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  1. #1
    i/e regjistruar Maska e mitjuk

    PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    E verteta vonon veç nga prapambejta e shqiptarve nder shekuj,shpresat jane tek gjeneratat e Reja .
    Sa bukur eshte kur ne shpirt ke gjithmone ngrohtesi. FaLeMiNdErIt.

  2. Anetarët më poshtë kanë falenderuar mitjuk për postimin:

    Kreksi (02-01-2014)

  3. #2
    i/e regjistruar Maska e mitjuk

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Sipas Willimsit, është tragjedi tej çdo përfytyrimi që kjo racë e madhe dhe shumë e lashtë të katandiset në këtë gjendje, e cila meriton të quhet skandali i qytetërimit europian. "Nuk është për t'u çuditur që pushtuesi otoman ndalonte çfarëdolloj gërmimesh në tokën shqiptare, që të mund t'i kujtonin popullit lavdinë e tij të dikurshme". (Xhorxh Fred Uilliams)

    “O zot,mos lejo që në kohë të sprovave të mëdha dhe të jashtëzakonshme ta humb durimin dhe guximin, e mbi të gjitha mos lejo ta humb drejtpeshimin”- i thoshte vetes At Gjon Nikollë Kazazi (1702-1752) i Gjakovës, në shënimet e tij. Jemi në Gjakovën e vitit 1747, ishte muaji mars, një mars i bukur por që paralajmëronte diçka të kobshme. ”Lëvizjet e shpeshtuara të ushtrisë turke që bëheshin atyre ditëve dhe netëve nga Gjakova, e drejt nga Qafa e Prushit i kishin ra në sy gjithkujt, por që të gjithë ia kishin dronë ndonjë të lige që mund të përgatitej. E sigurt ishte që Porta e Lartë, qëllimisht kishte zgjedhur hapësirën e Gjakovës, Malësinë së saj, Shkodrën e deri në det për të treguar qëllimet e saj dhe sajimin e një “tampon zone” të tmerrit, ngase përherë aty ishin thyer Lindja dhe Perëndimi në paraqitjen e fuqisë së tyre”… shkruante Gjon Nikollë Kazazi në fletorët e tij të asaj kohe, të cilat na i zbardhi Jusuf Buxhovi më 1982.

    “ … Druaj, vëlla, se sërish do të na bjerë mbi kokë fatkeqësia e kufirit të ndarjes së dy botërave… O zot, mos lejo që në kohë të sprovave të mëdha dhe të jashtëzakonshme ta humb durimin dhe guximin, e mbi të gjitha mos lejo ta humb drejtpeshimin…”- i thoshte vetes At Gjon Nikollë Kazazi (1702-1752) i Gjakovës, në shënimet e tij. “Me keqardhje“ të thellë – thoshte Kajmekami i Gjakovës, ju lajmëroj se në Gjakovë ka shpërthyer sëmundja e rrezikshme e murtajës. Ishte, më 28 mars 1747… ( Murtaja anglisht plague, turqisht veba. Forma më e shpeshtë nga Xenopsylla cheopsis e murtajës, vjen pas një pickimi të morrit të minjve.

    Ajo së pari i sulmon dhe i zhduk minjtë, dhe me mbytjen e tyre, e vazhdon te njeriu. Pas një inkubacioni njëjavor sëmundja shfaqet ashpër dhe mbjell vdekje. Kjo është murtaja Bubonike.) …Dhe qyteti i Gjakovës, që nga Pashtriku, deri te brenda Drinit, nga Nënshkëlzeni e deri te Lumbardhi i Deçanit, shpallej karantinë. “…Unë, Gjon Nikollë Kazazi i biri i Pjetrit, dëshmoj për mënxyrën që na ka rënë mbi kokë dhe rrezikun të mbesim të shkëputur nga bota… Ky kërcënim lidhet me shfaqjen e murtajës për të cilën thuhet se është midis nesh, sado që ajo ende nuk është dëshmuar…(inkubacioni i pritur vazhdon f.xh.)… por shumëçka që këtu lidhet me sëmundjen, lë për të dyshuar se ajo është pjellë e ligësisë së robit….”

    Pra, sëmundja ishte sjellë kastile që nga viset e largëta të Lindjes me të sëmurë, të shoqëruar me përcjellje po nga ata që e kanë derdhur sëmundjen. Kjo ishte pjesë e një loje të rrezikshme që bëhej me qëllime të caktuara nga zyrat që merreshin me shkatërrimin apo zhvendosjen e popujve, aty ku binte kufiri në mes të dy botërave. “Çudë, për besë – fliste populli, çudë e madhe. Flitet e përflitet për këtë të zezë sëmundje e kurrkund nuk hetohet”.. Kurse në të njëjtën kohë Kajmekami kërcënohej: ”Ata që dyshojnë në sëmundjen, janë armiq të Perandorisë dhe të gjithë ata që e hapin fjalën se nuk ka sëmundje dënohen pamëshirshëm” (?) Pritej me padurim dhe me imtësi të planifikuar të shfaqej sëmundja.

    “Otomanët, meqenëse nuk arritën të krijojnë ‘njeriun e ri’ në këtë anë, i cili do të ishte i së ardhmes dhe si i tillë nuk do të kishte mendim të vetin, nuk do të kishte të kaluar, me një energji të pashtershme një ditë sjelljet e tij të mos shfaqeshin si pjesë e veprimit dhe e të menduarit sipas urdhërave”, Murtaja ishte pjellë e strategjisë. “Tek e fundit, sëmundje ka pasur dhe gjithmonë do të ketë, pse t'ua vejmë veshin gjithaq kur ato vijnë nga i madhi që mendon për të gjitha?“ e qetësonte Kajmekami parinë e Gjakovës, në marsin e vitit 1747.

    “Por, koha e duhur eci dhe sëmundja u shfaq, sëmundja nuk erdhi nga zoti por nga robi, sëmundja u shfaq sipas rendit të paraparë dhe e dinin mirë ata rrjedhën e saj”- vazhdon tutje Gjon Nikollë Kazazi në shënimet e tij. Pastaj Gjakova do të bëhej varri më i madhi në botë ku dhjetëra e mijëra të dënuar me vdekje të futeshin në të. Qytetarët habiteshin që sëmundja paraqitej në mënyrë të përzgjedhur (selektive) nëpër mëhallë të qytetit. Kishte, vallë hile edhe aty?… Sigurisht që po,hile edhe hile të mëdha Sëmundja përhapej dhe fikej, falë gjeturisë së kundërveprimit të qetë që në të vërtetë ngërthente kundërvënien më të ashpër, jo me infrastrukturë ushtarake por me mospërfillje të urdhrave të pushtuesit.

    Prurja e plakave nga Malësia që i përdornin dregëzat e nxjerra nga hunda e të sëmurit që pastaj me anë të grrithjes në lëkurën e dorës dhe fërkimit me gjakun që shfaqet, i futnin të sëmurit kundërmikrobin në trup dhe kështu i bëhej ballë sëmundjes. Plakat grrithëse ishin shpërndarë në katundet e Malësisë dhe Rekës dhe kudo i kishin grithur të sëmurët.
    “Pushtuesit e dinin mirë që krahas shkombëtarizimit, asimilimit dhe shuarjes së popujve të padëgjueshëm të prekin edhe qendrat nervore ku rrënohej intelekti i tyre dhe shkaktohen çrregullime mendore dhe shpirtërore që barten brez pas brezi…”,

    “Ndodhi të së djeshmes që kanë ndodhur në të nesërmen e sotme…”

    Variola në Gjakovë! “Ndodhi të së djeshmes që kanë ndodhur në të nesërmen e sotme…” Viti 1972,kur Kosova dhe posaçërisht Gjakova e pësuan një izolim të madh. Një izolim të imponuar nga një sëmundje ngjitëse vdekjeprurëse Lija ( Variola Vera) .Nga një sëmundje e cila (ishte pjesë e një loje të rrezikshme që bëhej me qëllime të caktuara nga zyrat që merreshin me shkatërrimin apo zhvendosjen e popujve, aty ku binte kufiri në mes të dy botrave)
    Epidemija po?ela u ?akovici ( Epidemia filloi në Gjakovë) ,. Pse mu në Gjakovë ? E tëra filloi në Kosovë, kur shqiptari , Ibrahim Hoti nga Gjakova, kthehej nga haxhillëku prej Mekës- i kujtohet prof.dr. Svetomir Samargjiçit, atëherë mjek i ri ( S media ,10.03.2012) ,sot profesor i epidemiologjisë ne Fakultetin e Mjekësisë në Mitrovicë)… Eksperti më i madh në botë i Variola Veres , Donald Henderson vjen në vizitë. Maj 1972- Mbaron epidemia, të infektuar 175 vetë dhe 35 të vdekur. ( Telegraf,18.03,12) ”Ibrahim Hoti dhe 12 haxhinj të tjerë ishin edhe 5 ditë tjera në Irak . Edhepse e dinin që atje ka raste të Varioles.Kur u kthye nga Qabja i kishte do shenja të sëmundjes , edhe pse dy muaj më herët ishte vakcinuar.

    Nuk dihe se sa njerëz janë infektuar nga ai (S Media)” Profesori Samargjiç thoshte se në muaj e ardhshëm u zvoglua ndjeshëm numri i të sëmurëve,dhe shteti e dha urdhërin që të ndërprite shtetrrethimi për Gjakovën për shkak se afrohej sezoni turistik. Kroacija bënte presion të madh ,që të mos përhapej lajmi në Europë, për shkak të turizmit bregdetar kroat. Ne nuk e dinim kanë përfunduar me komplikime ,por pastaj filloi dyshimi se mos po luanin me ne.( ”meqenëse nuk arritën të krijojnë ‘njeriun e ri’ në këtë anë, i cili do të ishte i së ardhmes dhe si i tillë nuk do të kishte mendim të vetin, nuk do të kishte të kaluar, me një energji të pashtershme një ditë sjelljet e tij të mos shfaqeshin si pjesë e veprimit dhe e të menduarit sipas urdhërave” fxh)

    Si filloj sulmi i tretë? . (“Por, koha e duhur eci dhe sëmundja u shfaq, sëmundja nuk erdhi nga zoti por nga robi, sëmundja u shfaq sipas rendit të paraparë dhe e dinin mirë ata rrjedhën e saj” fxh).Prezantimi i rasteve të helmimit të foshnjave 3 vjeçare nga entet parashkollore në qytetin e Gjakovës, e detyroi atë të ndërroj qëndrimin duke deklaruar: “Më duhet të sajoj diçka”!.“

    Helmimet nëGjakovë me gazra toksike nga ana e qeverisë Jugosllave, doktrinës serbe, ndodhën në pranverën e vitit 1990 ku u helmuan me mijëra të rinj, kryesisht nxënës e në mesin e tyre kishte edhe foshnje në entët parashkollore. Fillimisht në Gjakovë.Qeveria jugosllave asokohe doli me kumtesë zyrtare se në Kosovë nuk pati helmim, por e gjithë kjo ishte: “Një inskenim i përgatitur nga separatistët shqiptarë”.

    Të helmuarit u quajtën aktorë të Kanës! Mjekët serb thyen rëndë kodeksin dhe Betimin e Hipokratit, duke refuzuar mjekimin e të helmuarve shqiptarë. Si reagim ndaj këtijë raporti, në Zagreb, në muajin qershor të vitit 1990, u mbajt simpoziumi me emër: “Kosova sprovë e ndërgjegjes mjekësore” Organiztor Dr. Besnik Bardhi ,Gjakovë). Në atë simpozium morën pjesë shumë ekspertë të mjekësisë nga mbarë Jugosllavia. Gjatë punimeve të këtij simpoziumi dolën në pah shumë fakte që tregonin se në fakt në Kosovë është kryer një helmim masiv i rinisë shkollore.

    Argumenti më bindës në këtë simpozium padyshim, ishte publikimi i substancës kimike Dimetil phosphoditionat, e izoluar në mostrat e urinës nga të helmuarit e Kosovës, nga ana e Franjo Pllavshiqit, toksikolog dhe biokimist nga Zagrebi. Këtyre zbulimeve duhet shtuar edhe deklarimin e mjekut francez Benedetti, i cili tha: “Në Kosovë pati helmime. Në Kosovë, gjatë pranverës, me qëllim janë helmuar 3000 nxënës me gaz deri tani të pa identifikuar”[citim i duhur]. Ky mjek gjatë qëndrimit në Kosovë kishte pohuar se ka zbuluar molekula klororganike gjatë analizave që i bëri në dy laborator të Parisit nga mostrat e gjakut të fëmijëve të helmuar nga Kosova. Sipas tij, “ky krim është bërë nga agjentët e Beogradit, me siguri agjentët ushtarak “ (,Floart,2000)
    … Druaj, vëlla, se sërish do të na bjerë mbi kokë fatkeqësia e kufirit të ndarjes së dy botërave…

    Gjakova, themelimi dhe zhvillimi i qytetit

    Gjakova shtrihet në arterien kryesore të Dukagjinit, ndërmjet qyteteve Prizren - Pejë, e që nga të cilat ka një largësi 37,3 km, përkatësisht 36 km. Qysh në kohën e lashtë nëpër këtë venbanim kalonte pjesët e rrugës Via de Zenta, që ishte një ndër rrugët kryesore të Ballaknit. Kjo rrugë filllon nga Shën Gjini në Detin Adriatik, vazhdon nëpër luginën e Drinit të Bardhë në drejtim të Prizrenit dhe shkon në lindje nëpër Kosovë, Nish, Sofje për të përfunduar në Konstandinopojë. Gjakova shtrihet në bregun e majtë të Erenikut, në platonë neogjene, në të anët e përroit Krena dhe në lindje të pllajës së Çabratit, me një lartësi mesatare detare prej 365 metra. Ajo gjendet ndërmjet gjerësisë gjeografike 42,22 shkallë dhe gjatësisë gjeografike 20.26 shkallë. Në drejtim të këtij qyteti gravitojnë katundet e afërta të fushë-gropës së Gjakovës dhe të rrëzës së saj.

    Gjakova me rrethinën e saj në kohën që e kemi në shqyrtim, përfshinte një territor shumë më të gjërë sesa ka sot. Kështu, në pjesën veriore shkonte deri te fshati Isniq, duke i përfshirë edhe Rekën e Madhe dhe Rekën e Keqe, në lindje kapte Dushkajën, në jug një pjesë të mirë të Hasit dhe në perëndim tërë Malësinë e Gjakovës deri te Malësia e Shkodrës. Kjo sipërfaqe kaq e gjërë ishte jo vetëm e pasur, por edhe e banuar dendur me popullsi e cila sipas shumë udhëpërshkruesve, diplomatëve dhe shkencëtarëve të kohës, ishte e shëndoshë, e pashme, e zhdërvjellët, trime dhe liridashëse. Këto elemente ia kanë shtuar rëndësinë qytetit dhe e kanë bërë atë një qendër me rëndësi ekonomike e politike, të njohur jo vetëm në Kosovë, por edhe në tërë Perandërinë Osmane. Në këtë hapësirë, sipas të dhënave që dalin – nga hulumtimet tona, përfshihen vetë qyteti me këto tërësi rajonale: Gjakova me fshatrat e afërta përreth, Reka e Madhe dhe Reka e Keqe, Malësia e Gjakovës, Hasi dhe Dushkaja. Secili nga këto rajone kishte një numër të caktuar fshatrash.

