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  1. #101
    i/e regjistruar Maska e mia@
    Twilight Zone...
    Citim Postuar më parë nga PINK Lexo Postimin
    Mia, per kete moshe qe po flasim 13 aq kollaj eshte t'ua mbledhesh e ti tregosh kufirin per cdo gje, sa ska me. A e din cfare dmth 13 vjec? Akoma ne tetevjecare ! E them me plot bindje qe ato prinder, qe mendojne se nuk mund te bejne zap nje femije ne kete moshe, per mendimin tim, nuk duhet te meritojne fjalen prinder. Jam dakort qe mosha 13-14-15 e 16 vjec jane me te veshtirat, por kjo nuk te ben te stepesh dhe te mendosh se do ndikoj shoqeria me shume se une si prind. Me vone, po qe nuk te pyesin me, fundja atehere jane me te llogjikshme, dhe do i bejne gjerat me me vetdije. Nuk mund tu rrish si polic dite nate, por keto vitet e para te adoleshences, bjerini kokes. Ne kuptiminin mos toleroni, sepse ndikon shoqeria. Shoqeria ne te semes te shkoj. Dhe dicka tjeter, asnjehere mos e krahaso adoleshencen tende me keto tani. Jane me te sofistifikuar, trust me. Tani ka menyra qe ti as qe i coj neper mend te beje gili vili. Prandaj, eshte detyra e cdo prindi syte kater, e veshet hapur, dhe sa me autoritar ndaj femijeve ne kete moshe kaq delikate. Le te qarraviten, le te hiqen si te depresuara, le te thone shoqet e mia kshu e une asgje... e bla bla. Do ju falenderojne nje dite. Jam nje cik konservative kur vjen puna te femijet. Nje gabim it takes te shkaterrojne te ardhmen e tyre. Sdo e lejoja ne asnje menyre, gjithe ate sakrifice timen per nje kaprico te tyren. Never.

    Nejse, eshte diskutimi i gjere e gjate. Gjithesecili e din, ose besoj se di si te veproj e sillet me femijen e vet. Kete artikull nuk e besoj gjithsesi.
    Pink kur te me vejne femijet ne ate moshe do te te them eshte kollaj apo jo. Keshtu ne ere nuk flas dot. Me vjen mire qe ti je shume optimiste.
    Feelings change - memories don't.

  2. #102
    i/e regjistruar
    ju kisha hek te gjithave nenshtetesine shqiptare
    atyre femrave qe kane bere seks para martese

  3. #103
    Kalorës i Lirisë Maska e BlueBaron
    Në Tironën e Ondrrave
    Citim Postuar më parë nga goldian Lexo Postimin
    ju kisha hek te gjithave nenshtetesine shqiptare
    atyre femrave qe kane bere seks para martese

    Paska per t'u shtuar numri qorrave ...

    Mund të shkëpusësh Çunat nga TIRONA, por kurrë nuk mund të shkëpusësh TIRONËN nga zemra e Çunave !!!

  4. #104
    i/e regjistruar Maska e dijetari
    Nese eshte ashtu si thot hapsi i temes per ket dukuri,ateher shtrohet pyetja se perse esht keshtu?dhe kush i ka fajet ,shoqerija shqiptare apo ajo perendimore?dhe a esht risi pozitive apo negative per ne shqipetaret ?!.

    Duart e plakes, jan duar te arta.

  5. #105
    i/e regjistruar Maska e landi45
    Citim Postuar më parë nga **** Lexo Postimin





    Situation of children in Albania


    Doc. 8284

    18 December 1998

    Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee

    Rapporteur: Ms Elisa Pozza Tasca, Italy, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers' Group



    The problems facing the children of Albania are not fundamentally different from those to be found in the majority of European countries, but they are exacerbated by the country’s chaotic transition to democracy. In such times, children are not viewed as a political priority. The rapporteur has sought to identify the areas where urgent co-operation could be initiated between Albania and other Council of Europe member states. The rapporteur argues for a genuine children’s culture and proposes the holding in 1999 of a conference to alert policy-makers and the community at large to the need to take account of children’s needs and respect their rights.

    I. Draft recommendation

    1. Albania is undergoing a serious social and economic crisis. The atmosphere of insecurity has persisted since the disturbances of 1997. Widespread corruption and the inertia of the political community due to its fruitless divisions are not conducive to the development of society. Unemployment is rife. Education is depreciated. Family ties and the social fabric are disintegrating.

