Faqja 4 prej 5 FillimFillim ... 2345 FunditFundit
Duke shfaqur rezultatin 61 deri 80 prej 100
  1. #61
    Promete (i lidhur) Maska e Kryeplaku
    në realitetin e hidhur


    Do ju lutesha shume, nese keto lajmerime i interesojne edhe studenteve qe jane ne vende ku nuk flitet Anglisht, te perktheni te pakten permbjatjen e ktyre shkrimeve edhe ne Shqip. Besoj se dicka e tille do ishte ne interes te gjitheve.


  2. #62
    i/e regjistruar Maska e theodora*


    Ah more kryeplak.Sa te forta qe ke.Mos ki merak se do te tergoj une nje program qe quhet systran qe te ta perktheje anglishten ne greqisht.
    p.s po po e gjeta ku e kam cd-ne se nuk e mbaj mend.

  3. #63
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland

    Universiteti “Shën Cirili dhe Metodi”, kala e papushtuar për shqiptarët

    “Dera e Sezamit” nuk u hap, kandidati i vetëm shqiptar për prorektor, në aut!

    -Ndonëse rektori i ri, Gjorgji Martinovski, ndër kandidatët e kishte radhitur edhe dr.Havzi Mustafën (I vetmi kandidat shqiptarë në historinë 57-vjeçare të këtij universiteti), Senati përparësi u dha Zoran vellkovskit, Lubica Shuturkovës dhe Boris Kërstevit.

    Kandidati i vetëm shqiptar për prorektor, në historinë 57-vjerçare të Univrsitetit të Shkupit, dr. Avzi Mustafa, nuk arriti ta hapë “derën e Sezamit”.

    Ndonëse rektori i ri, Gjorgji Martinovski, ndër kandidatët e kishte radhitur edhe profesorin e Katedrës së Gjuhës dhe Letërsisë Shqiptare, në seancën e djeshme Senati u dha përparësi tre kandidatëve tjerë. Kështu, dr. Zoran Vellkovski nga Fakulteti filozofik është zgjedhur prorektor për mësim dhe shkencë, Lubica Shuturkova nga Fakulteti farmaceutik - prorektor për aktivitet ndërkombëtar, ndërsa Boris Kërstev nga Fakulteti xehtaro-gjeologjik në Shtip - prorektor për financa, investime dhe zhvillim.

    Zgjedhja e prorektorëve të ri u bë në bazë të propozimit të rektorit, Gjorgji Martinovski, me votim të fshehtë të 49 anëtarëve të pranishëm në mbledhjen e djeshme, nga gjthsej 68 sa ka Senati. Mandati i prorektorëve është prej 01.10.2004 deri më 30.09.2008.

    Në seancën e tretë me radhë në përbërjen e re të Senatit, është shqyrtuar edhe informacioni i Komisionit për veprimtarinë normative e Universitetit, me të cilën hudhet poshtë propozimi i rektorit Martinovski për emërimin e gjashtë kandidatëve për zgjedhje të tre prorektorëve dhe për vënien e funksionit të prorektorit të katërt. Propozimi nuk është në pajtim me dispozitat e Statutit, por është ngritur iniciativë për ndryshimin e tij. Nuk dihet nëse dr. Avzi Mustafa do të jetë I katërti pas aprovimit eventual të këtyre ndryshimeve. Procedura e ndryshimit të Statutit mund të zgjasë më shumë se dy muaj.

    S. S.
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  4. #64
    Informacione per bursa te na bini se jena te interesuar ...

  5. #65
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple

    Research Assistant --The National Albanian American Council

    Research Assistant

    The National Albanian American Council
    ("NAAC") is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocating for Albanians and promoting peace and economic development in the Balkans by fostering democratic policy, promoting respect for human rights, and conducting educational and developmental programs.NAAC provides timely information and analysis of Albanian issues to policy and opinion makers in Washington. NAAC regularly issues position papers and press releases on Balkan issues. NAAC members also provide expert testimony at hearings before the United States Congress and commentary for leading television news programs and at academic forums.

    The Council also has an internship position available in the New York Office. The intern will work directly with senior staff and have an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field of International Relations and particularly the Balkans.This internship will offer valuable hands-on experience and significant responsibility.The main responsibilities of the intern will include: research, writing, assisting in certain aspects of fundraising and external affairs.