    Edhe pse në Gjakovë dhe rrethinën e saj deri më sot nuk janë bërë gjurmime arkeologjike, megjithatë, janë gjetur mbeturina të kulturës materiale antike. Në anën e majtë të Drinit të Bardhë, te Gradisha, ndodhen gjurmët e një vendbanimi nga periudha ilire.Të dhënat e pakta flasin se kjo trevë ka qenë e banuar në kohën e vjetër, natyrisht me ilirë (dardanë), ndërsa elementi romak ka qenë i vendosur në postkomanda. Gjakova si vendbanim me këtë emër (edhe pse besohet se ka egzistuar edhe më herët) përmendet për herë të parë në vitit 1348 dhe bënte pjesë në ziametin e Deçanit së bashku me Rugovën.
    Sa bukur eshte kur ne shpirt ke gjithmone ngrohtesi. FaLeMiNdErIt.

  4. Anetarët më poshtë kanë falenderuar mitjuk për postimin:

    PoQari (24-07-2014)

  5. #3
    i/e regjistruar Maska e mitjuk

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    ,????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? Shqiptart
    Sa bukur eshte kur ne shpirt ke gjithmone ngrohtesi. FaLeMiNdErIt.

  6. #4
    i/e regjistruar Maska e mitjuk

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    po te ishte ndonje tem per (!) Do merrshin pjes gjith shqiptart ?
    Sa bukur eshte kur ne shpirt ke gjithmone ngrohtesi. FaLeMiNdErIt.

  7. #5
    i/e regjistruar

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Eheeeeeeee epo shqipet jan me te interesuar per fet qe po na perçajne si popull se sa historia e sevetetes .

  8. #6
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Nuk e dini se: Dosja pellazge ka perfundua ?

    E gjitha kjo propagand qenka organizua nga Pashallaret e Egjiptit me qender në Kajro, kuptoht, me origjine te shqiptare dhe per te Arsytuar sundimin e tyre mbi Egjiptin keta pashallar kan futur ne nje organizat si sot qe i i kemi ONG. studiues perendimor te interesuar per kerkime te Egjiptit Antik pran Institutit te kerkimeve Arkeologjike por, qeveritar ishin aty shqiptar nekrye me Frassari Adamidin fabrikojne një rrjetë te fuqishëm se si te perhapin kete ideologji mbi genjeshtra kuptohet e mbi mitologji pa asnje argument shkencore, duke tentuar qe, meçdo kusht t'iu behej e mundshme pashallarve dhe familjes sunduese Khediviane te Ali pashes te mbrohej me keto argumente mashtruese se, gjoja, shqiptaret jo vetem se sollen Aleksandrin ne Egjipt por edhe ishin krijuesit e Piramidave te egjiptit si dhe themelues te dinastive faraonke qe nga Menesi, i pari shqiptar me origjin pellazge, pra kjo organizat ne vitet 1900 e deri ne filim te luftes se pare botnore kishte per detyre te shtypte propagand, libra e broshura financuara kuptohet nga pashallaret qe iu printe Dr.Adamiti Frassari, dhe me trillimet etij nxirrte dhe organizonte Seanca me tematika rreth origjnes shqiptare nga Pellazget si dhe mashtrime tjera se si e tere bota antike ishte shqiptaro-pellazge, por, me e keqja ndodhi keto 20 vitete e fundit kur, posa doli Shqiperia nga diktatura, menjehere tek ne zbarkuan keta organizator apo studiues te rrejshem me diploma e TITUJ edhe nga Sorbona qe te shkatrrojne ne THElb TEZEN ILIRE dhe mbi te te ndertohet nje histori e Re shqptare ku do sunoje miti si para 100 vitesh ne Kajro, dhe detyra e dyte ishte se si te mashtrohet se pari opinioni shqiptar dhe te armiqesohet me Akademin shtetrore te shkencave dhe ne vende te saj te hapen univerzitete private si Kristal e tj...per detyre qe populli shqiptar te anrroje gjithenje ne kerkim te atyre pellazgeve fantastik e mitologjike ku nuk do ta shofi realitetin por te fantazoje duke kujtua se Europa neve na e Sabotoi historine dhe na largoi se nuk na don ose gjoja se ne ishim te zot, ishim ata pellazget fantastik, si ata Marsianet, njerezit e verdh qe si kemi pare kurre por ekzistojne vetem ne mendjen e atyre pa tru, pra, vllazen shkurt e trup ne i kemi l durt !

    JEMI VIKTIM E KESAJ ORGANIZATE QE KA PER QELLIM TE SHKATRROJE POPULLIN SHQIPTARE me propagandat e librat e shitur per pellazget ne menyre qe neser jo vetem se do mbesim pa rrenje fare por edhe do perqahemi dhe nuk do jemi ne gjendje ta shofim realitetin me sy por se si temashtrohemi si kalamaj i tere populi 8 Milion shqiptar arrijti ti mashtroje nje organizat sekrete e pashallarve e bazuar ne Kajro, eshte trupi i botes !

    Si ka mundesi qe e kemi pr veten deri ketu me besua ne njerez te huaj, ne njerez me tituj te blere qellimishte vetem se si ta shkatrrojne popullin shqiptar e askush prej nevemos me kene i zoti me i thane POPULLIT PARA MEDIAVE ME ZE T E LARTE: MOSNI SE MBARUAM MOS IU BESONI KETYRE MASHTRUESVE POR KTHENE BESIMIN TEK AKADEMIA JONE, mos ju lutemi, mirepo asksuh nuk bene ze fare...sikur te kishim ra te gjithe ne gjume, kjo eshte per tu habitur... e tmerrshme e tragjike...

    NESER MOS THUANI SE NUK E KEMI DITUR? JU LUTEMI JENI TE KESHILLUAR, mos t'iu besojmi autor shkruesve te ketyre broshurave, ne kemi historine tone te shkruar nga Akademia jone jemi ilire por kurrsesi pellazge jo dhe se ajo teori eshte vetem s emashtrim, iluzion por i damshem per rinin shqiptare !

  9. #7
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams



    Si u zbulua Organizata e fsheftë Pellazge ?

    Cili ishte qellimi i këtyre pashallarve shiptare qe sundonin Egjiptin ?

    Si u mashtruan shqiptaret me tezen Pellazge ?

    Dr. AROSTOLIDÈS i pergjigjet Dr.Adamidit si dhe Dr.Arefit pas 100 vitësh ! ="kurrë nuk është vonë..."


    It is much more difficult to establish relations with the PelasgiansAlbanians.Between the fifteenth century before our era, that is to say when the Pelasgians were expelled from Greece, and XII- black era, where Albanians appeared for the fir...

    Dr. AROSTOLIDÈS i pergjigjet Dr.Adamidit si dhe Dr.Arefit pas 100 vitësh ! ="kurrë nuk është vonë..."=


    It is much more difficult to establish relations with the Pelasgians

    Between the fifteenth century before our era, that is to say when the Pelasgians were expelled from Greece, and XII- black era , where Albanians appeared for the first time in history, there is an interval of twelve centuries whose story is not yet done, and the information that we find scattered throughout the authors on the issue barely enough to where we indicpier Pelasgians end and Albanians begin . However, they are so thin , this information is more than enough to make you understand what Mr. Adamiti told us on this subject is not at all serious .

    There is no doubt , gentlemen, that the Pelasgians who occupied Greece were not all Hellenized . The story we afirme that for the Pelasgians who dwelt in Attica and Argolis. Pelasgians , says Herodotus, who emigrated from Attica to Lemnos , were Hellenized to such an extent that everyone took for Hellenes, and the Ionians , Argolida , spent in Asia Minor, were known more commonly known as sea Pelasgians Tïsacjyo Aiyiakeîs . But what Herodotus says is confii - me not only by Thucydides , Strabo and Diodorus , but also by Jewish writers . Pelasgians that the Candie emigrated to Syria , are called by one of the writers of
    Bible Philistées by the other Cretans , by a third Hellenes, indicating that these three people did not differ significantly between them.

    Instead, the Pelasgians who at the time of Herodotus , still existed in the town of Creston in Macedonia , as well as in the cities of Skylale and Plakia rilellespont on , and when they were in Greece remained in Thessaly in the vicinity of the Dorians , the Pelasgians , we say, did not speak Greek, but the Pelasgian : barbarous language , adds the historian, incomprehensible to the Greeks as well as barbarians, they were surrounded in their new homes .

    But everything suggests that over time, also suffered the same fate as their compatriots Attica. By dint of living with foreign nations , Illyrians , Mysians , Macedonians , Thracians , they were eventually absorbed by them without leaving any trace of their existence , and if we go a little further along the coast of Asia Minor , we find that countries in the early years of emigration Pelasgic , took the name of Pelasgian , soon to change , one in Ionia , the other in Aeolis , the third Doris : indicating that their inhabitants who , on their arrival , were Pelasgians , soon to merge with the people they were surrounded and they eventually adopt the name .

    The only Pelasgians who managed to retain their nationality and language very long were those who lived in the western part of the Greek peninsula .

    Driven by the Aetolians , the Curetes and Akarnanes these Pelasgians retreated in Epirus, and there united with Mysians driven by the Greeks of Thessaly to the Tyrsènes . Macedonia and Illvriens , formed one of the four states that barbarians Greece of the classical period bordered on the north side , and were keeping their nationality and independence until the Romans arrived .

    An ancient tradition that has been preserved for us by Plutarch tells us indeed que'après the cataclysm of Deucalion , that is to say during the descent of the Greeks in the Peloponnese , Pelasgos , the chief existing Pelasgians in Greece , had to retire with them in Epirus , and there, a fellow named Phaethon , managed to get himself appointed king

    But the successors of this king , continues to teach us the legend , soon to relapse into barbarism, and this state of affairs continued until the reign of a certain Tharvpa , which had the happy idea of introducing into its State language and humanitarian laws of Greece.

    However, this observation of Plutarch, that the immediate successors of Phaethon had fallen into barbarism , clearly indicates that the heads of Celtic Royal Family of Epirus , though Pélasqes were , on their arrival , more or less Hellenized .

    However, the first king of Epirus Hellenized city in history was undoubtedly Admetus , in that Themistocles fled when he was pursued by the Athenians, and he and successor of the king , also named Tharvpas , was the first Epirus prince , the lifetime of his father , went to his education and instruction in Athens. So that lonquement speaking, we can say that the Pelasgians who emigrated from Greece in Epirus had begun to Hellenize from the highest antiquity and their teachers were their first kings.

    But what contributed most to the Hellenization of Epirus was the rapid development of the Greek people and commerce , particularly the large number of colonies that the Ionians had established early on all points of the Mediterranean. In the course of the VI century BC, there were thirty Ionian cities along the coast of Macedonia thirty other stood on the shores of I'Epire and Illyria, and the kings of these countries boasted down each Heraclides , the others Eacides , the third of Kadmeians and all did their best to introduce the Greek language and civilization in their states .

    With these efors the Greek language was soon replaced in more than one district of Epirus the Pelasgian . According to Herodotus , when Thesprotes wanted to transform their sanctuary of Dodona oracle similar to that of Jupiter Ammon , they had to delay the opening until the Egyptian girl who would make the oracles had learned Greek, the language of the country : The same historian also teaches us that we met in early Greeks from Greece were I'Epire Dodoniens , and that their country was the first station of the sacred Greek convoy , each year came from Hyperborrhéens to the shrine of Delos.

    While the Greek spoken there was not first choice : it was rather a mixture of Greek, Pelasgian and several other languages barbarians that the Athenians conventional time difhcilement included . Also, do they génaienl point Epirotes consider as non Hellenes and their barbarous idiom . But if we consider only classical times , the most ancient toponyms Epirus ( Pelasgic or Illyrian ) were replaced by Greek place names , instead of Htzeipos Aperi , Oeppa instead of Berat , Apados , Xapaos , Aktiov , etc. . , and that was using more Greek names or Pelasgian more or less Hellenized , etc. . names, it is allowed, I think , to admit that , long before the conquest of the country by Romans, much of its population was Hellenized . Moreover , enrollment Mr. Carapanos has recovered from the ruins of the temple of Dodona leave no doubt on this subject.

    The empire Epirus developed almost simultaneously with the Macedonian empire and its kings are distinguished, as the Macedonian kings, by feats of arms and military expeditions , for not being all happy , are no less appreciated by the skilled person. When Alexander the Great was conquering the Persian empire, his uncle of his mother's side , Alexander , King of the Hounds , passed with a large army in Italy , with the intention to annex to his dominions , and four eighty years later, his nephew , King Pyrrhus, in the footsteps of his uncle, undertook the campaign against the Romans , and it is almost to he entered victorious in their capital. Unfortunately, all these big companies , all these triumphs and failures on the battlefield caused more harm than good to the people, the expense of which they were made . They exhausted morally and materially , the plunged into misery and discord , and trimmed its subservience to the Romans , which was the cause of its extinction.

    We know that polyB , when 168, Paul -Emile , the winner of Perseus, the last king of Macedonia, became master of his statements , his first care was to lead his legions in Epirus to avenge the outrages his last kings dared inflict the Romans , and he executed his mandate with the cruelty of a Roman offended. Seventy flourishing cities were delivered to the fury of the soldiery , and the entire male population of the country was able to escape death , amounting to one hundred and fifty thousand men, was sold as livestock markets in Italy.

    Their SLP, repopulated by Illyrians and Romans, became one of the most important Roman military stations Strabo , 822.

    I do not have the courage to expose the atrocities that you Epirotes poor have suffered during the first two centuries of Roman rule . Strabo describes the darkest colors, and those of you who are interested can read in this author . But reading this author , they will realize quickly that all these vexations were directed almost exclusively against the native element , Epirots , and they were aimed lem complete extermination. Indeed, at a time when Strabo wrote his Chrestomathie , two of the most important tribes of ancient Epirus, and the Ethikes Tallares had already disappeared from the country : There was none of even Illvriens by which the Romans had repopulated the country.

    Who gratefully accepted the privileged position that the conquerors had granted him , the people worked sincerely to achieve the political agenda of his masters , the i- oniamser the conquered country . But, this being the Illvriens also suffered a series of transformations that have differentiated singularly their brothers remained in Illyria .

    Climate change and food , especially their alliances with the native population , were not slow to alter their constitution. Of bracliycéphales they were on the mountains of IIyrie they became , like the fathers of their mothers, dolichocephalic . Their hair , black as it was, became light brown , and their eyes were blue-gray , and their daughters gradually acquired the handsome profile of the Pelasgians , if we incorrectly named Greek profile , and they kept until today. All those who have traveled in Epirus to agree that women in Greek profile are much more common in this country than in Athens .