    2. The victims of this state of affairs are children: young people emigrate illegally in an illusory quest for a better future, child labour is exploited, young Albanian girls are victims of trafficking and prostitution in Italy and Greece, many children are abandoned and dubious adoptions take place, there are rumours of trafficking in babies and their organs, violence is rampant and juvenile delinquency on the increase, growing numbers of children are turning to drugs, the compulsory schooling requirement is disregarded, and so on. Albania has the highest infant mortality rate in Europe.

    3. The country faces many challenges due to transition and therefore does not pay quite the requisite attention to the situation of children, who do not take priority in the eyes of the policy-making class. Albania does not know exactly how many children it has. Admittedly, responsibility for caring for them rests primarily with Albania itself, which must develop a genuine culture of children in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, including awareness-training and information on the facts of children's rights for all professionals in contact with them.

    4. But Albania cannot cope alone with all these problems, which often involve other European states. It is part of Europe and the solutions lie in European solidarity and co-operation. Its membership of the Council of Europe means that the member states and the Committee of Ministers have a duty to provide urgent assistance.

    5. The Assembly welcomes the co-operation established between Albania and Italy on the alleged trafficking in children's organs reported by the Italian press; it earnestly hopes that this affair will be fully elucidated and that the findings of the current investigation will be widely published in due course.

    6. The Assembly also considers that European co-operation should focus on the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the functioning of the judicial system for minors, concentrating in particular on setting up separate prisons for minors and training professionals in contact with children (for example, social workers, community supervision officers, police, judges). Other areas for priority action are drug control and promoting education.

    7. Sustainable development in Albania will be possible only if it is coupled with resolute action against corruption, steps to promote civic responsibility and a greater role for civil society. Support should be given to all the various international organisations working on the spot, such as Unicef, in their ongoing projects, and the Albanian non-governmental organisations should be helped to build up their own potential.

    8. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers help Albania carry out a census of the whole population as soon as possible and devise a system for the reliable and compulsory registration of all births, deaths and disappearances of children.

    9. The Assembly also recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite member states to design aid programmes for Albania in order to:

    develop and reinforce family planning services aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancies, especially among very young girls, and avoiding recourse to abortion wherever possible;
    adopt a health care and welfare policy for mothers and children, including medical supervision of pregnancies;
    introduce a policy designed to prevent children being abandoned, set up a legal framework for such cases based on respect for the mother's and child's rights and develop alternatives to orphanages such as foster families and small care units.
    10. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite Albania to make the higher interests of the child the criterion for adoption and to surround international adoptions with all the safeguards provided for by the 1993 Hague Convention. In fact it also wishes all the Council of Europe member states concerned to ratify and apply this convention so as to put an end to the current excesses and abuses.

    11. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers invite the member states directly affected by the trafficking in and prostitution of young Albanian girls, chiefly Italy and Greece, to demonstrate their genuine resolve to fight this scourge and take concerted action with Albania to decide together on the urgent measures required in order to:

    dismantle prostitution networks;
    set up information and support facilities for victims wishing to be freed from this form of slavery;
    offer them opportunities to return and regain a place in society.
    12. Lastly, the Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

    invite member states to work together with the World Health Organisation with a view to reorganising the Albanian health system and above all offering the entire population a drinking water supply and viable, renovated hospitals;
    as a provisional emergency measure, provide the budgetary resources required for the maintenance of the various facilities in Tirana Children's Hospital so as to prevent them deteriorating and allow the hospital to perform its tasks until the Albanian authorities are in a position to take over.

    II. Draft order for the emergence of a culture of children in Albania

    1. The Assembly points out that its commitment to the cause of children was reflected in the adoption in 1996 of a major text, the European Strategy for Children (Recommendation 1286). The purpose of this text is to give a European dimension to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and enable the rights it confers on children to be translated into practice.

    2. Albania is undergoing an extended political, social and economic crisis and is not paying the requisite attention to its children. There is an urgent need to alert national public opinion, to make the policy makers, the various professional groups and the non-governmental organisations concerned aware of the problems and tragedies facing Albanian children and to help promote the emergence of a culture of children in Albania.

    3. The Assembly accordingly instructs its Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee to convene a multidisciplinary European conference on children's rights, in co-operation with Unicef, in Tirana in 1999 to mark the 10th anniversary of the UN Convention.