    We seek a detail-oriented, energetic, and highly-motivated intern who is has an interest the Balkans. Candidate should have demonstrated ability to take directions and work independently, and have excellent writing, editing, communications, and computer skills. Some knowlegde of the area is a definite plus. Educational concentration in International Relations or related field a must.

    Qualified candidates should email a resume and cover letter INCLUDING POSITION NAME, DAYS AND TIMES AVAILABLE TO WORK to

    Position open until filled.

  6. #66
    !Welcome! Maska e StormAngel
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Citim Postuar më parë nga bebushe
    Informacione per bursa te na bini se jena te interesuar ...
    Per cilin univerzitet?
    Cfare lloj bursash?
    Behu pak me specifike ne menyre qe te mund te te ndihmoj,nqs mundem.
    We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us.

  7. #67
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple

    Research and Short-Term Scholar Grant Competitions

    East European Studies (EES) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC would like to bring your attention to the deadlines for the Research and Short-Term Scholar Grant Competitions. Please forward this information on to anyone who may be interested. The deadline for both of these grants is December 1, 2004. For more information on these grants please read below or look at our website: Please e-mail or call 202.691.4222 with any questions.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G R A N T O P P O R T U N I T I E S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    EES would like to bring your attention to the next deadline for receipt of Research Scholar applications and supporting materials: December 1, 2004. Applicants will be notified approximately one month later. For more details, please read below or look at our website: Completed applications should be mailed to the following address:


    These grants are available to American (or permanent residents) academic experts and practitioners, including advanced graduate students, engaged in specialized research requiring access to Washington, DC and its research institutions.

    Project Scope
    With funding provided by Title VIII (Soviet and East European Research and Training Act), EES offers residential research scholar grants to scholars working on policy relevant projects on East Europe. Special consideration will be given to projects on Southeast Europe, or projects that can be credibly linked to issues in the Western Balkans.

    Application Information
    To apply for a Research Scholar award, the applicant must submit the following:

    - a concise description of his/her research project;
    - a curriculum vitae;

    - a completed application form--available on the EES website

    - three letters of recommendation in support of the research to be conducted at the Center.


    EES would like to bring your attention to the next deadline for receipt of Short-Term Scholar applications and supporting materials: December 1, 2004. Applicants will be notified approximately one month later. For more details, please read below or look at our website: Completed applications should be mailed to the following address:

    East European Studies
    The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
    One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
    1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20004-3027

    These grants are available to American (or permanent residents) academic experts and practitioners, including advanced graduate students, engaged in specialized research requiring access to Washington, DC and its research institutions. Grants are for one month and do not include residence at the Wilson Center.

    Project Scope
    With funding provided by Title VIII (Soviet and East European Research and Training Act), EES offers short-term scholar grants to scholars working on policy relevant projects on East Europe. Special consideration will be given to projects on Southeast Europe, or projects that can be credibly linked to issues in the Western Balkans.

    Application Information
    To apply for a Short-Term award, the applicant must submit the following:
    - a concise description of his/her research project;
    - a curriculum vitae;
    - a statement of preferred and alternate dates of residence in Washington, DC;
    - two letters or recommendation in support of the research to be conducted at the Center.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ************************************************** *****************
    East European Studies
    The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
    One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
    1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20004-3027

    tel: 202-691-4000
    fax: 202-691-4001

    Located in the Ronald Reagan Building
    Federal Triangle Metro Stop (Blue/Orange) Lines

  8. #68
    i/e regjistruar

    Ky lajmerim i dedikohet te gjithe atyre qe deshirojne te ndjekin studimet universitare ne France.

    Per te lehtesuar dhe per t'ju ardhur ne ndihme ne demarshet e para, e per instalimin, sa me konfortable per ndjekjen e studimeve tuaja ne France, shoqata jone "KUFA" (Konsulent Universal France Albanie) ju offron:

    - Demarshet e para administrative, per regjistrimin ne universitetet e Frances
    - Gjetjen e baneses (me qira) e ndihme per nje instalim te shpejte dhe pa kokëçarje
    - Udhetimin Falas per ne shqiperi (vajte-ardhje) ne periudhen e pushimeve shkollore
    Kontakt direkt telefon-video-konferce me familjen tuaj ne shqiperi (falas 4 Orë/muaj)

    Kushtet aktuale per instalimin e studenteve ne qytetet e frances jane te veshtira, prandaj ju kerkojme te interesuarve te bejne rezervimin e tyre qe ne kete kohe per vitin e ardhshem.