    By mixing with the Roman soldiers who were all from the lilyriens established in Epirus also changed their manners and habits to such an extent that their brothers remained in Illyria did not want to recognize them as part of their nation. They also ceased to call them by their ethnic name Skip . They gave them one of Toski , who , according to the most authoritative Albanologists , is a reduced form of the word or Truski Toursas or Tyrsènes , the former name of the Pelasgians of Macedonia , while the Romans , who had all interest to pass them as the ancient inhabitants of the country, they applied it to the Ar ~ bir or Albir , preHellenic the name of the indigenous population del'Epire , the Byzantines converted into Apëavtat or Axavion .

    So, given that , under Roman domination, Epirus Illyria formed with a single state Illyricum it is not surprising that the geographer Ptolemy, who , as you know , lived in the II- century era , the first author who makes mention of Epirus under the name of Albania and he considers it as a department of Illyria . But the important role later played Albanians under the Byzantines did that name spread throughout Illyria and that it still retains .

    Apart from these two appellations Arber and Toski , the the Illyrian who, under the Romans , settled in Epirus , and now we call the Albanians have taken anything from the old language. And it could not be otherwise , since their arrival , the indigenous population was almost entirely eclipsed and that the Romans imposed Latin as the only official language in the country. Epirote few words ( Pelasgian ) which was recently discovered in Albanian cola, espet , ajar , were borrowed from Epirus before the Romans arrived in the country , so they belong to the Illyrian not Albanian.

    Language that the Albanians had to learn in their new homeland was the Roman language. And, in fact , they appropriated the so quickly in less than two centuries much of their vocabulary was replaced by Latin expressions. And if things had continued to walk at the same pace , there is no doubt that today we would instead Albanian , another Romance language similar to French, the itallen to Spanish. But fortunately or unfortunately , towards the end of the second century , came the invasion of the Goths , which was followed by the Slavs, Serbs , Bulgarians, etc. . , Which was interrupted for seven centuries of propaganda Roman language in the country.

    But if this country extended by these barbarians occupation preserved Albanians a full romanization , instructed their idiom of a crowd of barbarians expressions from all sources, which , unfortunately, included as a component of the Albanian until today.

    To give you an idea of the current constitution of the Albanian language , it is sufficient to say that , about five thousand words contained in the dictionary MG Meyer, the most comprehensive Albanian dictionaries published so far in 1000 are Roman , Slavic 500 , 500 Turkish , 800 neo- Greek , and 100 only reduce the words may be regarded as giving the background of the old Illyrian language and most of which are language - tudo germanlques .

    Greek words , Albanian was not much, and those that he has , he took the Romans than the Greeks. So they still retain the type and Roman form : for example, the Albanian word mbi , which corresponds to the Greek , was derived from the Latin ambi . The word vesi , which is the Greek sjorfs was derived from the Latin jackets, which he keeps in shape. The dead word in Albanian , means death , was derived from the Latin mortem , not Spos , which alone was in use among the ancient Greeks .

    And it could not be otherwise , since the Albanians came to the world at a time when the ancient Greek had already place in Epirus to the Roman idiom .

    Christianity which, in general, has provided the barbarians should not confuse the month with a language - aciiies . In the Indo- Germanic arenié people, the Illyrians and Albanians therefore , still have a lot of roots drawn from the mother tongue, which , in all languages belonging to this family are the same opportunity to learn first Greek language , could not have the same effect on the Albanians , for the simple reason that the conversion of the people to the new religion took place at a time ( the time of Theodosius ), where Latin was still the official language throughout the East .

    Also, most of ecclesiastical terms, the Albanians make use are they taken from Latin, not Greek. If they call the holy Kiese , churches , mensa, the brecuhtm Mass, prift miracle - the protrei , cruoce , the cross, etc. .

    I will spare you , gentlemen , Slavic words , Bulgarian , Turkish and Vlach , passed Albanian, to take care especially those borrowed from Greek Revival .

    The first Albanian relations with the modern Greeks back barely XI century , especially when the Emperor Basil the Bulgaroctonus has issued the Bulgarian yoke, and , as a reward for their loyalty and bravery they showed in these fights, has installed as military governors in Peloponnese and Thessaly , in order to contain the Slavs domiciled in that country. It is only from this moment that the Albanians began to introduce in their dictionary of terms borrowed from Greek vulgar, eg àyspas , àthoplvn , àjlpdyjx , ycfxdp , yovpva , x, oxoisa , siojo , eikoviyix , einovoylas , and many others that would take too long to quote .

    But the greatest number of new Greek words entered the Albanian when , at the beginning of the XIII century , a brother of Emperor Michael Gomnène named Angelodoukas hitherto prefect of Epirus , declared himself independent and founded the despotate of Epirus , or rather, the Greek- Albanian kingdom that held his head to the Franks as well as Turks until the seventeenth century.

    Following the example of the ancient kings of Epirus Angelodoukas was given the task of Hellenize his barbarous subjects, and to raise their patriotic feelings and prepare for the battles he had to deliver against the Franks and the Turks this despot undertook a grammarian of his time, named Hermoniacos , translate Greek vulgar Homer's Iliad. And this translation , incidentally , was written in Greek the worst atoi , was the only work in which children Epirotes during the despotate , learned to read and behave as free men .

    It was also the model on which St. Benedict the Moor wrote his famous Trojan War who, without being greater than the translation Hermoniacos , Homer replaced several centuries in the schools of France .

    We will not say anything about the Albanian spoken in Greece currently . The exceptional situation that Albanians have created in this country for the part they played in the war of Greek independence , and the lives they lead are common with the Greeks , could certainly leave them intact language. Also this idiom is it responsible for many Greek words that Dr. Ueinhold expressions, albanologue very distinguished , he is a new dialect of Albanian Albanians Berat include only difficulty.

    It follows from what we have to say that Albanians are Pelasgians , as Mr. Adamidi think, no more than Illyrians . They are the product of the union of Romanized Illyrians with the Epirotes helléinsé sy which united the Goths, the Mysians Slavs , especially the modern Greeks , formed with them a mixed people apart with much more respect with them than any of the people who have contributed to its formation .

    But Mr. Adamidi is an indomitable opponent and keeps its most dangerous blows for the last time .

    "If all this were true, he says finally, if the Albanians were not the direct descendants of the ancient Pelasgians and if these Pelasgians were not strain the people and the Hellenic language, how is it that the Albanian language Sanskrit approach much more than the Greek, it is these same words that were used monosyllabic roots to the formation of the Greek language, and it still contains many own words and expressions to the Homeric language ?

    If these objections have founded, I confess , gentlemen, that there would be an all historical and ethnological demonstrations I just like to talk , for in discussions of the kind before us, the evidence of languiste pass today for more truthful . But luckily for us , my honorable colleague is also here in the biggest mistake .

    We first observe that the Sanskrit chosen as the benchmark of the relative seniority of two languages , Albanian and Greek, can not be used in this regard . There are over a hundred years that this language has ceased to be regarded as the mother of Indo-European languages and the languages are no longer taxed by the number of Sanskrit terms they have. Today, all asianologues admit that Sanskrit is an offshoot of the eastern branch of Indo- Persian trunk or Arian japetiques of languages , as well as the Greek is one of the western branch , and the languages that descend directly from Sanskrit , while younger , can contain many more terms of this language than Greek.

    But suppose for a moment that the old doctrine is still true , and examine the linguistic evidence on which my honorable colleague base its conclusions.

    Begin with the words . according to him, closer Albanian Sanskrit much more than the Greek.

    The word avva , said Adamidi , which in Sanskrit means the week is found in the form of Albanian iavva while Greeks used the word éqoy.ds.

    But in the sense that my friend gave him the word avva does not exist in Sanskrit. I searched in vain in the great dictionary of St. Petersburg , the most comprehensive we have, and I will ask my colleague tell me where it is provided .

    Hindus , who divided their month in two corresponding to the two phases of the moon equal parts , and used the oîrfl navaha expressions are equivalent to ours full moon and new moon.
    Later, the division was invented month into three equal parts , system whose Greeks of the classical period lirent use, but among the Hindus , unnoticed .

    The division of the month into weeks is a relatively modern invention of the Semites of Mesopotamia , the Hebrews , returning from exile , brought to Babylon, but only came into universal use when Christianity spread the legend of the creation of the world in seven days. Dion Cassius tells us that the Romans adopted at the time of the emperors and had come to them Egyptians. But the most interesting of all is that when this system has spread from Babylon to Persia , and from there to India , there adopted to designate the Semitic terminology. Sabbath were translated by hephla Persia by snpla in India , Greece, and nowhere by avva .

    But the most curious of all is that the word IAWA , Mr. Adamidi present ourselves as the Albanian name of the week is not Albanian. According to Mr. Cavalioti , Hahn and Meyer, the most renowned Albanologists nowadays Albanians use for this purpose the word giabba which , according to the authors , is that the product of corruption of the word Latin hahda or Hebda , equivalent to vétrla Greeks.

    I will spare you , gentlemen, the also very informative commentary MG Meyer, contained in his etymological dictionary of the Albanian language , page 162. Those of you who are interested may use this book, and if they do not find in Khedivial Library of Cairo, I offer myself to make them mine.

    The second word that Mr. Adamidi cites in support of his ideas is billed . " This Sanskrit word , he says, is preserved in Albanian in the form of a goat , which means , as in Sanskrit, bread, while the Greeks used for this purpose the word APROS .

    But the word beak is Sanskrit for Mr. Adamidi . Everyone considers Phrygian , and this usually rather than conscience.

    For, in truth, the word was fabriqqué in Egypt and in conditions that exclude Phrygian cooperation. " Psametik , says Herodotus , who once had the curiosity to learn what was the oldest people in the world , erected two newborns in complete isolation . People responsible for their maintenance were given strict orders not to say anything in front of these infants until they started talking spontaneously. However, the first word to say their guards , pronounced these children to ask their room was billed . Informed of this fact , Psametik asked his entourage if anyone knew the country that the word was in use, and having learned that it was the Phrygian that designated by the word bread, had the satisfaction to find that the Phrygians were the oldest people of the world and spout expressed in their language bread, Through the gossip of Herodotus, all the peoples of antiqite admitted conclusions Psaniélipie never bother to check .

    But even assuming Mr. Adamidi that the word is actually a Sanskrit word and it means the bread, it is easy to demonstrate that it has nothing to do with the word goat, the name of the bread among Albanians . According to the most authoritative Albanologists , this word does not signify among Albanians bread, but the amount of food the mouth of a man is capable of holding . It therefore corresponds to the expression, Mwe pittance. And as usual the food was bread Albanians , the word goat happened with the meaning of the bread. In all cases , the goat does not derive from Phrygian nor Sanskrit , but simply the Latin bocca .

    Those of you who wish to ensure the accuracy of my assertions can read the reviews on this word contained in the above dictionary G. Meyer . page 51 .

    You can conclude . Gentlemen, this comparative examination of the first two words in which Mr. Adamidi seeks to demonstrate the close relationship with the Albanian Sanskrit, how his arguments are not serious . The words he presents as such not found either in Sanskrit or in Albanian.

    Just now that the Albanian words. according to Mr. Adamidi , meet in the liomérique language and those who have served roots to the formation of the Greek language.

    The only word that Albanian has indeed common with the Homeric language is Vaaciap . It occurs as such in more than one place of the Iliad.
    But do not forget to identify two words from two different languages , it is not suflicient only the identity of their construction and shape and it is necessary that the two words have the same meaning as . Because homophonisme different meaning is a phenomenon common to all languages chance . Those of you who have had the opportunity to hear the beautiful Greek Revival Bahjlonie comedy should remember that the basis of this piece is a homophone of this kind.

    The word by which the Cretans means sheep in Albanian has a whole new meaning . And it was this that caused the brawl among the guests have had them spend the night in the repository. It is very likely that it is the same word apap . For if we know what this word means in Albanian, we completely iffnorons its true meaning in Greek. The best Hellenists have not yet arrived to clarify what the word means in Homer . And so sharp that will not permanently cleared up, we can never say that the Homeric word is identical with the Albanian afnr .

    However, these are most Albanian words that Mr. Adamidi seeks to identify with the Homeric words and pass as the radicals of the ancient Greek.

    The Albanian word Iras , which means killing and bredh , which means tanning, are identified by my colleague with the words Homeric SPaV and one of which means " eating the other" what we ate . The Albanian word enough to die , which means destroying is identified with the Homeric word ' csprjïoi or' aipdarj , which means sell , and not knowing where to put the word morgou or mourgou common to all Romance languages , not excepting the modern Greek Mr. Adamidi gene does point we make from scratch a new Homeric word fjiopyaléos .

    Much more curious is the Greek nomenclature pets Mr. Adamidi derives from Albanian .

    It is known that the animal among the ancient Greeks , was called ' iis , and Romans equus, door among the Italians decaballaa name. However, by removing the word average syllable ba , say Albanologists Albanians formed the word Calas , which they use to this day , to designate the horse. They did the same for the rider word they turned into calior . But my honorable colleague wants to know nothing of all this. It is strongly believed that the word is the Pelasgian Albanian wedge prototype whose ancient Greeks drew the word KeXr ; ? , Their oldest horse name, in his opinion . But if he had studied a little better ancient Greek, he would have known that in ancient times the word KeXjj was not the proper name of the horse, but a multiple adjectives. He pointed to a clean up and especially a horse race horses . He would have known though , the Dorian form of this word xsXep , the Romans formed their conceal and Vlachs today their Calaras , which means mail. There is even a small country in Thessaly , famous for its horse racing , which retains to this day its former name halanta .

    The word Mer Greek name ryeaur . would , according to Mr. Adamidi formed on the model of the Albanian word sea But, say the word in Albanian Albanologists not signiffie point calf or cow , but the mule , and I do not think there qi'il was a time when mules produced calves in Albania.

    The word a'îa . Iyoi finally, the Greek name of the goat , drift, according to Mr. Adamidi . Albanian gets the word , which for all Albanologists is the shortened form of the word or KECI Katsi , the Turks give this animal and is also passed into modern Greek.

    I think , gentlemen, that you have enough of the Greek-Albanian nomenclature pets. Let me complete the picture by quoting some of the etymologies of proper names of places , people and peoples of ancient Greece believed that Mr. Adamidi to explain by Albanian.

    The CONT word in Albanian means arm , my honorable colleague gene does point to derive the Greek name Kpavixoi , the ancient inhabitants of Athens , and explained by the strong arm Pelasgians golden word , in Albanian means hand along the upper end of the stick , he derives the name of the Dorians and explained by armed men or Pelasgians big sticks . The Albanian word maie , which means apple and mole , which means the mountain would be the radical of the Greek words Maleasel Molosses .

    If it is true, however, that former Molosses occupied a mountainous country , this is the first time I hear that Cape maleas is a prosperous country or apple . The word Hellopie , the ancient name of the island of Evia , mean 'country cow said, the country boar ; Thebes, the Greeks took the Egyptians , would mean the country of pigs. But the most amusing of these etymologies is that of Toapa and Acosvrj , he left us for good mouth.