    III. Explanatory memorandum by Mrs Pozza Tasca

    1. When requested to discuss a motion for a recommendation (Doc. 7819) on the protection of children and young people in Albania, the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee appointed Ms Pozza Tasca, Vice-Chair of its Sub-Committee on Children, as rapporteur and authorised her to travel to Albania from 6 to 9 July 1998 and on 23 and 24 November 1998 (the schedules of both of these visits appear in the appendix to this document). Two meetings were first held to hear experts on the subject and protagonists on the spot (in Paris on 7 January 1998 and in Florence on 12 June 1998, joint meeting with ICDC-Unicef). The rapporteur wishes to extend special thanks to the various Albanian authorities and personalities she met and to the Unicef representatives for their help.

    2. The events of 1997 revealed a difficult social situation which had long been ignored. Albania now faces a full-blown social crisis. Investment in health, education and welfare provision has been steadily falling since 1992. The Albanians have been impoverished by the collapse of the pyramid system. Unemployment is rife. There is a pervasive atmosphere of social, psychological and political insecurity, with splits in the political community causing inertia and hampering development: roads, for instance, remain impassable because local authorities are opposed to the central government in power. Corruption is so widespread that the World Bank suspended its aid in July 1998.

    3. Women and children are the main victims of the recent conflict. During last year's disturbances sixty children died and 1 200 were injured, some of them disabled for life. Added to this is the emergence of violence among the children of war and the onset of vendettas. Especially in the north and north-east, 20% of children no longer go to school but live shut up at home for fear of being murdered.

    4. National and international crime rings exploit the poverty of Albanian children; this means economic and sexual exploitation, child prostitution, begging, trafficking in children for adoption, rumoured trafficking in children's organs and so on. Albania is not the only country involved and cannot act or fight alone; other European states are concerned too, particularly Italy, Greece and Germany.

    5. Albania's population is young. Out of a total population of over 3 million inhabitants, an estimated 33% are children. In recent years rural depopulation has engendered overcrowding in the city suburbs: Durres has 150 000 inhabitants in 1998 as against 90 000 in 1990, while Tirana is now said to have about 450 000 or even 600 000 inhabitants (as against 250 000 in 1993). This exodus appears to be coming to an end. As many people I met pointed out, the exact number of children in Albania and even in Tirana is unknown, because the last census goes back to 1991 and the births registration system is inadequate.

    6. Orphans and abandoned children are in a very different situation from that in Romania. There is no tradition of abandoning children to the state, nor is there any legislation encouraging people to abandon them. The role and importance of the family were paramount and orphans were traditionally cared for by their families. However, the family as an institution has recently been weakened by emigration, the drift to the towns and the social and economic crisis.

    7. According to the Albanian parliamentary delegation, there are 600 orphans housed in ten public institutions. Other sources put the figure at more than 1 000, divided among sixteen orphanages, whose capacity is inadequate. Most of the children placed there are not true orphans but have been abandoned by unmarried mothers, and for the moment the only available system for coping with abandoned children is adoption. In theory a law passed in 1992 protects children against trafficking and illicit international adoption. One of the current government's priorities in this area is to curb illegal international adoption and encourage adoption in Albania by Albanian families.

    8. According to the Albanian Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, there may have been some excesses in the past, but these can no longer occur. An adoption committee is now attached to the Cabinet and deals with all adoption procedures as well as drafting new legislation on the subject. Albania has not ratified or signed the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on international adoption. To date only thirteen Council of Europe member states have ratified or acceded to it.

    9. Efforts must focus on a policy to prevent children being abandoned - targeted especially at future mothers - and on setting up alternative facilities such as foster families and small care units, which are completely lacking. Also, sex education is seldom provided and contraception is little used. The abortion rate is very high, said to account for one in two births. It is essential to concentrate on developing family planning services. According to the Ministry of Health, there are now 6 family planning centres in Albania, whose staff were trained in the Netherlands.

    10. About 500 000 Albanians are estimated to have emigrated to Europe, especially Italy and Greece, in recent years. Most of them are men between the ages of 15 and 35. Statistics are scarce and patchy, but all observers agree that child emigration is on the increase. In the first three months of 1998, for example, 250 school-age children (primary school level, that is up to 14 years) left for Greece. The NGO Terre des Hommes said that 10% of the children from poor families it was monitoring as part of a schooling programme (in the towns of Korça, Elbasan and Beirat) had left for Greece since the beginning of the school year.