    Garancia jone eshte :
    satisfaksion ose kthim lekesh, e cila realizohet me nje bashkepunim real e te sinqert midis nesh, dhe me ndihme e mbeshtetje nga ana jone gjat gjith vitit, per zgjidhjen e çdo lloj problemi administrativ qe mund te hasni ne nje vend te huaj.

    kushtet dhe tarifat varen nga optsionet qe do te kerkoni, te cilat do ti diskutojme ne kontektin e pare me te interesuarit.
    pagesa do te behet paradhenje tek perfaqesuesi jone ne shqiperi.(pra do te keni kontakt real me person fizik, mbas diskutimit te pare)

    mos hezitoni te merrni kontakt dhe te beni çdo lloj pyetje, ose te shperndani permbajtjen e ketij lajmerimi tek te njohurit tuaj qe munde te jene te interesuar.
    do te jeni te mirpritur.

    0033 / 666 844 094 (nga shqiperia) ose 06 66 84 40 94 (nga franca)

    Ju falenderojme per vemendjen qe do ti kushtoni lajmerimit tone.

    përshëndtetje nga Rachel !

  9. #69
    i/e regjistruar Maska e zeus

    Qeveria, lehtesira per te diplomuarit jashte vendit


    Keshilli i Ministrave miratoi dje vendimin per Strategjine per nxitjen e punesimit ne Administraten Publike te studenteve te diplomuar jashte vendit. Ky vendim ishte ne perputhje me nje nga prioritetet e qeverise shqiptare per terheqjen e kapaciteteve me te mira intelektuale dhe forcimin e institucioneve shqiptare ne perballimin e sfidave ne rrugen e integrimit euroatlantik.

    "Strategjia synon nxitjen e politikave stimuluese per emerimin e te rinjve te kualifikuar jashte vendit per te punuar ne administraten publike ne nivel qendror, iniciative e cila ka gjetur mbeshtetje tek te rinjte e diplomuar ne universitetet jashte vendit. Aktualisht ne administraten publike qendrore jane te punesuar 150 te rinj te diplomuar jashte vendit ne te gjitha ministrite e linjes", thuhet ne njoftimin e qeverise. Zbatimi i kesaj strategjie do te arrihet nepermjet nderthurjes se tre faktoreve baze: informim, rekrutim dhe motivim. "Informimi synon krijimin e nje rrjeti neteork-u studentesh per informimin e tyre ne lidhje me vendet e lira ne sherbimin civil; shperndarjen e buletinit te vendeve te lira te punes te pergatitura nga Departamenti i Administrates Publike, i cili do t'u vihet ne dispozicion studenteve jashte vendit nepermjet sherbimit diplomatik shqiptar ne bote, si dhe ne sektorin privat ne Shqiperi", thuhet ne vendimin e qeverise. Po keshtu, do te vazhdoje puna per krijimin e nje "database" te plote me te dhenat personale te te interesuarve per te cilen do te mbahen kontakte te ngushta me sherbimin diplomatik shqiptar ne bote per marrjen e nje informacioni te sakte ne lidhje me flukset e studenteve te diplomuar jashte vendit etj. "Rekrutimi synon permiresimin e kuadrit ligjor ne fushen e rekrutimit te ketyre studenteve ne administraten civile dhe permiresimit te kritereve te percaktuara ne pershkrimet e punes. Strategjia parashikon kompensimin ne page te tyre me ane te programeve te bashkepunimit me organizata te ndryshme, si dhe percaktimin ne strukturen e pages te kritereve te kompensimit per llojin e kualifikimeve qe ata kane kryer. Po ashtu do te bashkepunohet me fakultete te ndryshme per te nxitur punesimin e te diplomuarve jashte me rezultate shume te mira si pedagoge te jashtem te ketyre fakulteteve", sqarohet ne vendimin e qeverise.

    Në botë ka 10 lloje njerëzish: ata që kuptojnë sistemin binar, dhe ata që nuk e kuptojnë!