    "The name Tôfxapa or Tçxôpa Greek ( to ) zo and Dodoni Adamidi said , from one of Toum - Toium , the other Don- Don , reminiscent of the sounds of this ancient volcano produced in its eruptions , this is equal to M. Adamidi if this mountain has nothing on it that can detect its volcanic nature . Just for him to know that his current name is one whose Tinoros Pelasgians were using and which happened in Greek, has retained its meaning smoking mountain .

    There . Gentlemen, an Albanian proverb: - While it is easy for a child throwing a stone into the well, as it is difficult for an adult to remove it , Unfortunately , my honorable colleague , without being a child, was precipitated as in its disserlution that I must work for months to get them back in the day .

    But I do not think it's necessary.

    From what I could retire, and , I confess , not without much trouble, you can get an idea on what is the rest . Also, I have to thank you for the patience with which you kindly hear my babbling and to wish my friend a better use of time in the future.

    Mr. Adamidi does not hesitate to consider Pelasgians all the peoples of the Balkan peninsula , as they did not speak Greek, and , later , all recognized Hellenic peoples who do not speak , like the Athenians , attic dialect.

    Proceeding in this way , he concludes that the Illyrians , Macedonians, Mysians , Thracians , and then the Dorians , Aeolians , the Philistines , etc. . , All were Pelasgians , and all the notables of these peoples were notables Pelasgian . King Philip , Alexander the Great , his teacher Aristotle , general with what he was able to conquer the whole of Asia , the Diadochi , especially the Ptoléinées , etc. . , And , jumping a range of twenty centuries , it happens to discover the Pelasgian blood flowing in the veins of the Mohamed Aly selui , the illustrious founder of the present dynasty of Egypt , for he, too , before coming to Egypt, had lived in Macedonia and spoke some Albanian words.

    Well, gentlemen, the means by which our honorable colleague is looking to expand the Pelasgian empire over the entire Balkan peninsula and ale to survive the Hellenes, until the appearance of Albanians to be represented in the following by them.

    I will spare you the theories by which Mr. Adamidi seeks to establish the connection between the Pelasgians of Greece therefore Albanians with the peoples of Italy , Asia Minor and Egypt and make them go back to time pyramids .


    January 5, 1906 Kajro
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga Kreksi : 02-01-2014 më 08:46
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  10. #8
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams





    Turning to the agenda , the floor was given to one speaker to its communication : The Pelasgians , Hellenes and Albanians in their ethnological and linguistic relationships .

    M.le Dr. B. Apostolides deals first Pelasgians and their relationship with the ancient Greeks .

    Contrary to views expressed by Dr. Adamidi and published in our Bulletin (installment n " 3 of 1906) , Dr. Apostolides argues that the Pelasgians were neither parents nor teachers of the Greeks, ( was a barbarous people , non- Hellenic , which must have dominated for four centuries on Greece, the end of the Mycenaean Empire until the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus, while historical Hellenes present as a mixture of Grœcoi Dodona ( where n ' were no Pelasgians ) with Hellosou Sellos , pre- Pelasgian inhabitants of Thessaly Also, they retained jusqau'à nowadays double name . . Ypaxoletïros that comes from their parents ( Keto shenjat greqishte not do ti korrigjojmi më VOne , falje ... )

    There is no doubt that during their stay in Greece, the Pelasgians let go a number of ethnic elements and glossologiques the Greeks. But that does not mean that the Greeks derived their origin Pelasgians nor their language was a derivative of the Pelasgian . Mixtures of this kind are common to all peoples and all languages ​​and does not have the importance that the doctor Adamidi give them this opportunity .

    Besides the words that passed to the Pelasgian Greek, can be counted on the fingers and throughout history it is difficult to find a Greek who says son or grand-son of a Pelasgian , and did not address this barbaric people .

    The two peoples differed then by their religions. Pelasgians were idolaters , the Greeks anthropolâtres . But while they remained faithful until the last moment to the faith of their fathers, the Pelasgians , mixing with the Hellenes , eventually became , too, anthropolâtres . The only rite which, according to Herodotus, the Pelasgians had passed to the Greeks , was the pliallisme . But modern research has shown that usually represent the sun as a young man pluillophore is exceedingly old . It dates back to the time héolilhique . It is therefore likely that this practice existed long before the arrival of the Pelasgians enGrèce .

    It is the same constructions of the pre-Hellenic Greece. It sétaient euvre the Cyclopes and other artists that Persides had come from Asia Minor , not Pelasgians . And the famous Pelasgian wall of the Acropolis of Athens recently had to take his real name, that of pélargique wall, which removes any connection with the Pelasgians .

    Thus , history, archeology, mythology and language tend to demonstrate that the Pelasgians were neither parents nor teachers of the ancient Greeks .

    Mr. Dr. G. Adamidi , with the prior approval of the President , has the following observations :

    "I could say much to address errors in the communication of my honorable colleague , Dr. Apostolides , and on his criticisms about my studies Pelasgians and Albanians , but I proposes to explain my objections in a job that I have the honor to present to your esteemed company soon . I however links today to answer the following assertions that affect the substance of the matter .

    1 The Pelasgians were only a small barbarian race absorbed by the Greeks .

    This first part of the do - communicaition Dr. Apostolides is published 12 February 1906 . Kairo

    PROCES VERBAL DU January 15, 1906

    M.le Dr. B. Apostoliuès deals first Pelasgians and their relationship with the ancient Greeks .

    " I will answer for me in the testimony of Aristotle, that Hellènesn'étaient themselves a tribe inhabiting Epirus under the name Greci or Helli or llelli (hence Greeks ) and the Hellenes were grouped around the sanctuary of Zeus Adoni , oracle excellence Pelasgian race. This region is called by Thucydides Ellopia , which means Albanian " Country of cow word that the Greeks translated Euboia " Land of good cattle " . The Greeks themselves Lopessi called "guardians of Heracles cows, and cows were named Laniii , which in Albanian means" gray ? ( Hiri ) ?

    "After the Trojan War , the Helli and Thessaly , down to Greece then called Pelasgia , gave the country the name of Hellas . Until that time the Pelasgia was inhabited by various races, and if we analyze the various authors , we see that they mention in turn these people by giving them the adjective " Pelasgian and Father of History himself himself tells us : " All that is today was Greek " Pelasgian before . The Athenians themselves were Pelasgians . Bienentendu , when the Greeks had imposed their religious hierarchy they considered everything Pelasgian as uncivilized and non- Greek peoples , see " Athenians , forgetting themselves they were Pelasgians , they treated these barbarians , disdaining the as provincial and agrarian .

    1 "There has been no absorption Pelasgians , since the time of Strabo " Epirotes Macedonians and Illyrians retained all the same customs , the same costumes and the same language without undergoing the civilization of the Greeks .

    2 "It is therefore demonstrated that the three provinces , home of the Pelasgians , have not changed and that the Greek language that is spoken by the name Varbriiî or arbori or kip is the largest remnant of archaic dialect among the languages ​​that have survived to this day because it has retained its primitive form of pre Illyrian time . ( Arbri , Arbori )

    3 " 3 About the alphabet , although admitting my incompetence , I can still say that the Greeks have used the Pelasgian alphabet. Mr. Apostolides doctor replies:

    " All the remarks of my honorable colleague concern reports Pelasgians with the Albanians , about which I have not touched my essay so far, but on what subject I speak at the next meeting .

    I pray Mr. Adamidi resume his observations when he has heard my thoughts on this point.

    HE Dr. Abbate Pasha demanded clarification on some of the allegations occurred, the which are given to him forthwith to his satisfaction.

    The public meeting was adjourned at 3:01 shift.

    General LeSecrétaire , J. G. Aristide GAVILLOT .



    In one of your recent sessions , I enrolled for a communication aiming to refute the views expressed by my honorable colleague Mr. Adamidi and published in your newsletter, on the ethnological and linguistic relationships of the Pelasgians with the ancient Greeks, of one hand, with the Albanians today , on the other hand, and I have , with your permission, fulfill my promise today .

    I try to be clear and concise in confining myself to the simple narration of facts which seem to me essential to my argument .

    Contrairementà what I argued in one of your previous sessions, Dr. Adamidi claims that the Pelasgians were not absorbed by the Hellenes , Pelasgians themselves, but they survived and still live their today ' Today, hidden under the Albanian name, and retain their customs and habits intact , they live, he said, the same localities , they govern as if ruled in ancient Spartans , and their language, the Albanian language still retains many of these Pelasgian words used in the formation of radicals in the Greek language. "

    As Mr. Adamidi he thinks that in the ethnological table of the Balkan Peninsula , are Albanians and Greek should not occupy the first place , as in the series of Indo-European languages ​​, it is Albanian , not Greek, which must be placed to the right of Sanskrit , the mother of Indo-European languages ​​, according to him .

    To support these ideas, Mr. Adamidi invokes the testimony of history , archeology , mythology and language . But the mere fact that he draws from the social sciences , it is the tradition , preserved by Hekatée , Greece , before being occupied by the Greeks , was inhabited by the Pelasgians and called Pelasgia . That said, my honorable colleague farewell to history to indulge body and soul to poetry, and giving historical value to everything said in his Suppliants Aeschylus , on the Pelasgians , it recognizes that people for habitat all the territory between the Adriatic and the Aegean Sea between the Danube and Malea : that is to say, the entire Balkan peninsula today, without taking into account that historians of antiquity experiencing Pelasgians in Macedonia , Thessaly, Epirus and Greece.

    However, when in the research of this kind , it begins with an error, it is very easy to commit to following others, and I regret to say , my honorable opponent failed to get preserve .

    Thus in reading Hekatée , he escaped that , under the name of Hellenes, the historian heard only the historical Greeks , that is to say those who, under the conduct of Deucalion . come down to the VI -th century AD in Greece , and in the history of this country, this event also marked the end of the domination of the Pelasgians .

    M.le doctor Adamidi then forgot that Heraclides that . with the aid of the Dorians and Illyrians , expelled the Pelasgians Peloponnesus were the direct descendants of the princes of the same name , who, five centuries ago, prevailed in the peninsula, and that before that time , there is nothing that we can detect the existence of the Pelasgians in the country.

    If Mr. Adamidi had shown a little more care in this circumstance, it would certainly have understood that the Pelasgian Empire in Greece was not only géographiqement but limited chronologically better than u thought it Aeschylus , he would have avoided greater error than to take all the Pelasgians Hellenes Hellenic peoples and not that from the creation of the world until the arrival of the historical Greeks , have succeeded in the greek peninsula. The Graîccoi and Helloi of Dodona , the Achaeans of Thessaly , the Kadmeians and Minyens of Boeotia , the Kékropides of Attica, the Locrians , the Curetes and Akarnanes the Argives , the Arcades and the Messenians , in short all peoples , led by two brother Atreus , went to fight in Troïade , as the Trojans and their allies countless , all these people, he said, spoke , according to Homer, the same language or languages Related ; none of them called the other barbarian, indicating that all were of the same race, the Pelasgian race, and the language they spoke could be that the Pelasgian . It is in that language, he continues . which Orpheus and Thamyris , the first Olympus bards , celebrated the Muses of Pieria , the deities Olvmpe , Homer and later sang the exploits of Achilles. However, as it is now recognized that the first heroic songs of Greece, whose bards of Ionia made ​​up their Iliad were written in wind , M.Adamidi not hesitate to consider this idiom idiom to clean Pelasgians and the mother of the Greek language, as well as the Pelasgians were , according to him , the ancestors of the Hellenic people .

    But so many words, so many errors .

    If Mr. Adamidi had bothered to read more carefully the ancient authors , he would have seen that Grœccoide Dodona , Herodotus calls Tsypoi , were not Pelasgians , but the first Asian peoples before the Trojan War , the United Mysians emigrated in the Balkan peninsula across the Bosphorus, and after beating the oldest inhabitants of Thrace probably Pelasgians advanced towards the southwest and occupied all the country s' extends the Pene in the Ionian Sea, that is to say any Epirus historical times .

    If he had read Aristotle's Meteorology , he learned that these Graîccoi having mixed into their new home with Helloi , the ancient inhabitants of Thessaly, and then with the Ionians brought South by Deucalion , formed the Hellènesn historical, which, in memory of their double origin , preserved and still retain the two ethnic designations TpaïKo etEXXrjves that come from their parents. ( Karajikva'iios Aristotle Meteorology . )

    Now , what are the objections that Mr. Adamidi opposes these two historical facts , which I did not need to raise the value ? " Epirus , he said, before was always the land of Pelasgians . All the people who came out , they appelassent Graeccoi or Greeks , were Pelasgians . But I need only remind you of the pre- transition quoted Herodotus describing the emigration of Teukriens Epirus to make you understand how our friend is far from the truth .

    No less incomprehensible is his mistake when told Homer that all combatants under the walls of the Troide were people of the same race and spoke the same language. For Homer, in more than one passage of his immortal poems , tells us just the opposite.

    How many times , in fact, he cites not we Neoptolemus Nestor and advising both one son of Atreus , and other Hector flnée , take care that the heads of the various bodies are people of same race, and they speak the same language , so that their commands are better understood in the fighting ?

    What need had they of these tips if everyone was the same race and spoke the same language?

    But the same way the language that was used to meet Mr. Adamidi for all fighters Troide one and the same people, it is also used in Greece , but here not to unite but to separate Greeks and Pelasgians not Pelasgians to broaden the scope of the first at the expense of the latter.

    Whereas in Greece the Pelasgians were treated barbarians only because they did not know the Greek language. Mr. Adamidi does not hesitate to consider Pelasgians all the peoples of the Balkan peninsula , as they did not speak Greek, and , later , all recognized Hellenic peoples who do not speak , like the Athenians , attic dialect.

    Proceeding in this way , he concludes that the Illyrians , Macedonians, Mysians , Thracians , and then the Dorians , Aeolians , the Philistines , etc. . , All were Pelasgians , and all the notables of these peoples were notables Pelasgian . King Philip , Alexander the Great , his teacher Aristotle , general with what he was able to conquer the whole of Asia , the Diadochi , especially the Ptoléinées , etc. . , And , jumping a range of twenty centuries , it happens to discover the Pelasgian blood flowing in the veins of the Mohamed Aly selui , the illustrious founder of the present dynasty of Egypt , for he, too , before coming to Egypt, had lived in Macedonia and spoke some Albanian words.

    Well, gentlemen, the means by which our honorable colleague is looking to expand the Pelasgian empire over the entire Balkan peninsula and ale to survive the Hellenes, until the appearance of Albanians to be represented in the following by them.

    I will spare you the theories by which Mr. Adamidi seeks to establish the connection between the Pelasgians of Greece therefore Albanians with the peoples of Italy , Asia Minor and Egypt and make them go back to time pyramids .

    I look forward to reviewing alleged Pelasgic descendants of the ancient Greeks , so warmly supported by my opponent.

    The Greeks were they or not the direct descendants of the Pelasgians ?