    11. Some of them leave with their families. Many leave the country in small groups, usually with an adult to look after them, illegally and often with the connivance of customs officials. Clearly many of them then live on odd jobs (street selling, car washing, begging), when they are not used by gangs or traffickers for illegal or criminal purposes. The Greek authorities say there are 237 young Albanians in Greek prisons awaiting deportation to Albania, while the Albanian authorities speak of about 340. The children bring little money home to their families and after several stays abroad no longer want to go back to school.

    12. Southern Italy, especially the Bari area, has been subjected to a steady influx of Albanian immigrants since 1990-91, with mass arrivals at times, as in March 1991 and February 1997. This poses serious problems for Italy. Here again the refugees include minors without families who claim to be orphans and become victims of violence, forced labour and prostitution.

    13. Many young people fall into the hands of prostitution networks and gangs trafficking in children for sexual exploitation purposes. International trafficking in Albanian girls started in 1993, the year of the first massive influx of prostitutes into Italy. Since then prostitution has been steadily growing in Italy, as in Greece, though it is hard to ascertain the number of young girls working as prostitutes. The Italian authorities officially estimate the number of Albanian prostitutes at between 10 000 and 15 000, that is two-thirds of the foreign sex trade in Italy. Other sources put their number at 25 000. The sex trade is said to amount to 15 billion lira.

    14. The great majority of these prostitutes are very young, between the ages of 14 and 18; they are often lured to Italy by a boyfriend or a pseudo-fiancé promising marriage or a job. Once in Italy they are exploited by traffickers and find themselves without identity papers, isolated and threatened with violence and death.

    15. Italy has introduced measures for accompanying children back to Albania, but this is not enough. There are no support facilities in Albania for young migrants on their return, which is crucial for young prostitutes in particular: their families are ashamed of them; they fear for their safety and have no chance of finding jobs.

    16. Crime is rising steadily. It stems from the dominant culture of the 1990s in Albania, geared to the acquisition of wealth, the consumer society and violence. There is also a culture of weapons, which are viewed as an extension of virility. Law and order and those in charge of it are widely mistrusted. Both Albanian and foreign mafia gangs wield real influence. The problem is compounded by growing unemployment and chaotic urban development. The lack of official statistics on juvenile delinquency shows that the Albanian authorities are unaware of its existence.

    17. The new Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure include provisions for prosecuting juvenile delinquency, but there are no juvenile courts, non-custodial sentences or indeed special detention centres. Convicted minors serve their sentences in the same prisons as adults. The police are not trained to deal with juvenile delinquency, nor are there any networks of social workers responsible for crime prevention among minors or for the rehabilitation of young offenders.

    18. Drugs are spreading in Albania and are now starting to reach children as young as ten. Unicef estimates that there are 8 000 young drug addicts in Tirana alone. The WHO estimates that there is a total of 20 000 people affected by drugs in one way or another. Only one information centre operates in Tirana, run by a NGO. An information campaign was recently launched on television. The legislation on the subject seems inappropriate and ineffective. Some of the professionals I met said they were powerless to do anything and asked for the Council of Europe's help in this area.

    19. There are 35 reported cases and 300 undeclared cases of AIDS; no action has so far been taken to deal with AIDS and there may be a massive outbreak of the illness as a result. Treatment by combination therapy is out of the question as the country could not possibly cover the costs.

    20. Schooling also gives much cause for concern. The education system was hard hit by the events of 1997; 250 schools were destroyed or seriously damaged. Fewer and fewer very young children go to school. For various reasons including emigration and vendettas, the school attendance rate is lower for boys than for girls. Failure to comply with the requirement of compulsory education (in principle from 6 to 14) is theoretically punished by a fine so large that in practice the penalty cannot be applied. The school curricula are much criticised. The gulf is widening between the population and the educational institutions, which are accused of being old-fashioned and failing to give children enough preparation for life.

    21. Where schools have not been destroyed, they are often dilapidated and insalubrious or held in the open air. Furniture, books and textbooks are in short supply. The situation is somewhat different in the cities thanks to international co-operation. In Durres, for instance, Switzerland is doing a great deal to rebuild schools, while in Tirana the Soros Foundation has equipped schools with computers.