  10. #70

    Arrow Bashkohen studentët shqiptarë të të gjitha viseve!

    Themelohet Unioni i Studenteve Shqiptare!

    Studentet shqiptare te te gjitha viseve jane bashkuar ne nje organizate te re studentore e cila eshte promovuar ne fillim te javes ne Prishtine.
    Petrit Nimani eshte zgjedhur kryetar i kesaj organizate gjithkombetare studentore.

    "Ate cfare nuk arriten ta bejne asnje organizate studentore, e beme ne, duke mbledhur ne kete promovim te gjitha organizatat studentore nga te gjitha universitetet shqiptare dhe pos kesaj edhe organizata tjera rinore", ka deklaruar Nimani per gazeten FAKTI.

    Ne sallen solemne te Fakultetit Filologjik te Universitetit te Prishtines ishin mbledhur studente te te gjitha viseve shqiptare, organizata studentore dhe unionet e studenteve te te gjitha universiteteve shqiptare per te marre pjese ne promovimin e organizates studentore "Unioni i studenteve shqiptare".

    Ne kete union morren pjese perfaqesues te organizatave studentore nga Kosova: "Unioni i pavarur i studenteve te UP-se", "Organizata e re studentore", "Liga e studenteve te Kosoves", "Parlamenti rinor i Kosoves",
    nga Shqiperia morren pjese: " UNioni i pavarur i studenteve te Universitetit te Tiranes" dhe organizata studentore nga universitete tjera te shtetit shqiptar, ndersa nga Maqedonia ishin te pranishem perfaqesues nga "Unioni i pavarur i studenteve te USHT-se (Universitetit Shteteror te Tetoves)", "Unioni i pavarur is tudenteve te UEJL-se, perfaqesues i webfaqes "" Rami Mislimi dhe shume perfaqesues te organizatave tjera rinore nga viset shqiptare.

    Kryetari i "Unioni i studenteve shqiptare"(USSH), Petrit Nimani, ne promovimin e organizates se USSH-se deklaroi se do te perfaqesoje interesat e te gjithe studenteve shqiptare nga jane ata, ne te gjitha universitetet shqiptare dhe se tash me unioni perpos qe funksionon ne Kosove, ai ka shtrirje edhe ne universitetet tjera ku mesohet shqip".

    Marre nga e perditshmja "FAKTI"


    P.S. T'i deshirojme suksese ketij unioni te ri!
    Të mos ishte feja Islame, populli shqiptar do të ishte shumë më tepër në numër, por jo shqiptar-F.Konica

  11. #71

    Unioni i Studentëve Shqiptar?

    A din ndokush gjë për këtë Union. Ku gjenden, a kanë aqe në internet etj etj.

  12. #72 - Shkencat humane në shqip

    Sa për infromim për ata që janë të interesuar për shkenca humane: është faqja ime e preferuar. Në fakt është e vetmja (me sa unë di) e specializuar për shkenca humane në gjuuhën shqipe. Aty shkruajnë dhe diskutojnë studiues dhe pasionantë të shkencave humane tema nga çështje teorike dhe praktike shoqërore, sociologjike, filozofike, politike, kulturore, fetare etj.

    Një vendtakim i studiueseve të këtyre shkencave. Vizitone...

  13. #73
    i/e larguar Maska e Studenti-Te
    Ne pluhur
    Unioni i studenteve Shqiptar selin e ka ne Prishtine me duket dhe webfaqja e saj eshte:

  14. #74
    i/e larguar Maska e Studenti-Te
    Ne pluhur

    Të gjithë studentët të cilët deri më 1 qershor 2005 kanë fituar 210 kredi, ftohen të marrin pjesë në ceremoninë solemne me rastin e promovimit të gjeneratës së parë të absolventëve të UEJL.

    Ceremonia në fjalë do të mbahet më 11 qershor 2005 (e shtunë), në ora 10:00, në qytezën universitare. Pritet që mbi 1000 mysafirë të marrin pjesë, kështu që ky rast do të mbahet jashtë.

    Në këtë ceremoni mund të marrin pjesë vetëm studentët të cilët teorikisht diplomojnë në fund të këtij semestri (me 240 kredi), dhe kjo është arsyeja përse e kemi përkufizuar këtë ceremoni vetëm për ato studentë të cilët do të mbledhin 210 kredi deri më 1 qershor. Studentët të cilët kanë më pak se 210 kredi do të marrin pjesë në Ceremoninë e ardhshme të diplomimit.