    There is no doubt . Gentlemen, and most historians we adireent that the Greek people , originally , was small, has grown by assimilating a number of barbarians , especially the Pelasgians , that the has passed for some time come a detached non- Hellenic people of this branch.

    But it does point indicates that the Greek people drew his origin Pelasgians . All great peoples assimilated in their development a number of foreign nations without losing their ethnic name for it without radically degrading their national character . And not look any further , take for example the Albanians .

    Who can say. Gentlemen, that this people nes'est not assimilate a host of foreign nations : Romans, Greeks , Slavs , Bulgarians, Vlachs , etc. . ?

    Language, yet indigestible mixture of idioms for all the aforesaid peoples , is an irrefutable indication . But who ever said that the Albanians were the descendants of the Romans , Slavs and Greeks ?

    But the most decisive proof of the thesis that we support , that is to say that the ancient Greeks were not the descendants of the Pelasgians , the little respect , even evoking contempt with which the Greeks have always treated the Pelasgians . Throughout the history of their country, there is not a Greek who did so say or grandchild made ​​a Pelasgian . Instead, whenever the opportunity presents itself , they constantly call barbarians and deal with barbarians. Especially the Athenians , who undoubtedly had more blood than Pelasgian Ionian blood in the veins, are those who made the greatest misery to people and eventually drive them out of their territory in the most shameful way , just for believe their compatriots that they had no ethnic kinship with them.

    The Pélasgisme , it is permissible to make use of this neologism , which developed in the course of the fifth century in Athens, was dictated by political reasons , so he does not soon give way to îonisme and later Hellenism , which developed in the time of Pericles, continues to dominate until today.

    Even more unacceptable is the opinion of our colleague on the Pelasgian language and its relationship with the Greek .

    It is now recognized by all Hellenists as wind, as well as Dorian , were not separate languages ​​, but two dialects , that is to say, two transformations of the Greek language , developed under the influence of two peoples , most likely not Hellenes : the Dorians and Aeolians , and that these dialects have formed several centuries after the expulsion of the Pelasgians of Greece. It was then that the various peoples who took part in this war of extermination could settle definitively the Aeolians in Thessaly, the Dorians in Peloponnesus, the Kadmeians in Boeotia and lived there before long isolated from each other , managed to develop each salangue and phylétismesi differently than when seren countered again took one another for the people étrangeret his idiom for a barbarian language. Therefore, it is physically impossible as wind, whose creation does not go beyond the VII- th century , has been used as the language Pelasgians who forestalled several centuries.

    Quantau passage Pausanias by what Mr. Adamidi seeks to démontrerqu'avant descent Heraclids in Peloponnese, we spoke leéolo v - Dorian , allow me to say, or it does not at all understood, or he had before me a défiguré.Car text in this passage , the author tells us the opposite : Aôrjvociois Oi Apysïoi that lets translate : "Before the return of the Heraclides into Peloponnesus the Argives are talking language which, at that time, also spoke in Athens ! Or.nous know from history that the Pelasgians who, expelled from Athèneset of Argolis , fled each to Lemnos àSamothrace and the other in Asia Minor and Syria, all spoke the Ionian, not the wind nor Dorian . And if students spoke Ionian, it will admit that their teachers did so.

    Leprofesseur Berger , the famous Sorbonne asianalogue did paseu a better fate in the hands of Mr. Adamidi . My honorable colleague made ​​him say things to which he never thought . In his excellent book on the history of Scripture, the eminent professor of the Sorbonne speaking préhelléniquesde inscriptions Cyprus , said they hide a wind idiom . This asulli Mr. Adamidi to conclude and present his conclusioncomme being that of Mr. Berger, the letters which are written cesinscriptions are letters wind or Pelasgian mentioned by ancient writers . Or it is now known , and Mr. Berger, who taught us the first , the so-called Pelasgian letters cited by the Greek authors Taska - ryikol Tpdfxquara " , were the first transformation that the Phoenician alphabet suffered on Greek soil , while the letters in pre-Hellenic inscriptions of the island of Cyprus are from the alphabet hétite which differed essentially from the Phoenician , the first signs consisting of syllables, while the last letters expressed only sounds.

    The wind , nor Dorian , was by consécpient language Pelasgians and believes Mr. Adamidi . Pelasgians were undoubtedly an idiom them. But what was the nature of this idiom ? It is a mystery that neither the former nor the moderns have not yet managed to penetrate.

    Hérodotequi , as we have said , visited aii localitésqui his time , served notice to the Pelasgians , admits ignorerla language that people spoke . The only thing he is able to certify Denous is that this language was barbaric and completely faitincompréhensible for the Greeks .

    Duvocabulaire this idiom, we are left with only two words : Adpiyot etApyos , and again, we 're not quite built. Onsuppose these words are Pelasgian because they occur as place names in the country , in antiquity, were occupied by the Pelasgians , but nobody can certify that they are not yétaient older than the Pelasgians . The word Apyos , all archaeologists agree today to recognize him a Semitic origin .

    We based on the fact that most of the place names of countries , in antiquity, were occupied by the Pelasgians , detect a Turkish- Tartar language , and they meet on the western Caucasus with the same meaning , j ' I was led to believe that the Pelasgians were a skythicque people down to a préhelléniqe time in the Balkan peninsula and they speak one of these languages ​​Turkish- Tartar who jusqu'aujourd'liui are used in countless valleys of this mountain, the view I had the honor to support the first that same place and I also supported the International Congress of Archaeology in Athens.

    Maissi attractive it seems to me , this opinion , not having the encoreobtenu sanclion science can certainly intervene in ladiscussion before us. Whatever may however élre the sortque the future holds , it is undeniable that the Pelasgians , AFORCE to live with the Greeks, iaissèrent pass in the latter languede a number of their most common words, etcpie these terms should be sought from the Greek words which leradical is found neither in the Indo-European or Semitic languages ​​dansles . However, as also happened auxpeuples barbarians among whom the Pelasgians expelled from Grèces'étaient refugees: Illv nothings Mysians , Macedonians , Thracians , it is easy to understand how languages ​​are cespeuples possess a number avecl'ancien of common Greek words , foreign words to these people as well qu'auxGrecs , and undoubtedly have been borrowed from a autreidiome , formerly spoken in the country, and which trèsprobablement was the Pelasgian .

    Nousde hasten to say , however , the month in this category are not encoresudisamnient studied and we doubt very much they serontbientôt . But even they would soitdémontrée and their identity, these words can never serve as proof that leslangues who possess are related to each other , not plusqu'avec the language to which they were borrowed , and which dansnotre cases could be the Pelasgian . Because all languages ​​are desemprunts to other languages ​​without incurring any relationship avecelles .

    MaisM . Adamidi does not stop here . He firmly believes that the Pelasgians were lesHellènes not only their language and leurexistence but also their religion and the arts.

    " Pelasgians Epirus Cesont well , he says, who formed the gods bellethéogonie préhelléni ( jues. They had wanted personnifiertoutes the forces of nature, especially the light and bellesaison . ?

    And a little later , he adds:

    " LesPélasges , famous speakers Cyclopean walls , crossed the époquemégalolithique and developed the arts. Lions Mvcène the channels of Orchomenus , the shield of Achilles , Penelope's web , especially the wonders of art taken from the excavations of Troy and desenvirons while making a striking testimony of civilisationavancée among the Pelasgians before the appearance of the Hellenes and deleur role in history, but , again , our honorableconfrère tells us that words , it stretches us deserreurs .

    It is well known , gentlemen, that , notwithstanding the enormous progress that archeology has made in recent years , comparative mythology is still one of its darkest chapters, and easier it is to issue it on the most doctrines fanciful as it is diiïicile refute a serious way . But , fortunately, the little notions that science has gained on this subject perfectly suffices to show that any ceque Mr. Adamidi told us about the religion of the Pelasgians and the influence it exerted on desHellènes religious ideas is wrong.

    It is now archiconnu that the Hellenes were always anthropolâtres . Cronus and Rhea, Hera and Jupiter , Mars and Venus , etc. . , Have always been their deities , while the Pelasgians éiaieni physiolâtres . They worshiped the forces of nature without giving their names or forms . But above all , they loved the creative force of nature , and as it has its workshops in the depths of the earth , caves and caverns were used as places of worship, and worship consisted of acts that made the man equal to the worshiped deity. Also, when the Greeks became aware of what was happening in these remote places , they found very natural to designate these orgies with the name of the cult of Venus chtonimne .

    But when the Pelasgians , mingled with the Greeks began to Hellenize , they became accustomed to designate their gods by the names that the Greeks gave them and imagine them in human form . That's when they learned that this gave rain was not the sky , but Jupiter who lived , which was growing the plants was not the solinerte , but Mother Earth who had his residence. And combining the two ideas , the Greeks were not slow to create pélasgo -Hellenic cult Zsùs Naos and léyrtokiylos .

    Maisles people who most influenced the religious ideas of the Pelasgians were the Phoenicians and Egyptians. It was the Phoenicians who, before taking the cult of Venus as reproducing chthonic worship their Astarlé , gave the mysteries of Samothrace Pelasgians of all attributes of the cult of divinitéde their country.

    Instead of Zeus Naios and IAU , Ouranos , they introduced the worship of Kadmus and Harmony, the two major Phoenician deities, which earned the gods of Samothrace name Kabiri . They then gave this couple to two other companions , then four , and later six deities, Evvvaoi Qso , which for the most part, were Semites nonis and représentaientdes Semitic religious ideas .

    Couldbe said of the Eleusinian mysteries , the oracle of Dodona .

    Aprèsavoir undergone primary processing Hellenic these sanctuairesfinirent become similar , one of the sanctuaries of Isis, the other to the oracle of Ammon in Libya.

    It has not been the same with the Greeks. These people remained always attached to religious ideas of his ancestors and continues to be, until today as in antiquity, anihropolâtre . Just take a look in the poems of Homer to see the biggest Greek deities eating, drinking, having fun or competing , and very often even fighting with men without losing their nature divine . It is the same with the modern Greeks , whatever Christians. Just go with a little attention to their books of Saints recognize that many of these characters are formulated according to the type of a particular pagan deity , and their worship is a reproduction of the cult of corresponding deity. The idea of ​​love in the person of Jupiter and despair countless concubines creative force of nature vientpas Pelasgians , any more than the Greeks of Athens. It apparaîtpour the first time in the course of VII century in Ionia , and is one of the most beautiful designs of philosophy ionienne.Les Athenians who , in the beginning , made him a bitter war , eventually adopt when, the appearance of Christianity , they felt the need to give their myths philosophical ideas they never had.

    Undoubtedly , Herodotus says somewhere that the Greeks received their gods of the Pelasgians . But if you wanted to look a little serious this assertion , it is surprising to learn that the only deity historian called us in this occasion is Priapus , the only religious gesture , the priapism.

    It is easy to demonstrate , however, that this is not used as a Pelasgian invention. The sun , represented as a young man phallophore , occurs among rock rocks figures beyond Scandinavia, which , according to archaeologists in this country , dating back to the Neolithic period and represent the first deity Hyperborean peoples.

    ONLA then met under the name of Ares , Apollo , Hermes Thrace , under that of Priapus into Bithynia, and the most important thing is that the sun was worshiped for fifty centuries in Heliopolis Lower - Egypt and pharaohs of the Fourth dynasty , expelled in Syria, was also represented as a young man phallophore . There thus remains no doubt that the Pelasgians were not importers of this cult in Greece, but they had found existing before their arrival.

    Couldbe said of the alleged Pelasgian civilization and Deson influence on the development of Hellenic civilization.

    If our colleague had read more carefully the work of Pausanias , he would have seen for sure Cyclopean walls which are in Peloponnese, as well as the palace of Tiryns and Mycenae , so well explored by Dr. Schliemann , and later by M.Tschountas were built not by the Pelasgians , but the Cyclops that had come Persides express the Kilikie , and, incidentally , had nothing to do with Cyclops Odyssey. If bothered to visit once in the pyramids of Gizeh archaeologist , he saw lions as guardians of tombs were in Egypt and throughout the Middle East, use time immemorial , the famous monument as the Treasury hearth in Boeotia is a tomb with a dome similar to those found in Crete and in Upper Egypt , and , given its construction and decoration , it could conclude that this monument was also built by artists from the East and not the Pelasgians of Greece.

    If my honorable colleague finally remembered the fact reported by all archaeologists who studied the remains of the palace of Tiryns and Mycenae , that is to say, these palaces , all this pre-Hellenic civilization were destroyed by iron and fire in the course of the fifteenth century , just when the story up the first invasion of the Pelasgians in Peloponnesus, he would certainly have agreed with them that it was the people , not Dorions , which put Greece Mycenaean in the state or found , eight centuries later, Phidons and Pisistrates .

    The Pelasgians , as we have said, were a barbarous people gave to agriculture and ranching . After a stay of four to five centuries in Greece , the only thing they ops EES as marepie its passage are the cultivated land in the vicinity of the Himèle and Parnassus, the stud of Thessaly , the stables of the Béolie .

    It is said that the Pelasgians were also very good masons . But , throughout Greece , there is no known building could have been attributed to this people. The southern wall of the Acropolis, which was long considered a work of the Pelasgians , was recently recognized as belonging to other manufacturers. The oldest manuscript we have, that of Thucydides, gives him the name pélargique not Pelasgian , and all those who have had occasion to visit the Acropolis before the Archaeological Society was beginning its work , realized that the wall in question were reports rather with storks at all times , had their nests , with masons who built . This is at least shared today by archaeologists plujart idea.

    History, therefore , archeology , mythology and language contribute to enlighten us that Pelasgians were neither teachers nor the ancestors of the Greeks, and Mr. Adamidi claims. They were , as we have said, a barbarous people who knew nothing learned during his stay in Greece and went away taking with him the barbarism that distinguished his arrivée.Tous those who have had occasion to know the descendants of the Pelasgians expelled from Greece agree to know that they continue to be barbarians, addicted to agriculture and ranching , and most often on behalf of their masters. And if we believe Stephen of Byzantium, the Pelasgians who had taken refuge in Sicily were lowered in the Hellenic domination to such an extent that their ethnic name had become synonymous with the slave .

    Such were . Gentlemen, the Pelasgians of the story and their relationship with the Greeks antiqité . The study of their relations with the Albanians will be another communication , where the institute will allow me , I will honor him in the next session.
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  11. #9
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    A ka ardhur koha që te demaskohen mashtruesit ?

    Kush fshifej pas emrit Adamit Frassari, organizatori i tezes së gjoja se, shqiptaret janë me prejardhje Pellazge dhe është e drejta e tyre që kjo dinasti shqiptare duhej te sundonte mbi Egjiptin ?

    Kush ishin këta mashtrues që nga Kajro në vitet 1900 deri në vitin 1908 shpiknin gënjeshtra mbi madheshtinë e popullit shqiptar per interesat e tyre që te sundojne mbi Egjiptin derisa vendi i tyre Shqiperia ishte i pushtuar nga osmanet ?