    22. Albania's infant mortality rate is the highest in Europe. It stood at 45 per 1 000 in 1992 and dropped to 26 per 1 000 in 1997. It remains higher in rural areas and is coupled with a high maternal mortality rate because pregnancies are not monitored. The main causes of neonatal death are respiratory diseases, perinatal diseases and parasitic diseases and diarrhoea. According to a 1993 Red Cross survey quoted by the WHO, a large number of children suffer from malnutrition. According to the WHO, accidents are the main cause of death in the 5 to 15 age group. Disabilities and deaths resulting from road accidents are becoming a major public health problem and a joint project involving Italy and Médecins sans frontières (MSF) is currently being considered as part of the emergency aid programme.

    23. Italian newspapers have reported rumours of trafficking in children from Albania to Italy, especially for organ transplant purposes. A child's heart is said to sell for 300 million lira in Italy. Anomalies have indeed been found in Albania and an investigation is under way in Tirana in co-operation in Italy with the national Anti-Mafia prosecutor, Mr Vigna. The international community must see to it that this affair is fully elucidated.

    24. The WHO is currently carrying out a comprehensive survey of the Albanian health system, the main aim of which is to prevent it from breaking down completely. An international conference will be held in Tirana in early 1999 to increase awareness of the situation. According to the WHO, one of the main priorities is to improve hygiene and to offer Albanians a drinking water supply. Hospitals which are no longer worth restoring or which have been built without consideration for local needs should also be closed down, though care should be taken to ensure that this does not increase the exodus towards large towns and cities. Two projects for the restoration of hospitals are being carried out by MSF in Fier and Vlora.

    25. Tirana Children's Hospital, which has been refurbished under a joint scheme run by the Swiss Disaster Aid Corps and the Council of Europe, receives sixty to eighty emergency cases a day and treats about 9 000 children a year from all over Albania. Drugs and food for the patients are currently in short supply and the facilities are suffering from poor upkeep due to lack of funds. When I visited it, two washing machines had been out of order for several months and the autoclave had just broken down. Regular maintenance means earmarking 300 dollars a month to pay the three-member maintenance team.

    26. NGOs play a crucial role. There are very many of them in Albania, but they are unevenly distributed in geographical terms, operating mainly in Tirana. And they usually amount to a single person! There is some proselytism, both religious and otherwise, and the situation is conducive to the growth of sects. Legislation is being drafted to control their activities. According to Unicef, the NGOs lack the idea of comprehensive work for a cause and the necessary co-ordination and concerted approach. It is important to help Albanian NGOs to build up and develop their own potential. During her second visit to Tirana, the rapporteur met the person responsible for humanitarian aid and relations with the NGOs. Not many people appear to be familiar with this post in the Ministry of Social Affairs, which was only introduced a year ago, and it is too early to assess its impact.

    27. This report cannot claim to give an exhaustive account of the situation of children in Albania. There is much more to report, if only the delicate situation of the refugee children from Kosovo. The report aims more modestly to raise the alarm and draw the attention of European public opinion and Albanians themselves to the unjust fate currently suffered by children who are Europeans like any others. It also attempts to identify a few ideas and priorities for short and medium-term action, for submission to the Council of Europe's decision-making bodies. The rapporteur proposed in her draft that a conference on children's rights be held in Tirana in 1999 to mark the 10th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. All those she spoke to, particularly at ministerial level, found this proposal worthwhile and gave it their backing.


    Schedule of Mrs Pozza Tasca's visit to Albania

    from 6 – 9 July 1998

    sesksioni me te zeze eshte i 1998 nga qeveria italiane na vendos ne vend kryesor per prostitucionin,,,

    lexejo pije kafen vete me te forte,,,

    se me te vu dhe belgjiken,,,greqin,,,gjermani,,,hollanden,,zvicren ,,,danimarken,,,,suedin,,,e me radhe deri ne angli,,,

    ajo 60 mijesha ime 3 fishohet,,,,

    pi 2 kafe qe te zgjohesh,,,

  6. #106
    Ore landi e morem vesh qe ke disa statistika e rrofsh qe i solle por boll me! Permbaju temes e lere prostitucionin neper rruget e botes... nese mendon qe eshte nje lajm i vertete ok, mjafton ta thuash e boll u zgjate. S'kemi nevoje per provat e nje personi si ti qe vetem vrer flet per shqiptaret!!

    La vita non si spiega, si VIVE!

