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  1. #21
    i/e regjistruar Maska e flag
    Ja edhe disa pergjigje tjera qe i gjeta nderkohe. Ketu nuk qenkan multi pergjigje por vetem pergjigjet e sakta.

    Gjithashtu po shkruan se jan test per ESOL, por nuk jam i sigurt nese mendohet se edhe nese e mbaron kursin per gjuhe Angleze(ESOL) duhet te japesh testin dhe keto jan disa prej pyetjeve qe jan ne kete test per ESOL. Sidoqofte do te kerkoj me shume info dhe do ti postoj sapo ti gjejë

    Me nderime

    Answers for ESOL Citizenship Practice Test

    1) If you become a British citizen, which TWO rights will this give you?

    the right to a British passport

    the right to vote in national elections

    2) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    Your employer is permitted to give you the sack you if you are a member of a trades union.


    3) In which of the following courts would you find a jury system?

    Crown Court

    4) Which is the largest non-Christian religion in the UK?


    5) What is the approximate population of Scotland?

    five million

    6) Who is the spiritual leader of the Church of England?

    the Archbishop of Canterbury

    7) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    Both employees and employers have a legal duty to obey Health and Safety regulations


    8) What are the TWO main reasons immigrants give for coming to the United Kingdom?

    to have a better life

    to find safety

    9) Which of these statements is correct?

    In the early 19th century women in Britain had fewer rights than men.

    10) What is the collective name for England, Scotland and Wales?


    11) If you have paid enough National Insurance contributions you are entitled to:

    draw a state pension

    12) When can you seek help from the Equal Opportunities Commission?

    If you are suffering harassment at work

    13) Which is the second largest city in the UK?


    14) What is another name for the Upper House?

    the House of Lords

    15) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    There is no requirement at present to carry identity cards in Britain.


    16) Which of these statements is correct?

    You have to be seventeen to drive a car in Britain.

    17) Which is the second largest party sitting in Parliament?

    The Conservative Party

    18) According to statistics from the 2001 census, what percentage of the population is made up of ethnic minorities?


    19) How much paid holiday per year are most working people aged sixteen and over entitled to?

    four weeks

    20) St Patrick is the patron Saint of which country?


    21) Where in Britain it is not an offence to consume alcohol at the age of sixteen?

    in a hotel

    22) In which country are students not required to make a contribution towards their tuition fees?


    23) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    Places are reserved on school governing bodies for parent governors.


    24) The term ‘independent schools’ includes schools from which of the TWO following categories?

    public schools

    religious schools

    25) The commemoration of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 refers to which of the following festivals?

    Guy Fawkes Night

    26) Name the day of commemoration for those who fought in the First and Second World Wars.

    Remembrance Day

    27) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    New born babies must be registered with the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths within three weeks of the birth.

    false (within 6 weeks)

    28) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    The cabinet is a small committee of senior politicians who decide the general policies for the Government


    29) How many parliamentary constituencies are there within the United Kingdom?


    30) Is the statement below TRUE or FALSE?
    The United Kingdom has an unwritten constitution.


    31) The Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for which area of Government?

    the economy

    32) What can a building society help you do?

    save money

    33) The Good Friday Agreement was signed in Northern Ireland in which year?


    34) What is the population of Wales?

    3 million

    35) What’s the percentage of children living in lone parent families?


    36) Who appoints judges in Britain?

    the Lord Chancello

    37) When did Queen Elizabeth II come to the throne?


    38) In which year was the National Health Service set up?


    39) A housing association provides homes that are:


    40) What are the people who have the job of carrying out Government policy called?

    civil servants

  2. #22
    i/e regjistruar
    faleminderit per pergjigjen Flag.E shikon se nqf nuk do kisha nderhyre ne temen e tjetrit nuk do dija asnje gje rreth testit,kurse tani,(me shume me ndihmen tuaj),te pakten di se ku te drejtohem.Din gje Flag,testi per lejeqendrim dhe Esol jepen bashke apo lejeqendrimi para pastaj Esol??ose e kunderta?Shpresoj te jepet kjo e para se me Esol-in du kohe.edhe nje here faleminderit per interesimin
    me respekt deti1

  3. #23
    i/e regjistruar Maska e flag
    Citim Postuar më parë nga deti1 Lexo Postimin
    faleminderit per pergjigjen Flag.E shikon se nqf nuk do kisha nderhyre ne temen e tjetrit nuk do dija asnje gje rreth testit,kurse tani,(me shume me ndihmen tuaj),te pakten di se ku te drejtohem.Din gje Flag,testi per lejeqendrim dhe Esol jepen bashke apo lejeqendrimi para pastaj Esol??ose e kunderta?Shpresoj te jepet kjo e para se me Esol-in du kohe.edhe nje here faleminderit per interesimin
    me respekt deti1
    Po por sikur te kishe hapur kete teme si te veqant atehere edhe pergjigje kishe me marr me shume.

    Sa per testin Esol, ju duhet te mbaroni kete kurs apo te ngjashem dhe normalisht nese e mbaroni atehere certifikata qe do te merrni nga ky kurs do te deshmon se ju e dini gjuhen Angleze.

