributi i shkenctarėve islam nė shkencė
    Nga Bleti002 nė forumin Komuniteti musliman
    Pėrgjigje: 19
    Postimi i Fundit: 15-03-2009, 22:29
  3. Tė dhėnat fosile hedhin poshtė evolucionin
    Nga monarku nė forumin Shkenca dhe jeta
    Pėrgjigje: 17
    Postimi i Fundit: 02-11-2006, 10:34
  4. Debat mes anti liberalėve dhe liberalėve
    Nga liridashes nė forumin Ēėshtja kombėtare
    Pėrgjigje: 1
    Postimi i Fundit: 22-03-2005, 19:26

Regullat e Postimit

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  • Ju nuk mund tė postoni nė tema.
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