  7. #107
    Kalorës i Lirisë Maska e BlueBaron
    Në Tironën e Ondrrave
    O Lando, po kane kaluar 13 vjet. Nuk te duken pak te vjetra shifrat ???
    Mund të shkëpusësh Çunat nga TIRONA, por kurrë nuk mund të shkëpusësh TIRONËN nga zemra e Çunave !!!

  8. #108
    Natyre e turbulluar... Maska e Robbery
    Me duket se kete artikullin e keni kuptuar pak si ju do qejfi..
    Studimi, jo sondazhi, thote qe vajzat shqiptare e fillojne jeten seksuale ne moshen 13 vjeçare.
    Kjo jete seksuale mund te filloje sepse jane te fejuara, te martuara, per qef (dhe te mos iu duket fenomen jashtetokesor), per prostitucion, per varferi etj..
    Pra, arsyet jane te shumta, nuk po thote qe bejne sex 13 vjeçaret vetem neper shkolla apo diskoteka, se me duket se eshte marre vetem kjo ane ne konsiderate dhe per kete jeni te skandalizuar.
    Per pershtypjen qe kam une, per realitetin shqipetar, do te thoja qe studimi eshte i vertete.

  9. #109
    MR. BEAN - Laden Maska e the admiral
    European Union
    Citim Postuar më parë nga Robery Lexo Postimin
    Me duket se kete artikullin e keni kuptuar pak si ju do qejfi..
    Studimi, jo sondazhi, thote qe vajzat shqiptare e fillojne jeten seksuale ne moshen 13 vjeçare.
    Kjo jete seksuale mund te filloje sepse jane te fejuara, te martuara, per qef (dhe te mos iu duket fenomen jashtetokesor), per prostitucion, per varferi etj..
    Pra, arsyet jane te shumta, nuk po thote qe bejne sex 13 vjeçaret vetem neper shkolla apo diskoteka, se me duket se eshte marre vetem kjo ane ne konsiderate dhe per kete jeni te skandalizuar.
    Per pershtypjen qe kam une, per realitetin shqipetar, do te thoja qe studimi eshte i vertete.
    sipas teje sa perqind e vajzave shqiptare bejne sex qe nga mosha 13 vjec??? per kuriozitet.
    jo per gje, por ia paskan kaluar gjermaneve, qe dihet se jane shume me "perpara" ne kete aspekt...

    p.s. nuk e dija se paskam humbur fare lidhjen me realitetin shqiptar.
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga the admiral : 24-11-2011 më 08:27
    Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

  10. #110
    Natyre e turbulluar... Maska e Robbery
    The admiral..
    Ne lagjen time me kujtohet qe ishim 18 vjeçe une dhe 20 nje shoqja ime dhe te nje pallat afer nesh kishim nja 4 goca 3 a 4 vjet me te vogla..te 4 me femije..
    Ne pallatin ne krahe nje tjeter po ashtu 17 vjeçe me femije..
    Tani une nuk jam eksperte ne lende te te them perqindjen, por ne 7 veta, 5 ishin me kalamaj..te lagja ime..etj etj me te degjuara..
    Ja pse une e mendoj keshtu..

  11. #111
    MR. BEAN - Laden Maska e the admiral
    European Union
    Citim Postuar më parë nga Robery Lexo Postimin
    The admiral..
    Ne lagjen time me kujtohet qe ishim 18 vjeçe une dhe 20 nje shoqja ime dhe te nje pallat afer nesh kishim nja 4 goca 3 a 4 vjet me te vogla..te 4 me femije..
    Ne pallatin ne krahe nje tjeter po ashtu 17 vjeçe me femije..
    Tani une nuk jam eksperte ne lende te te them perqindjen, por ne 7 veta, 5 ishin me kalamaj..te lagja ime..etj etj me te degjuara..
    Ja pse une e mendoj keshtu..
    ??? po kur une kam qene 18 vjec, nder po rreth 20-30 shoqe shkolle moshatare te mia, asnjera nuk ka qene me femije...

    ja pse them qe lajmi eshte nje genjeshter.
    ato qe kane filluar ne moshen 13 vjec, per mua mund te jene 5%.
    Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

  12. #112
    Natyre e turbulluar... Maska e Robbery
    Nuk e di..une te dhashe kete shembullin e lagjes po edhe une ne shkolle s'kisha shoqe me kalamaj.. lol..
    Varet, se ka realitete te ndryshme...