    Edhe sot pas 100 vites në shekullin XXI- mbi baza te kësaj organizate te pashallarve nga Egjipti titullohen Doktorra te Historisë ku pastaj iu shperndahen opinionit shqiptar ideologji fanteziste e mashtruese bazuar mbi kopjet e tezave te ketyre pashallarve me ambicje paranojake per te arsyetuar sundimin e tyre mbi Egjiptin, duhej te thurnin histori imagjinative e fanteziste mbeshtetur vetem mbi mite pa baza shkencore ?

    Qe pra ku jemi sot, besojmi ne genjeshtrat shekullore dhe ende nuk morem mësim...!
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  12. #10
    i/e regjistruar Maska e fegi II

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    [QUOTE=Kreksi;3711767]A ka ardhur koha që te demaskohen mashtruesit ?

    Kush fshifej pas emrit Adamit Frassari, organizatori i tezes së gjoja se, shqiptaret janë me prejardhje Pellazge dhe është e drejta e tyre që kjo dinasti shqiptare duhej te sundonte mbi Egjiptin ?

    Dinastia e Mehmed Aliut nuk ka te beje fare me pellazgete ,por ishte formuar per mbrojtjen e shqiptarve qe po i benin padrejtesi evropianet e otomanet.

    Por ,studimet m te plota mbi racen t‘one,jane bere prej shkenctarvet austriake A.Haberlandt e V.Lebzelter,prej Eeninger-it,prej studjonesit gjerman von Luschan dhe prej anthropologut zviceran Eugene Pitard.

    Dy të paret,gjate Luftes se Madhe u mblodhen ne Shqiperin e pushtuar prej fuqive austro-hungareze.Bene studime mbi nje grup vullnetraesh,qe sherbenin me arme në dore per Fuqit Qendrore dhe mbi nje numer te vogel civilash e te burgosurish shqiptare,qe ishin kapur prej Serbeve.
    Sipas Pittard-it lartesia trupore mesatare e gegeve eshte 1.683 mm;ajo e Toskeve 1,673 mm
    Sipase Pittard shqiptaret i perkasin ne pjesen me te madhe nje grupi njerzore,karakteristike kafkor e te cilit eshte brakicefalia.
    Sipase keti studimi shqiptaret kane rujtur te paprekur tipin e veqant te ilirve te medhenj me kafken hiperbrakicefale,nje prej racave me te lashta dhe me te bukura ne Evrope.
    Sipas keti studimi, del se origjina e shqiptarve shkon thell ne kohe, pertej ilirve,pertej perendive te Homerit,tek pellazgete lashte.
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga fegi II : 03-01-2014 më 05:55

  13. Anetarët më poshtë kanë falenderuar fegi II për postimin:

    aldii (13-05-2014)

  14. #11
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Pr Lefevre

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    forum shqiptar qe ka me shumice gjakprishur!!!!! se kuptoj se cduan ketu ne kete forum!!!!

    Shqiptaret jane dhe do te mbeten ketu per jete te jeteve. Greke mos harroni qe tani edhe kur te shkoni te merrni ilace do paguani harac prej 25 eurosh!
    krenar qe jam pasardhes i ILireve

  15. Anetarët më poshtë kanë falenderuar Pr Lefevre për postimin:

    aldii (13-05-2014)

  16. #12
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Eugene Pittard e thote se: në teori "kafkat pellazge duhej te ishin brakicefale" dhe vetem ne teori por JO ne praktik, a more vesh a jo ? dhe as qe thote ne asnje frazë se "shqiptaret janë pellazgë por jane popull autoktone te familjes europiane e jo aziatike siç ti deshirone ti nxjerrish shqiptaret dhe disa injoranta tjere...!

    Ku u gjeten ato kafka pellazge qe ti i rekllamone ?...asnjë...!

    A e di ti o fatzi se Pellazget jane te ardhur nga Kaukazi, mu bash aty afer vendit ku vijne edhe greket ne ballkane vetem 300 vite pasi erdhen pellazget tek ne ne gadishull e pas 3 shekuj, kur u kthyen nga egjipti keta greket, erdhen e gjeten vend ne gadiishull, tek fqinjet e tyre qe dikur me pare jetonin bashke ne kufi me njeri tjetrin ne kaukazin e sotem, Armeni, Gjeorgji e Azerbajxani.....

    Mirepo ti e disa te shkrete manjaka, me çdo kushte nga fantezia e truve tuja te zbrazta tentoni ti beni edhe shqiptaret pellazge te ardhur nga Kaukazi ...dhe nuk keni turp fare...ose jeni vertete injoranta te mbrapshte...!


    =Grekët janë një popull i përbërë nga dorianët nga jonianët dhe eolianët te gjithë këta ishin me origjinë Pellazge por duhet të pranojmë se: Helenët apo Grekët, të njohur nën këtë emër nuk ishin një popull i dallueshëm nga Pellazgët: si njëri si tjetri duhet të kishin jetuar në të njëjtin vend para se te vinin në Greqin faktet tregojnë se, Grekët ishin nga Kaukazi dhe me sigui që edhe Pellazgët erdhen rreth këtij mali dhe se ata ishin Skitianë.=
    The Greeks are a people composed of Dorians from Ionians and eolians all these being Pélasgues original must acknowledge that the Hellenes or Greeks known under this name were not a people of different Pélasgues : some like the other must have lived in the same country before cn Greece and since we showed that the Greeks were the Caucasus it is ensured that the Pélasgues also came around this mountain and that they were going down the Scythians .

    The inhabitants of Attica donnoient the name Hyperaériens those of entreux who dwelt in the mountains and that of Parbaliens those who dwelt near the Sea.

    It feems to have been the same people that the Greeks who lived down the Caucasus Mountains bore the name Graucasiens or Grainks =(dhe ne realitet quheshin te "skajshmit="krajni" si sot U-krajina =Ukraina Grajna =Krajna dhe Krainat, vendet e skajshme...etj..( o te pa ditur...) pra fjalë ne gjuhen balto sllave por kurrë nuk ka per te iu hy ne tru disave ...) which came the Greeks and those who dwelt near the sea that stretches a short distance Caucasus seem to have borne the name of Pélasgues. Upon arrival in Greece in recent maintaining manners of the Scythians pitched tents and Strabo observes that the name Argos that bore a city of Thessaly means a Camp. =pra Argos do thote; kampi, vendi i çadrave, shatorave.. â=asht, eshet =rgo=rogo, se çadrat beheshin prej brirave te renave, rremave ..
    The name says this author feems to belong to the Macedonian language and the Thessalians that is in the latter that was the city of Argos where Homer gives the nickname Pelasgian language and Thessaly."

    Si po e shef more hajvan; NE SHQIPTARET S KEMI KURFARE LIDHJE ME PELLAZHGET as me Bellazhget as me Belalshket te bardhet =Belushi=Belashi, vetem gerrma e pare ndryshoi
    ne transkriptime ne te shkruar perndryshe keta pellashket e tu qe po i don aqe shume nga injoranca jote..apo gomarlleku... se ska ndryshe ju ka hy VIRUSI PELLAZGJIK O GOMAR, e ndajt popullin shqiptar perplaset me teza te mbrapshta...qe vijn nga disa Debila gjysmakA e pleq matufa e nuk ia leni kete detyre Akademsie sone ?
    Ne jemi ilire njehere e pergjithemone, ka marru fund, NUK NA DUHEN AS KETA PELLASHKET AS BELLASHKET...

    shife njehere se qfare gomaresh qfaqen ne natyre; " te paret tane ndertuan egjiptin, ndertuan piramidat, nderuan ate ndertuan kete... ndertuan muret pellazgjike te mikenes...
    More gomar, ato mure moren emrin me vone keshtu me pa dashje se aty mbi ate muri shkonin e e glaconin lejlekët, dhe ketej muri i mbeti emri =pelargi=Belargi, Pelikni ose me te drjete Bellikani=shpezt e bardha, se ku ke pare ti elikan te zi...? magjni diku nje pelikan te gjelbert apo bly.. por jane me ngjyre te bardh me me penla te bardha =Beli=rraja e ksaj fjale, a di çka do thote a mso do ta vizatoj ?

    Pra njesoj edhe per muret e Belikanve(pelikanve) injoranca i beri Pelaskane, muret Belashkane ?...shife njehere budallikin e gjâve.. brini me pas ma te zgjuat do ishin disa gomar ketu...por çka ti bejsh... te mbeti ty o fegi, e bajsh e shendet se e kerkove besa edhe u injorove nga kreksi, hera tjera mos shkruaj marrina..!

    Dhe fshije nga truni virusin pellazgjik.. e behu ilire mos u merr mepellazgo kaukazianet...!
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  17. #13
    i/e regjistruar Maska e fegi II

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Kenga e Junanit(greqia)
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga fegi II : 04-01-2014 më 12:31

  18. Anetarët më poshtë kanë falenderuar fegi II për postimin:

    PoQari (24-07-2014)

  19. #14
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    TE DASHTUN MIQE, KUJDES, MOS TE MANIPULOHEMI NGA KETA PASHALLAR MASHTRUES ! E VERTETA ESHTE KJO MBI BAZA SHKENCORE E MOS t'iu BESOJMI GENJESHTRAVE TE PASHALLARVE qe per intersin e tyre atje ne Egjipte, shpiknin e trillonin fantezira per origjnen shqiptare gjoja pellazge, ju lutemi mos u mashtroni nga keta pashallare por besoni tek Akademia e jone dhe me te drejte ketyre mshtruesve qe shesin endrra mashtruese e imagjinative plote fantezi pa kurrefare baze as argumente shkencore, ju lutemi kujdes, eshet ne damin e popullit tonë, prandaj, ti kthehet besimi vetem tek Akademia jone, faleminderit !

    Si u quanin keta popuj ne fillim dhe se çfare emrash kishim ne ne lashtesi ?

    Duke filluar nga lashtësija popujt ishin popuj, jetonin per ekzistencë, nuk kishin emra te veçantë, por, aty rreth 3000 vite para krishti një faraon egjiptiane "seozostrisi"(mos ta ngatrroni me tjere..flasim hera tjera..) ky e bëri ndarjen administrative te asaj botes së lashte para antike; me shume administrata, 12, ku secili regjion mbane stemen apo amblemen, ne popull e quajmi "parollen" apo "bajrakun" dhe kishin te shenuara apo te shtypura ne stof, guri, dru apo mbanin edhe si tatuazhe keto perkatesi secili popull ne vete, gati nejsoj qe i kemi te ndare njerzit sot ne besime astrologjike; shigjetari, skorpioni, etj..dhe popujt mbanin keto simbole, dikush shqiponjen, tjetri peshkun, gjarprin, luanin, diellin e mbanin vetem egjiptianet, henen... etj...prandaj edhe sot shumica 99% nuk arrijnë ti kuptojne as deshifrojnë thenjet e autorëve te hershëm, si Heziodin psh, aty ku thotë se; "pellazgët ishin aty para hënës" mirëpo kjo s'ka kurrëfarë lidhje me vjetersine pastaj qe iu japin peshë astronomike pellazgeve duke kujtuar se, "ata jane aqë te lashtë dhe vendas në gadishullin tonë sa qe i bën edhe te sterlashtë, "ishin aty edhe para se te krijohej sateliti i Tokës hëna...?! Imagjinojeni se deri ka shkuar absurditeti i mendjes së njeriut sot ? dhe mjerishtë, populli yni dombetet i prapambetur edhe me dekada keshtu, iu beson shprehjeve e epiteteve poetike te poetve te kohes ...! Mirepo reliteti ishte keshtu; Heziodi e thotë te verteten se, pellazget erdhen aty para hënës, e këta grekët e lashtë që dikur jetonin tek Armenia në Kaukaz, kishin simbol Hënën, si hyjni e admirim për hënën qe dilte mbi malet e tyre te shenjta te Kaukazit...dhe quheshin popujt e hënës, erdhne tek ne ne gadishull 300 vite pas Pellazgve..;qe keta kishin simbol gjarperin dhe shqiponjen, sepse iu lejua martesa mes dy familjeve nje fjale i nderuar, ne s kemilidhje fare me asnjerin as tjetrin grup, jemi edhe ne para gjarperit e shqiponjes apo pellazgeve dhe para henes.. për më gjatesishte keni ne dosje dy shenime; "rrugetimi i popujve te henes" dhe ... "ne djepin e atlantides"..

    Ju faleminderit !
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  20. #15
    i/e regjistruar Maska e fegi II

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Shkrimtaret e rinj, me te shumtet jane dakord me informatat e te vjetreve, duke pranuar se pellazget qene te races ariane, te gjinishem me fiset indoevropiane, qe u instaluan ne Gadishullin ilirian dhe ne itali ne begdetin Aise se Vogel etj.
    Keshtu keto kohrat e fundit orietalisti grek N.P..Eleftheriadhi,pellazget i quan fise protosemite dhe protolibike ose popuj semitik etj
    Straboni permend dhe Pelignet ne Itali me kryeqytetin Korfinium,qe u bene kundershtar te repte romakve.
    Edwin Zhak historian Amerikan, ne librin e tij "Shqiptaret" faqe 58, ishin pararedes te Ilireve qe me pas u bene pararndes te shqiptarve, dhe se sdudimet gjuhesore tregojne se ky popull la gjurmet e tij ne ballkan nepermjet terminologjis paragreke te emrave te emrave te njerzve,vendeve dhe hyjnive qe nuk kan lidhje me greqishten,por munde te shpjegohen vetum nepermjet shqipes.

  21. #16
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    E VERTETA ESHTE VETEM SE KJO E SOTME MBI BAZA SHKENCORE E MOS t'iu BESOJMI GENJESHTRAVE TE ORGANIZATORVE TE KETIJ RRJETI MAFIOZ qe per intersin e tyre atje ne Egjipte, para 100 vitesh filluan te shpiknin e trillonin fantezira per origjnen shqiptare gjoja se është me prejardhje pellazge, ju lutemi mos u mashtroni nga keta pashallare por besoni tek Akademia e jone dhe me te drejte ketyre mashtruesve qe shesin endrra mashtruese e imagjinative plote fantezi pa kurrefare baze as argumente shkencore, ju lutemi kujdes, eshet ne damin e popullit tonë, prandaj, te kthehet besimi vetem tek Akademia jone !

    Si i'u perkete disa pyetjeve që shtrohen, pasi që ne nuk ishim pellazgë, çfarë emri mund te kishim dikur në lashtësi ?

    Si u quanin keta popuj nga parahistoria ?