    Nese edhe me kete kurs/cerifikatë duhet te hyni ne test per jeten ne Britani nuk e dij prandaj edhe te shkrujta me heret se nuk jam i sigurt.

    Perpara ka qen qe nese e ke te kryer ndonje kurs te ESOL apo te ngjashem me Level 3 atehere nuk eshte dashur te deshmoni me ndonje menyre apo test tjeter, mirepo gjerat kan ndryshuar.

    Me kete pyetjen se a duhet te jepet testi i ESOL se bashku me lejeqendrim apo...
    Ose une nuk te kam kuptuar ne pyetjen tuaj ose ju i keni ngaterruar testet.

    Per ESOL nuk te duhet test per te vijuar kete kurs por nese e mbaron kete kurs do te thote se ju e keni mesuar gjuhen Angleze. ESOL eshte kurs apo shkolle ku ti shkon edhe e meson gjuhen prandaj nuk te duhet teste per te u regjistruar ne kete kurs.

    Prandaj kjo "para lejeqendrimi pastaj ESOL" nuk vlen sepse per te marr lejeqendrimin ju duhet te deshmoni se dini gjuhen Angleze dhe te keni njohuri per jeten ne Britani. Me mbarimin e ndonje kursi si ESOL ke deshmij se ju e dini gjuhen Angleze.
    Me fjale tjera ju nuk mund te merrni lejeqendrimin pa e ditur gjuhen, e per te deshmuar se e dini gjuhen, certifikata e vijim-mbarimit te nje kursi ne gjuhen Angleze si ESOL psh,mjafton. Perndryshe duhe te deshmoni ne menyra tjera, psh te shkoni te nje avokat i autorizuar per kete ku duhet te jepni testin e gjuhes me goje e shkrim dhe me marrjen e certifikates nga ky avokat ku konfirmon se ju e dini gjuhen Agleze dhe bla bla.

    Tek kur te posedoni keto deshmij atehere duhet te aplikoni per lejeqendrim, gje qe nese e lexon posted me lart te kam shpjeguar mjaft mire se cilat hapat duhesh ti marresh per tu pasuruar me lejeqendrim e pasaport.

    Shpresoj se kam mundur te qartesoj kete.

    Me nderime

  4. #24
    i/e regjistruar
    me fal qe te bej disa pyetje qe per ty jane te thjeshta,por per mua kane rendesi,sepse 18 muaj kam ne Angli dhe pothuaj nuk di asgje rreth ketyre pyetjeve.Po nqf une nuk e mar certifikaten qe e kam mesuar anglishten,eshte e mjaftueshme vetem te kem nje leter qe une e kam vazhduar per mesimin e anglishtes por nuk e kam kaluar,ose jam ne vazhdim?pak me lart the se ju nuk mund te merni lejeqendrimin pa e pasur kete certifikate eso vazhdim mbarimin e ketij kursi,pra me duhet te mar certif.. para qe te vazhdoj testin per lejeqendrim?po nqf une nuk e mar kete dreq certifikate,cfare behet?Ti me ke sqaruar shume mire,por une jam bere lemsh dhe nuk di si do perfundoj,prandaj te bej kaq shume pyetje,edhe ndoshta dhe te merzis por me kupto,se kam shume stres.Faleminderit per pergjigjet

  5. #25
    i/e regjistruar Maska e flag
    Citim Postuar më parë nga deti1 Lexo Postimin
    me fal qe te bej disa pyetje qe per ty jane te thjeshta,por per mua kane rendesi,sepse 18 muaj kam ne Angli dhe pothuaj nuk di asgje rreth ketyre pyetjeve.Po nqf une nuk e mar certifikaten qe e kam mesuar anglishten,eshte e mjaftueshme vetem te kem nje leter qe une e kam vazhduar per mesimin e anglishtes por nuk e kam kaluar,ose jam ne vazhdim?pak me lart the se ju nuk mund te merni lejeqendrimin pa e pasur kete certifikate eso vazhdim mbarimin e ketij kursi,pra me duhet te mar certif.. para qe te vazhdoj testin per lejeqendrim?po nqf une nuk e mar kete dreq certifikate,cfare behet?Ti me ke sqaruar shume mire,por une jam bere lemsh dhe nuk di si do perfundoj,prandaj te bej kaq shume pyetje,edhe ndoshta dhe te merzis por me kupto,se kam shume stres.Faleminderit per pergjigjet
    Prandaj te kam kerkuar te me shkruani ne email sepse me email do te mundem te ju pergjigjem me shpejt sepse emailin e shikoj me shpesh se kete forum.

    Sidoqofte, per "cka do te behet nese nuk e merr certifikaten e Anglishtes, kjo thjeshte do te thote se ju nuk e dini Anglishten prandaj edhe nuk e keni certifikaten dhe per kete nuk mund te merrni lejeqendrimin.
    Per me shume referohu kesaj faqes, sidomos numrit 5 ku te kam shpjeguar detalisht se cka duhesh te bëni.

    Me respekt

Faqja 2 prej 2 FillimFillim 12

Tema të Ngjashme

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