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Ndihme per nje program POS Br

Vlerėsoje Postimin
Citim Postuar mė parė nga andrit Lexo Postimin

Kam nje program per menaxhimin e barit dhe resorantit programi quhet POS BR ju lutem nese keni mundesi te me asistoni se kur nis programin me del ky lajmerim: nese keni mundesi mund tu jap any desk

kam ngarkuar dhe bazen te te dhenave ne sql server 2008 por programit nuk hapet nese ka mundesi mund te me kontaktoni ...Emri:  1.jpg

Shikime: 7845

Madhėsia:  34.3 KBEmri:  2.jpg

Shikime: 7861

Madhėsia:  28.8 KB

The 'TABLE_Punonjes' control cannot be initialized, the following HyperFileSQL error occurred:
OLE DB access error.
Error Number = 170124

Failure opening connection:
Data Source:
OLEDB Provider:

System Error Details:

Description = [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
SQL State = 08001
Error Number = -2147467259 (0x80004005)
Native Error Number = 17 (0x11)

----- Technical Information -----

Project : POSBR

What happened?
The 'TABLE_Punonjes' control cannot be initialized, the following HyperFileSQL error occurred:
OLE DB access error.
Error Number = 170124

Failure opening connection:
Data Source:
OLEDB Provider:

Error code: 10085
Level: fatal error (EL_FATAL)
WD55 error code: 3001

System error message:
Description = [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
SQL State = 08001
Error Number = -2147467259 (0x80004005)
Native Error Number = 17 (0x11)

Dump of the error of 'wd180obj.dll' module (18.0.429.27).
Identifier of detailed information (.err): 10085
Debugging information:
Provider: SQLOLEDB
User: posbr
Data source: srv
Database: posbrdb
Unicode supported: 1
Page code of WL: 1252
Page code of the connection: UTF-16

MDAC Version = <6.3.9600.16384>.

[Data format]
Query Parameter Checked = <0> = <>
Query Parameter Needing conversion = <96> =
DecimalSeparator =
DateFormat =

[Cursor settings Match]
LockType = , Location = , Type = , Capacities =
LockType = , Location = , Type = , Capacities =
LockType = , Location = , Type = , Capacities =

Additional Information:
EIT_ADOCODE : <-2147467259>
EIT_ODBCDESCRIPTION : <[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.>
EIT_ODBCCODE : <08001>
EIT_LOGICALTABLENAME : Emri:  222222222222222222.jpg

Shikime: 1578

Madhėsia:  43.4 KB
Fjalėt Kyēe: Asnjė Shto / Ndrysho Fjalėt Kyēe
Pa Kategorizim

