Kjo pjese eshte marre nga nje debat ne internet midis shiave edhe sunive, ku shiat akuzohen se besojne se Kurani eshte i pakompletuar, ndersa shia kundra-pergjigjet:
Eshte interesante qe te verehet se ka nje sere traditash te Sahih al-Bukharit edhe Sahih Muslimit qe supozojne se shume vargje ne Kuran mungojne. Jo vetem kaq, por ata, dmth keto raportime sunite, supozojne se ne Kuran mungojne dy kapituj, njeri prej te cileve ishte i ngjashem me kapitullin 9 (al-Bara'ah) persa i takon gjatesise!!! Disa tradita Sunite madje pretendojne se kapitulli al-Ahzab (sure 33) ishte po aq i gjate sa edhe Sura 2!!!
Sura 2 eshte me e gjata ne Kuranin e sotshem. Traditat tek Bukhari ede Muslim madje i paraqesin disa nga vargjet qe mungojne. (Disa nga keto tradita do te permenden ne artikujt vijues me referenca te plota). Sidoqofte, fatmiresisht Shia asnjehere nuk kane akuzuar vellezerit edhe motrat suni se po besojne se Kurani eshte i pakompletuar. Ne themi se keto tregime sunite jane ose te dobeta ose te falsifikuara.
It is interesting to point out that there are numerous traditions reported
in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim which allege that many verses of Quran
are missing. Not only that, but also they these Sunni reports allege that
two chapters from the Quran are missing one of them was similar to chapter
9 (al-Bara'ah) in length!!! Some Sunni traditions even claim that the
Chapter al-Ahzab (Ch. 33) was as lengthy as the Chapter of Cow (Ch. 2)!!!
The Chapter of Cow is the biggest Chapter of the present Quran. The
traditions inside Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim even present some of the
missing verses. (Some of these traditions will be mentioned in the
following articles with full references.). Yet, fortunately Shia never
accuse the Sunni brothers and sisters of believing that the Quran is
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