    Të gjithë studentët të cilët kanë fituar ose besojnë se do të mbledhin 210 kredi deri më 1 qershor 2005, duhet menjëherë të shkojnë në Zyrën për çështje studentore (Regjistri) dhe të plotësojnë formularin për diplomim dhe të marrin udhëzime të mëtejshme.

    Dr. Zamir Dika
    Pro-rektor për çështje studentore

  15. #75
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple

    London based-position

    Human Rights Job Board
    Job Title: Europe & Central Asia Programme Co-ordinator

    Location: London, United Kingdom

    Organization: Minority Rights Group International (UK)

    Description: Could you coordinate MRG’s programmes (with a focus on South East Europe) working closely with partners based in the region?

    Duties: You will need to be educated to degree level with a good knowledge of South East Europe including recent political, social and economic developments.

    Qualifications: You will need knowledge of human (and minority) rights. You will also need at least two years project planning/design, management and implementation experience, as well as some experience of national and international advocacy and fundraising.

    Salary: Salary c. £ 25,500 p.a. (full time + generous pension)

    Closing Date: 6/30/2005

    Contact Information: To receive an application pack, send a large SAE (if applying from the UK send 76p stamp) marked Recruitment quoting Ref: FUND-HRI05: Minority Rights Group International 54 Commercial Street, London E1 6LT - United Kingdom Or visit our website at <>


    URL for more information:

  16. #76
    Perjashtuar Maska e Prototype

    Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales



    Academic year 2006/2007

    We would like to inform you about our Master's program in Advanced
    and International Studies, which is a nine months' intensive academic
    program committed to the studies of European integration as well as
    international relations.

    *Location:* Istanbul, Nice, Berlin

    *Duration:* 9 months (From October to July)

    *Deadline:* The deadline for applications is on *July 31th 2006.*

    * **A limited number of scholarship is avaible*
    *In any case, applications and especially request for financial aid
    reach the I.EH.E.I. as early as possible in order to be considered
    under the
    best conditions**.*

    * *

    *Curriculum Highlights:** *Students who successfully complete the
    acquire 60 ECTS credits. In addition to the stays
    Istanbul, Nice, Berlin, the Institute offers a study trip to European
    international organizations in Geneva, Strasbourg, Brussels, and

    *Program Value:* The program consists of academicians from various
    countries, as well as experts from research institutions and
    organizations. Over the last years, the Institute has graduated 5000
    students coming from more than 80 different countries, having offered
    many scholarship opportunities.

    *Subject Areas:* International Relations, European Integration,
    and Society, Federalism.

    *This program is supported by the European Union*.

    For further information, you are welcome to consult our web site at **.

    Yours sincerely,

    Burcu GORAK

    Tel: +90 212 236 54 90 / 1294
    Fax: +90 212 258 70 83
    Site Internet :

  17. #77
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple

    Teaching Fellowship-- Eastern Europe

    SSRC Eurasia Program
    2006 Teaching Fellowship Competition - Extended Deadline

    The Eurasia Program of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is currently offering a Teaching Fellowship of up to $10,000 for the 2006-2007 academic year. This fellowship is intended to provide support for faculty members wishing to create and implement significantly revised or wholly new university courses on or related to the New States of Eurasia, the Soviet Union, and/or the Russian Empire, regardless of the applicant’s discipline within the social sciences or humanities. Please note that these awards are intended for U.S. citizens or permanent residents and that applicants must have a degree in hand and be teaching at an accredited U.S. institution at the time of application. These fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of State under the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII).

    Online applications and supporting materials are now available on the SSRC website at The electronic application submission deadline has been extended and is now February 13, 2006 at 9:00 p.m. EST.

    All questions may be addressed to the Eurasia Program Staff: Please periodically check our website for additional information, including details and application materials for annual dissertation development workshops, training seminars, institutional grants, and other events.