  13. #113
    i/e regjistruar Maska e landi45
    Citim Postuar më parë nga BlueBaron Lexo Postimin
    O Lando, po kane kaluar 13 vjet. Nuk te duken pak te vjetra shifrat ???

    mire e ke ti e kane lene punen nga mireqenia socilae,,,

    o shoku probleme shoqerore ekzistojne kudo,,,

    po ne shqiperi qeveria nuk ka nje politike te caktuar ndaj ketij problemi,,,

    ishalla jane ulur

  14. #114
    i/e regjistruar Maska e landi45
    Citim Postuar më parë nga kleadoni Lexo Postimin
    Ore landi e morem vesh qe ke disa statistika e rrofsh qe i solle por boll me! Permbaju temes e lere prostitucionin neper rruget e botes... nese mendon qe eshte nje lajm i vertete ok, mjafton ta thuash e boll u zgjate. S'kemi nevoje per provat e nje personi si ti qe vetem vrer flet per shqiptaret!!
    seks ne moshen 13 vjeq eshte tema,,,

    une thashe qe mungesa e edukates seksuale,,,
    ndalimi i disa programeve dhe shfaqejeve seksuale para nje orari te caktuar ne tv,,,

    dhe nje informime me i gjere
    do ndalonte keto probleme,,

    se kjo teme eshte e vertete per mendimin tim
    13 vjeq e siper seks kja shume qe bejne,,
    ne kemi nje perqindje te madhe te femrave me femije para moshes 18 vjeq
    ne fshatra eshte e larte shume,,, pra keto femra dhe seks bejne apo jo,,,
    apo i bejne femijet me frymen e shenjte,,,

    se dhe prostitutat dhe nr i tyre,
    ishte nje argument per disa qe nuk e besonin temen tende,,

    une dhashe nje kunderagument me disa statistika,,,

    sa per shqipetare jam krenare qe jam,,,

    po dhe dua te flase per cdo problem qe ka shqiperia ,,,
    krimin e organizuar ,,,
    prostitucionin e me radhe,,,

    kjo eshte liria e fjales apo jo,,,,
    dhe si te punojme ti rregullojme,,,

    nje njeri qe lavderon veten dhe nuk korrigjon problemet se ofendohet emri kombit,,,

    duhet te mbaje mend ate thenien popullore ska pyll pa derra,,,,

    po ketu vetem lavderojne shqiperine dhe shqipetaret ,,,

    po te flasesh per problemet te thone antishqipetare,,,

    simbas jush asnje problem sduhet diskutuar se demtohet emri shqiperise,,,

    nga evropa dalin kryeministra presidente dhe thone kemi kete probleme hajde ti zgjidhim,,,

    ndersa ne forumin tuaj te quajne anti shqipetare,,,

    pse thua qe mungesa e qendrave sociale,,,
    mungesa e arsimit seksual,,
    mungesa e informit,,
    mungesa e kontrollit ne tv ,,,
    internet per progame te palejuara ne evrope per adoleshente ,,,,,
    dhe te gjitha keto si dhe gjendja ekonomike na kane rritur prostitucionin,,,,,
    dhe na nxjerrin neper tv dhe gazeta ne evrope cdo dite ,,,,

    po antishqipetari jam une qe bej lidhjen ndermjet 2 problemve

    dhe them qe duhet nderhyrje instuticioneve me politika per keto probleme,,,

    antishqipetare se thua po na nxjerr namin ky problem,,,

    se une i bej te bejne seks 13 vjec,,,,
    une i ndaloj edukin seksual,,
    une krijoj problemet ekonomike qe i detyrojne te flejne me nje 30 vjeqare per buke goje,,,,
    se une i kontrolloj te gjitha prostitutat ne evrope,,,

    me vjen keq nga kapaciteti mendore qe keni,,,,

    jam shqipetare,,, jam krenare,,,

    po dua qe te zgjidhen disa probleme
    qe po na lene ne faqe te pare ne kronika e zeza
    ne evrope ne tv e gazeta
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga landi45 : 24-11-2011 më 11:01

  15. #115
    Jo mor cun jo, une jam e para qe e "shaj" shqiperine per ato defekte qe ka. Edhe une jam quajtur shpesh antishqiptare ndaj nuk te quaj ty si te tille nese thjesht do japesh mendimin tend ne lidhje me temen duke mos u tejzgjatur e duke mos marre shembuj prostitutat.