    Duke filluar nga lashtësija popujt ishin popuj, jetonin per ekzistencë, nuk kishin emra te veçantë, por, aty rreth 3000 vite para krishti një faraon egjiptiane "seozostrisi"(mos ta ngatrroni me tjere..flasim hera tjera..) ky e bëri ndarjen administrative te asaj botes së lashte para antike; me shume administrata, 12, ku secili regjion mbane stemen apo amblemen, ne popull e quajmi "parollen" apo "bajrakun" dhe kishin te shenuara apo te shtypura ne stof, guri, dru apo mbanin edhe si tatuazhe keto perkatesi secili popull ne vete, gati nejsoj qe i kemi te ndare njerzit sot ne besime astrologjike; shigjetari, skorpioni, etj..dhe kështu popujt mbanin keto simbole, dikush shqiponjen, tjetri peshkun, gjarpërin, luanin, diellin e mbanin vetem egjiptianët, henen... etj...prandaj edhe sot shumica 99% nuk arrijnë ti kuptojne as deshifrojnë thenjet e autorëve te hershëm, si Heziodin psh, aty ku thotë se; "pellazgët ishin aty para hënës" mirëpo kjo s'ka kurrëfarë lidhje me vjetersine pastaj qe iu japin peshë astronomike pellazgeve duke kujtuar se, "ata jane aqë te lashtë dhe vendas në gadishullin tonë sa qe i bën edhe te sterlashtë, "ishin aty edhe para se te krijohej sateliti i Tokës hëna...?!

    Imagjinojeni njëherë se deri ka shkuar absurditeti i mendjes së njeriut dhe është ngulitur edhe sot në shekullin e XXI a nuk duhet te turprohemi ?

    Dhe mjerishtë që populli yni do mbetet i prapambetur edhe me dekada kështu, iu beson shprehjeve e epiteteve poetike te poetve te kohës ...!

    Mirepo reliteti ishte keshtu; Heziodi e thotë te verteten se, pellazget erdhen aty para hënës, e këta grekët e lashtë që dikur jetonin tek Armenia në Kaukaz, kishin simbol Hënën, si hyjni e admirim për hënën qe dilte mbi malet e tyre te shenjta te Kaukazit...dhe quheshin popujt e hënës, erdhne tek ne ne gadishull 300 vite pas Pellazgve të cilët kishin simbol gjarpërin dhe shqiponjen, sepse i'u ishte lejuar (gjoja se prej peren dive) martesa mes dy familjeve skitike, me nje fjalë, ne s' kemi lidhje etnike po flasë fare me asnjerin as tjetrin grup, kapitull tjetër është se si u krijuan gjuhët, dhe sferat gjuhësore qe do ta rrahim në një kapitetër, pra, ne jemi te lashtë në trojet tona edhe para gjarperit e para shqiponjes apo para pellazgeve dhe para henes apo para grekeve.. për më gjatësishtë keni ne dosje dy shenime; "rrugetimi i popujve te henes" dhe ... "ne djepin e atlantides"..
    ....ka thene ai, ka thene ai, por sot jemi ne shekullin XXI dhe shkenca eka te drejten te verifikoje se çka paska thene ai apo ai hist vjetr....dhe, rezultaet po na dalin alarmues e ne te shumten e rasteve, ka devjime... e menipulime pra mos te mirremi me rrena ju lutemi por shifeni shkencen... jo arianet jo pelalzget..a e dini termin ariane po termin pellazge a e lexove sipesr ? ...paskane jetuar pelalzget ne Ilirik edhe para henes apo jo ? ...çmenduri, absurditete feminore .. dhe ne shqipatret i mbushem faqet e librave me kesi lloj genjeshtrash tuj iu besua çdo thenje çdo epteti...ju lutemi shkyni ato faqe qe i keni shkrua...ose digjni ato libra te mbrapsht me keto faqe mashtruese...historine shqiptare e shkruan dhe duhet ta shkruaj vetem se Akademia jone..!

    Ju faleminderit !
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  22. #17
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    A e ke lexuar heziodin e tjere ? ... a jeni munduar ndonjehere q e ta lodhni trurin dhe te deshifroni se çka dashur te thoshte autori me kete epitetin mbi pellazgët:"pellazgët ishin aty para hënës" ?

    Sot shumica 99% nuk arrijnë ti kuptojne as deshifrojnë thenjet e autorëve te hershëm, si Heziodin psh, aty ku thotë se; "pellazgët ishin aty para hënës" mirëpo kjo s'ka kurrëfarë lidhje me vjetersine pastaj qe iu japin peshë astronomike pellazgeve duke kujtuar se, "ata jane aqë te lashtë dhe vendas në gadishullin tonë sa qe i bën edhe te sterlashtë, "ishin aty edhe para se te krijohej sateliti i Tokës hëna...?!

    Imagjinojeni se deri ka shkuar absurditeti i mendjes së njeriut sot dhe mjerishtë, populli yni dombetet i prapambetur edhe me dekada keshtu, iu beson shprehjeve e epiteteve poetike te poetve te kohes ...!

    Mirepo reliteti ishte keshtu; Heziodi e thotë te verteten se, pellazget erdhen aty para hënës, e këta grekët e lashtë që dikur jetonin tek Armenia në Kaukaz, kishin simbol Hënën, si hyjni e admirim për hënën qe dilte mbi malet e tyre te shenjta te Kaukazit...dhe quheshin popujt e hënës, erdhne tek ne ne gadishull 300 vite pas Pellazgve..;qe keta kishin simbol gjarperin dhe shqiponjen, sepse iu lejua martesa mes dy familjeve skitike...

    Me nje fjale i nderuar, ne s'kemi lidhje fare me asnjerin as tjetrin grup se edhe ne jemi para Pellazgeve siç ishin pellazget para grekeve...ishim aty para gjarperit e shqiponjes pra pellazgeve dhe para popujve te henes..para tanve por kurresesi jo nuk mund te jemi pellazge as s kemi nevojen fare per ta qe te behemi gjoja se para grekeve se siç e tham; jemi para këtyre rrugetarve kaukaziane !
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga Kreksi : 04-01-2014 më 21:13
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  23. #18
    i/e regjistruar Maska e fegi II

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

  24. #19
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    BULLETIN DE L INSTITUT EGYPTIEN (nga origjinali se shpejti edhe në shqip)



    L'histoire des Pélasges est à l'ordre du jour au sein de. l'nstitut et présente un intérêt tout particulier grâce aux raports entre ce peuple arclinïtjue et l'Egypte.

    lon savant confrère, M. le Dr. Apostolidès a entamé déjà cette queston dans les deux précdentes séances de votre honorable Académie, à propos d'une inscription comméniorative préhistorique trouvée à l'île de Lemnos.

    En terminant, l'orateur nous a dit « que l'inscription ne pouvait être pélasiiienne, étant donné que les Pélasges avaient été entièrement, hellénisés et absorbés par les Hellènes ».

    Je me propose aujourd'hui de relever les errata de sa conclusion et de démontrer devant vous le contraire de son affirmation, c'est-à-dire que les Pélasges n'avaient pas été absorbés par une petite race hellénique, Pélasgienne de-même, qu'ils continuent à survivre encore aujourd'hui, masqués sous le nom d'Albanais, leurs descendants.

    Ce sera le strict réumé de vingt années d'études que j'aurai l'honneur d'examiner devant xomen le divisant en deux chapitres: l'historique et la linguistlipie.


    Tout les anciens historiens reconnaissent à Unnaniniité que la Grèce, avant d'être apelée helladâ portait le nom de li£Xz7Y a et les Pélasges étaient considérés authochthones. Hérodote l'avoue nettement en disant: Eschyle, dans ses Suppliantes nous trace la carte d'un grand empire pélasgique, dont Argos est le centre et dont les frontières, de l'Adriatique à l'Hellespont, se perdent dans l'Erèbus du royaume de Pluton en Epire. Le planisphère des anciens auteurs est très borné du côté du Nord, autrement, d'après le témoignage d'auteurs plus récents, l'empire pélasgicjue empiéterait sur les contrées même du Danube. De plus, le littoral de l'Italie, de la Sicile et de l'Asie Mineure, était habité également par les Pélasges.

    L'Epire, ou All)anie du sud, était le centre des meilleures races des divins Pélasges d'Homère. Les Molosses, Myrmidons, Selli ou Helli ou Graeci, groupés autour de l'oracle de Dodone, près du mont Toniori, sont mentioiniés par des auteurs divers et surtout dans l'Iiade connue soldats d'Achille; les Petthalli, soit esTjaÀÀo'!, une autre tribu du royaume d'Achille, en émigrant dans les vallées de Pénéus va imposer leur nom, et la contrée sera nommée Thessalie, alors qu'anciennenient elle portait le nom de Pélasgiotis, de ses habitants, les Pélasges. Autour du mont Pindos nous trouvons les Pélasges Dolopes et Perrébi. Entre Œtlié et Parnasse, la célèbre tribu des Dropes les Pélasges Doriens et Macédoniens des auteurs) s'occupait des mines et des forêts, et dans ce but on la rencontre, ainsi que les fouilles et les monuments en témoignent, eu Epire, en Macédoine, en Eubée, en Argolide, aux îles de Grète, de Chypre, Karystos, etc. Pélasges étaient les Kranaoi d'Athènes, Pélasges, les tribus des Miuiens avec leur résidence en Béotie, Thébés, Théra, Orchomenos. Tous les Ioniens anciens du littoral sud de Pélopouèse étaient nommés Pélasges par Hérodote.
    Pélasges étaient les Lélégues quoique mêlés aux Egyptiens et aux Phéniciens. L'île d'Andros, l'Antandros de Pline, avait une population pélasgieuue; une aiitre ville Antandros appartenant aux Léléges, d'après le poète Alcée, est appellée une ville des Pélasges par Hérodote. Strabon, d'accord avec Homère, les met dans la ligne avec les Pélasges.

    Les îles de Lemnos, Samos, Samothrace et la Calchidique étaient le regniere des Pélasges.

    Les Dardaniens de Samothrace établirent la colonie des Dardaniens (anni) les Teucriens et ces deux races, ainsi mélangées, se concertèrent pour construire la ville de Troie. Les les Dardaniens ocupaient aussi une contrée de l'illyrie Macédonienne ou Albanie actuelle. Les Phrygiens de l'Asie sont considérés Pélasges et parents aux Argiens et aux Brygiens de la Macédoine et de l'Epiro-Illyrie, etc. Les Siculi ou Sicali de ces contrées sont les mêmes que ceux de ritalie et de l'Acarnanie, tous Pélasges ; aussi bien que d'autres races pélasgiennes homonymes, établies des deux côtés de l'Adriatique, sont citées dans divers passages des historiens compétents.

    Toutes ces peuplades pélasges collaborent et entreprennent des expéditîons maritimes des plus hardies et des plus aventureuses.

    Leur première confédération est enseignée par une inscription commémorative de Karnac, à l'époque de Ramsès II Ce roi montre au doigt les Pélasges ou gens de la mer, qui sont esclaves et punis de leur audace d'avoir voulu envahir l'Egypte sous le commandement de leur ami le roi de Libye. Les Achaïvi ou Abaousi, les Etruschi ou Tyrshi, les Sikali y figurent spécialement. Ou reconnaît la tribu de Sicali habitant Brindisi aux cornes de cerf, d'après Strabon, qui dit que les Pélasges nommèrent la ville Brindesi du nom qui signifie tête ou cornes de cerf. En effet, les voisins Albanais appellent jusqu'à présent, Brinddresi les cornes de cerf. Les Hellènes, bien entendu, ne figurent pas dans cette inscription.

    En dehors des expéditions des Argonautes d'Héraclès, etc., celle de la guerre de Troie est la plus célèbre, grâce à l'immortel poème d'Homère. L'illustre poète se reporte à un j)assé glorieux de la Pélasgie, avant les Hellènes, à une époque où tous ces cantons prétendaient avoir pris part à cette belle aventure. D'après Homère, de deux côtés du champ de bataille, les combattants sont congénères, se servant de dialectes parents, et, d'après les justes remarques de Strabon et de Thucidide, aucun des peuples de cet emi)ire pélasge n"est considéré barbare. Le roi Priant énumère les Pélasges de son armée, aussi bien que le roi Agamemnon. Homère immortalisa ainsi l'homogénéité des idiomes et de la civilisation des Pélasges dans un langage qui porte encore les germes du dialecte éolieu de ces peuples archaïques. Les Pélasges, dans Iliade, sont nommés tantôt Aroeioi, tantôt Danaoï on Ahaïoi, selon la prédominance d'une race ou d'une maison royale; mais la dénomination Argeioi est plus fréquente, vue la pléthore des villes pélasges nommées Argos. Les Hellènes ne sont pas encore mentionnés à cette époque, sauf une seule petite tribu d'Epire, ainsi que nous en parlerons. Il est bien évident alors qu'avant l'apparition des Hcdlènes, une civilisation assez importante s'était dévloppée parmi les Pélasges, au perfectionnement de laquelle les Egyptiens, les Phéniciens et d'autres peuplades asiatiques avaient contribué largement.

    C'est en langue pélasge, par conséquent, jue chantaient les aëdes de l'Olympe, les Orphées, les Thamyrs, etc., pour célébrer les muses de Piéria, les dieux païens, le héros Hercule, ("est bien les Pélasges de l'Epire qui formèrent la belle mythologie de leurs dieux préhelléniques. Ils avaient voulu personnifier toutes les forces delà nature, surtout la lumière et les belles saisons.

    Le Zeus Pélasgiqus de l'Oracle de Dodoni était le premier sanctuaire de Jupiter en Europe, fondé par une prêtresse de Thèbes exilée de l'Egypte et vendue par les Phéniciens aux Molettes Epirotes, tandis que sa sœur fut vendue en Libye et créa le sanctuaire de Zeus Ammonius, d'après Hérodote. A en croire cet auteur, tous les autres dieux des Pélasges ont été en revanche importés en Egypte.

    Cette religion des Pélasges servira plus tard à la création de la théogonie d'Hésiode, ainsi qu'en témoigne Hérodote « ITzpà Uzly.sXaoov 0îo'j;''KXXr,vE;», c'est-à-dire «les Hellènes empruntèrent leurs dieux aux Pélasges.» Cela est vrai en ce sens que les Grecs, étant une race de la grande souche pélasgienne, s'étaient rapidement initiés dans ce culte. Il en est de même de l'alphabet. Les Phéniciens, grâce à leur esprit de colonisation et de commerce, enseignèrent aux Pélasges l'alphabet qu'ils avaient importé d'Egypte. Diodore affirme que les lettres pélasgiennes «à UsA%a^ Ypâ(j.[JLaxx » servirent, plus tard, d'alphabet aux Hellènes. Et en effet, M. Berger, de Paris, constate que l'alphabet préhellénique des Pélasges de l'île de Chypre est une forme éolodorienne semblable au phénicien, d'où le grec.

    Enfin, les Pélasges, célèbres par leurs murs cyclopiens, franchirent l'époque mégalithique et développèrent aussi les arts. Les lions de Mycènes, les canaux d'Orchomenos, le bouclier d'Achille, les toiles de Pénélope, surtout les merveilles d'art extraites des fouilles de Troie et des environs, tout rend un éclatant témoignage d'une civilisation déjà avancée parmi les Pélasges avant l'apparition des Hellènes et de leur rôle dans l'histoire Iai sïoixante ans après la chute clo Troio, la physionomie de ce grand eini)iro pélasgique va changer : les Hellènes vont paraître sur la scène de Thistoire, éblouir par leur civilisation éclatante le nom des Pélasges sans les absorber. Vingt ans après, les Doriens suivirent; les uns et les autres, peuplades pélasgi(|ues du nord, en quittant l'Epire et l'Illyro-Maeédonie (Albanie), émigrèrent vers le sud.