    EXTENDED DEADLINE: February 13, 2006 9:00 PM EST

    Eurasia Program Fellowships
    Social Science Research Council
    810 Seventh Ave 31st Floor
    New York, NY 10019
    Phone: 212-377-2700/Fax: 212-377-2727

  18. #78
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple

    Program Manager -Shqiperi

    Organization: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
    Country/Region: Albania
    Apply By: 10 Mar 2006
    Contact Information : Email:

    NDI seeks a Resident Senior Program Manager to implement the political party component of a three-year program designed to promote public participation in the political process. This position is based in Tirana, with extensive travel throughout Albania. The position reports to the resident country director and is available in January 2006. Program funding is scheduled to last through August 2007.

    The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), together with Partners for Democratic Change (PDC) and the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), implements the Democracy and Governance in Albania (DGA) Program, a three-year, USAID-funded effort whose objective is to build a more open, participatory political system in Albania, with a focus on anti-corruption. NDI and its partners work with grassroots civic groups to open doors to local government decision making by increasing citizen participation in municipal affairs; provide small grants and technical assistance to NGOs on advocacy and watchdog efforts at local and national levels; assist journalists to improve investigative reporting and advance professional standards so as to give citizens objective and timely information; coordinate efforts among political parties civic groups, and media to monitor elections; and help political parties reform internal structures and increase outreach to citizens;

    The political party component includes internal reform on in such areas as candidate selection; generating new political party leaders, particularly youth and women, party finance reform, election preparations, and public opinion research.

    Primary Responsibilities

    Design and conduct training workshops, roundtables, and party-specific consultations.
    Develop training and resource material for program activity.
    Help political party leaders and activists strategize internal party reform initiatives.
    Design public opinion research.
    Provide day-to-day management and oversight of political party staff.
    Build and maintain collaborative working relationships with political leaders, the diplomatic community, USAID, and other organizations.
    Adhere to NDI administrative, operational, and reporting requirements.
    Manage the political party program budget.
    Collaborate with other NDI staff on program development and implementation.


    Undergraduate degree in international relations or similar subject area. Graduate degree preferred.
    Minimum nine (9) years of political experience at party headquarter and branch levels with demonstrated abilities in party reform initiatives, public opinion research, election management, media/external communication, and internal party communication.
    Experience in program management, results-oriented program design, strategic planning, and program evaluation. Proven formal training ability. Experience in conference/seminar organizing and facilitation. High degree of organization, attention to detail, and initiative.
    Excellent written and oral communications skills; fluency in English. Computer literacy required.
    Strong negotiating and managerial skills to work independently and as a member of a team. Excellent interpersonal and networking skills, and the ability to establish professional political relationships.
    Excellent office and staff management skills, with the ability to lead, inspire and motivate others.
    Experience in financial management and reporting.
    Ability to live and work in a challenging political and economic environment, adapt quickly to new cultures, both professionally and personally.
    Previous donor experience, particularly with the U.S. Agency for International Development, preferred.

    This position will be supported by local staff as well as by NDI staff in Washington, DC. Salary is commensurate with experience. A generous benefits package is provided, including an in-country housing allowance.

    Application Instructions
    Interested applicants can apply now using our on-line resume tool at Please cite the exact position title in the cover letter.

    No phone calls please

    NDI is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, political affiliation, religion, gender, disability, and/or sexual orientation.

  19. #79
    i/e regjistruar
    Big Apple
    The Arizona State University Critical Languages Institute (CLI) offers nine-week, eight-credit intensive language courses in Albanian (introductory), Armenian (introductory and intermediate), Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (introductory and intermediate), Macedonian (introductory and intermediate), Polish (introductory), and Tatar (introductory). ASU tuition is waived for the eight credits-a savings of thousands of dollars per student. The only fee for the course is a $400 non-refundable registration processing fee. This year the course will be held May 30-July 28, 2006 on the Tempe campus of Arizona State University. Classes are Monday through Friday from 8:40 am to noon.

    Following the nine-week courses held at Arizona State University, the CLI offers two-credit, three-week intensive practicum programs to Tirana (Albania), Yerevan (Armenia), Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro), Ohrid (Macedonia), and Poznan (Poland). The practicum programs expand language skills and introduce students to the culture of the regions where the languages are spoken. Tuition is also waived for the practicum program. The programs range in price from $750 to $1,400 (excluding airfare and personal expenses).

    For more information and to apply to the CLI, please visit our website or contact Ariann Stern at

  20. #80
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