    Sot kane ndryshuar gjerat. Adoleshentet e sotem jane shume here me te mireinformuar per seksin, per semundjet e trasmetueshme etj. Une ne moshen 13 vjecare (e i tere brezi im) as qe e kishim idene per ca behej fjale, kane qene argumente tabu qe as mamate nuk i zinin ne goje. Ndersa sot, cik televizori apo interneti e cik shkolla kane bere te mundur qe adoleshentet e sotem ti dine mire keto gjera kshuqe nese fillojne qysh ne moshen 13 vjecare e bejne sepse duan ta bejne, e jo sepse i detyron njeri, gje qe kane bere me ato vajza qe jane bere prostituta(shumica kane qene te detyruara).
    Fakti qe neper bote ka plot prostituta shqiptare ne menyren sesi e permende ti e lidhjen qe i bere ti me temen, le te kuptoj sikur rraca shqiptare eshte rrace k**** .... Te jesh prostitute e te besh seks me te dashurin qysh ne moshen 13 vjece ka shume ndryshim!!

    La vita non si spiega, si VIVE!

  16. #116
    i/e regjistruar Maska e safinator
    Ku jane prinderit?

  17. #117
    i/e regjistruar Maska e landi45
    Citim Postuar më parë nga kleadoni Lexo Postimin
    Jo mor cun jo, une jam e para qe e "shaj" shqiperine per ato defekte qe ka. Edhe une jam quajtur shpesh antishqiptare ndaj nuk te quaj ty si te tille nese thjesht do japesh mendimin tend ne lidhje me temen duke mos u tejzgjatur e duke mos marre shembuj prostitutat.

    Sot kane ndryshuar gjerat. Adoleshentet e sotem jane shume here me te mireinformuar per seksin, per semundjet e trasmetueshme etj. Une ne moshen 13 vjecare (e i tere brezi im) as qe e kishim idene per ca behej fjale, kane qene argumente tabu qe as mamate nuk i zinin ne goje. Ndersa sot, cik televizori apo interneti e cik shkolla kane bere te mundur qe adoleshentet e sotem ti dine mire keto gjera kshuqe nese fillojne qysh ne moshen 13 vjecare e bejne sepse duan ta bejne, e jo sepse i detyron njeri, gje qe kane bere me ato vajza qe jane bere prostituta(shumica kane qene te detyruara).
    Fakti qe neper bote ka plot prostituta shqiptare ne menyren sesi e permende ti e lidhjen qe i bere ti me temen, le te kuptoj sikur rraca shqiptare eshte rrace k**** .... Te jesh prostitute e te besh seks me te dashurin qysh ne moshen 13 vjece ka shume ndryshim!!
    ku jane te informuar ne fshatra,,,

    ku kane mesues qe ngaterrojne vellezerit frasheri me ismail qemalin,,,

    dhe i heqin nga shkolla ne moshen 10 -11 vjeq,,,

    dhe ne moshen 15-16 e siper i martojne,,

    dhe nr atyre qe ne moshen 18 vjeq jane me 2-ose me shume femije eshte teper i madh,,,

    me vjen keq

    po dhe informimi i tepert me programe ku seksi del si buke me gjalpe,,, neper tv ose libra dhe revista,,,kafe interneti,,,

    ku nuk kontrollohet mosha ,,,

    po blen kaseta seksi ne pazare me kile,,,

    dhe kjo po shkaterron brezin e ri,,, neper qytete


    duhet informacion i kontrolluar per moshat nen 18 vjeq,,,

    ne evrope nje nen moshen 18 vjeq nuk sheh dot shumicen e filmave,,,,ne cdo kanal programet me seks fillojne pas nje ore te caktur,,,ne internet duhet te tregosh moshen e me radhe,,,

    keto po thoja une,,,

    se mos zbatimi ketyre sjell dhe prostitucionin se cpret nga nja femije nga mosha 13 deri ne moshe 18 qe ka flet me gjysmen e lagjes pastaj,,, mos do behet mesuese edukate seksuale,,,

    nr e prostitutave i dhashe per ate qe thoshte se ska kaq shume ,,,

    se jane 2- apo 3 prostituta,,,


  18. #118
    e mire mire, ashtu e lejme! ato te fshatrave e kane "rregull" te martohen ne ate moshe, si te kene informacione si mos te kene... ideja eshte per vajzat e qyteteve! nejse, respekte!

    La vita non si spiega, si VIVE!

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