    « c'est-à-dire « l'ancienne Grèce située autour de Dodoni (en Epire) était habitée par les Selli, surnommés jadis Graeci et actuellement Hellènes.» Les Hellènes donc étaient une race pélasge de l'Epire qui descendit avec les Myrmidous dés aussi Hellènes et les Thessalis vers les vallées de la Pélasgiotis iui sera dorénavant connue sous le nom de Thessalie. Il a fallu plusieurs siècles de lutte et d'émigration lente jusqu'à ce que ces races épirotes parviennent à s'assimiler toutes les autres peupla des congénères de la Béotie, de l'Attique, etc. Un nouvel oracle de Dodoni fut érigé enThessalie, à l'exemple de celui de l'Epire. Le récit légendaire du déluge de l'Epire fut appli(|ué par les Hellènes partout chemin faisant.

    Alors la barque du héros Deucalion ayant abordé la hauteur de l'Ortliys, s'arrêta un moment pour fonder un autre oracle célèbre, le sanctuaire des Delphes, qui effacera le nom de Pélasge par le nom Hellénique. La barque avance encore et atteint le sommet sacré du Parnasse. De sorte pie par étapes successives les Hellènes amalgamés de tous les éléments rencontrés en route, doués qu'ils étaient de qualités supérieures, atteignirent l'aiiogée de l'intelligence. Ils parvinrent à dépasser toutes les races iarentes des Pélasges et construisirent le Panthéon sur l'acroixjle d'Athènes en symbolisant par le Parthénon le génie de leur race et les dieux des Pélasges.

    Les Doriens, au contraire, sous leur chef Yllus, fils de Héracleis, en partant de l'Illyrie l'Albanie actuelle) entreprennent pendant des siècles des émigrations également vers le sud. Ils s'arrêtent longtemps en Macédoine; la Thessalie fut leur seconde station, d'où ils entraînèrent les Dryopes, etc. Iais ilus bas ils se heurtent contre les Hellènes, qui se servirent de la puissance des Delphes pour chasser ces belligérants herculiens vers le Péloponèse, par la mort de leur roi Codrus. C'est la cathode des Héracleïdes qui donna naissance à Sparte et à Lycourge. Les Doriens, quoicpie athlètes, ont ti'ouvé beaucoup de résistance dans le nouveau pays. Arcadiens, Héliens et d'autres
    races pélasges du Péloponèse luttèrent contre les Doriens envahisseurs, et consei'vèrent leur dialecte propre et leurs mœurs pélasges.

    Mais les Doriens aussi restèrent en partie fidèles à leur idiome; la langue attique eut peu d'influence sur eux.

    Les Hellènes de leur côté ne purent helléniser ni l'Etolie ni l'Acarnanie qui conservèrent leur idiome. Même en pleine Athènes, nous voyons d'après Hérodote, des Pélasges d'Attique réfractaires à la belle langue athénienne parlant leur dialecte archaïque. Ces Pélasges, dit l'auteur, après avoir construit les murs de l'Acropole et élaboré les champs des Athéniens furent chassés d'Attique et n'ont trouvé que Lemnos comme refuge. Car cette île était toujours habitée par des Pélasges et par les Sinties ou Tyrrhéno-Pélasges. Pour se venger, ces réfugiés enlevèrent des femmes aux Athéniens. Mais ces femmes et les enfants qu'elles engendrèrent furent tués par les Pélasges de Lemnos puisqu'elles dédaignaient l'idiome pélasge et ne parlaient que l'attique. De sorte que l'île de Lemnos était exclusivement pé-lasgique jusqu'à ce que Miltiadès l'occupât.
    ================================================== =
    Voici donc un point capital établi: « L'île de Lemnos n'était pas hellénisée jusqu'à une époque relativement récente de l'histoire grecque. Le dialecte des Pélasges était donc conservé». Par conséquent, l'inscription commémorative, trouvée dans l'île de Lemnos et citée par M. le Dr.^ Apostolides, ne peut être que pélasge ou tyrrhéno-pélasge, d'autant plus que l'alphabet ressemble au alphabet éolo-dorien des Pélasges de Kypros et remonte à une époque préhellénique.

    Maintenant nous allons démontrer l'erreur de la proposition de notre confrère qui prétend que les Pélasges furent plus tard absorbés tous par les Hellènes. « Les Pélasges en grande partie ne purent pas être absorbés par leurs frères les Hellènes, et ils continuent à survivre jusqu'à nos jours, masqués sous le nom d'Albanais ou Skypetares ».

    En effet, aussitôt après la victoire de Salamine, les Hellènes, surtout les Athéniens, dans leur gloire introduisirent le maxinuim de l'effort intellectuel.

    L'éclat de l'époque de Périclès devait effacer toute civilisation précédente des autres Pélasges. L'anathème de barbares fut lancé à tous ceux qui restèrent indifférents à la civilisation athénienne et qui ne participaient pas aux jeux olympiques. Les pays d'origine des Hellènes, Epire.Yllyrie, Macédoine, furent nommés barbares et exclus du conseil d amphictyon.

    C'est à peine si le l'oi de Macédoine, Alexandre, fils d'Amintas, fut nommé philhellène et a été reçu aux jeux olympiques. Les Hellènes avaient créé une barrière contre les autres peuplades pélasgiques du Nord, leurs congénères. Philippe, pourtant, a franchi cette frontière barbare au désespoir de Déniosthène (ju^il appelle barbare, et il parvint par sa sagacité et sa force à s'immiscer dans les affaires sacrées des Delphes en s'intitulant du nom du protecteur, mais jamais du nom Hellène.

    Encore plus loin est allé son fils, Alexandre le Grand, l'intrépide enfant des deux grandes maisons royales des Pélasges du nord, de ces deux royaumes alliés. Après avoir réuni les Yllyro-Epirotes et les lacédoniens sous son sceptre, il parvint à rapprocher le deux éléments séparés, les Hellènes aux Pélasges barbares et put conquérir ainsi l'orient par la force de ses phalanges pélasges et par la lueur splenilide des savants hellènes.

    L'armée que Parménion commandait était formée, d'après Diodore, resque entièrement des Macédoniens, dont la langue était incompréhensible aux Hellènes. Sur 30,000 soldats, il n'y avait que 500 Hellènes et 1,500 Thessaliens et l'étoliens ue Strabon hésite à nommer Hellènes. Alexandre, lui-même, parle macédonien chez lui, avec sa mère Olympia de d'Epire et c'est en dialecte macédonien (pi'il s'adresse à ses soldats. Mais Alexandre, tout en parlant barbare, eut, d'après le témoignage des auteurs, pour maître le grand Aristote et pour guide les héros d'Homère. Achille, son grand-père, était son idole dans Vllliade d'où il puisait des forces pour toutes ses expédi- tions. Ce grand Pélasge va jusqu'aux Indes payer ce que la langue pélasge doit au sancrit et actjuitter en Egypte la dette due à la civilisation de Thèbes.

    Arrière-fils de Dodoni, il fait si prière au sanctuaire de Zeus de Libye, frère de l'oracle pélasgien et établit enfin en souvenir, à Alexandrie, le centre d'une nouvelle civilisation pélasgo-égyptienne. Les Ptolémés.malgré cette alliance Epiro-loniens et des Hellènes ne iurent pa'ni-er les Pelasges du nord, sauf ipieli|ues lial)itants iimitroiilies. Il ir'ii eurent as le temis d'ailleurs. Car, malgré la résistance t'raire de Pyrrus et de ses Epiro-llyriens, de Tenta, d'Agron ou d'Arian, les Konuiins imposèrent en revanche, par le nuissacre et l'esclavage, leur joug dur sur rE[)iro-Yllyrie et la Iacoin Ces Pélasges du nord sont donc restés statiomuiires et étrangers à la langue et à la civilisation hellène jusiju'à la domiiuition romaine.

    La preuve la plus éclatante s'en trouva dans les divers historiens et géographes de l'époque romaine qui visitèrent à plusieures reprises ces pays inexplorés.

    Parmi d'autres c'est Strabon qui nous peint précisément l'ethnographie de ces pays du nord habités aujourd'hui par les Albanais. Il est d'ailleurs d'accord dans les grands traits de son exposé avec Ptolémée, Skylax, Titus Lyvius, etc. Voici des passages de ce célèbre historien: « Ejyvopo; 'lÀÀjpîa, 'lltieipôç iz », les pays nobles d'Illyrie et d'Epire, unis à la Macédoine, forment un grand parallélogramme s'étendant de l'Hellespont à l'Adriatique, Korkyra y comprise, et qui fut nonnné sous le nom générique de Macédonia; car, ajoute-t-il, dans toutes ces provinces «xoivr, te -j-XoWari./.o'jpfi ta yXa(/.(oi/pâ)v':ai» c'est-à-dire les habitants se servaient du même dialecte, de la même coiffure et portaient les mêmes haljits. Donc ces Pélasges, sous la domination romaine, ne parlaient que leur idiome propre et commun danstoute la grande Macédoine, ils ne parlaient pas la langue attique des Hellènes. Les limitrophes des Hellènes et quelques colonies étaient biglottes ; Tlmcidide aussi en fait mention. Ailleurs Strabon nous étonne davantage en disant « Bipoapo:« Les barbares occupent la Macédoine, ainsi
    qu'une partie de la Thessalie, de l'Aetolie et de l'Acarnanie, les Molosses, les Thesprotes et les Athamantes, tous jieuples Epirotes. » Il est bien évident qu'à répo(jue de Stra])on encore tous les Macédoniens, les Illyriens et même les Epirotes Molosses, dont Aristote admire le gouvernement et leur civilisation, sont considérés tous barbares i)ar leurs frères Hellènes.

    Je témoignage si net de Strabon sert à démentir tous ceux qui prétendent que les Eipirotes, Macédoniens et Illyriens, furent hellénisés.

    Curtius affirme que la langue macédonienne était incompréhensible aux Hellènes. Le professeur O.E. Mûller, dans un gros travail sur les Doriens, démontre que le dialecte macédonien est seml)lable à celui des Ej^irotes et le «même que l'idiome des Illyriens. Le i)rofesseur français Benlow, d'accord avec O.E. MûUer, certifie que cette grande Macédoine se servait du dialecte pélasge le plus archaïque, analogue à celui des Albanais d'aujourd'hui. ( "est le dialecte éolien, et non la langue attique que parlaient les Pélasges du nord restés intacts et, en cela, tous sont d'accord avec Strabon.

    Jet idiome donc des Pélasges de la Macédoine va être sauvé dans ces contrées malgré le grand cataclysme balcanique du moyen âge; protégés qu'ils étaient dans les montagnes contre les flots des envahisseurs, ils purent conserver leurs mœurs et leurs traditions. Quoique les divisions juridiques des Romains et les séparations ecclésiastifpies les Byzantins iiaralysèrcnt toute action romniunc de ces Pélasgcs, ces helliut'i'ants exeveaient leur instinet des armes aux rangs ilcleur comatriote Dioelétien et di's autres généraux romains. De sorte qu'à plusieurs reprises, dans les rochers qui leur servaient d'abri ou d'asile, ils étaient inaccessibles aux flèches des assaiUants et aux torrents des Huns et tout mélange était impossible, ainsi ue la linguisticiue le trouvera est ainsi qne la langue de ces Macédoniens écrite par un éveque du iv"'^ siècle, est l'albanais d'aujourd'hui. Au xi siècle, ces Pélasges Epiro-Macédoniens sont, pour la première fois, mentionnés par Anna de l'onniénos sous la dénomination nouvelle d Apiava ou àponavûat
    àêavo, lorsque les Macédoniens ou 'Apavo se battaient à Dyrrhachium sous leur chef Kembescourti (kambeshkurti)pied-court, en allbanais contre Robert de Guiscard et ses Normands.

    Depuis cette époque, les Européens appellent ces Pélasges du nord, tantôt Albanais, tantôt Epirotes, tantôt Macédoniens. Nous les trouvons en Italie sous le nom lieal Cavalaria Macedoniensum des Albanais; ces mêmes Epirotes formèrent «la cavalerie légère albanaise» à Paris, (pii mirent fin à la guerre intestine des Guise.

    A partir du xiv- siècle, ces Pélasges du nord reconmiencent une série d'émigrations semblables à celles des Héracléïdes Doriens, leurs ancêtres, vers la Grèce. Ils furent appelés par les despotes de la Morée à se partager les plaines, dévastées et dépeuplées qu'elles étaient par les pirates de la Méditerranée. Ces émigrations, qui durèrent plusieurs siècles, furent l'olj^jet d'études approfondies pour le regretté savant Neroutsos bey, l'archéologue connu d'Alexandrie. « C'est par milliers, dit-il, que ces Pélasges de l'Epire et de l'Yllyrie émigraient vers la Grèce accompagnés de leurs enfants, de leurs femmes et de leurs chiens. » C*es émigrés vont régénérer le pays de leurs ancêtres Pélasges; ils vont jouer un grand rôle dans l'histoire hellène moderne, tout en conservant à côté des Hellènes leur langue propre (jui est
    Talbanais actuel, et leurs inœurs de l'Albanie. Tout dernièrement encore Robstein a comi)té plus de 600,000 de ces Pélasges qui se servent exclusivement de leur dialecte albanais dans leurs foyers ; en pleine Athènes et aux environs, des quartiers et des villages conservèrent cet idiome du pays natal.

    Après la comjuête de la Grèce par les Ottomans, des Albanais, afin d'éviter le joug, émigrèrent en Italie, où Ton chante encore en langue albanaise à chaque printemps le chant de leur départ de Morée: Oli Morée o te sho jo te vere; atjt kain velher t'nn : «Oh! Moréa, je te regartle et je te contemple, car j"ai laissé mes frères là », Tous ces Albanais italiotes nommés Greci par les Italiens se servent encore de l'albanais dans leurs familles.

    Le même sort de la Grèce était réservé à TEpire qui fut envahie par les Turcs, après la prise de Jannina, on 2000 tètes d'Albanais furent suspendues sur les forts. Tandis que les autres Pélasges Yllyro-Macédoniens, groupés autour de leur héros, le prince Skender bey Kastrioti, luttèrent pendant vingt-sept ans contre les Sultans pour succomber à la fin, après avoir concouru à la défense de l'Europe. L'historien anglais Gibbon, ignorant que ces Pélasges Albanais étaient des descendants des Alexandre et des Achille, a voulu diminuer la A'aleur de ces héros de Croia de la Dardanie. Mais Skendor bey lui-même, nous dit l'historien de cette époque, Deliessis, appelait ses soldats Epirotes ou Macédoniens, et en réponse à une lettre de Naples il ajouta: « Mes soldats descendants des phalanges d'Alexandre et de Pyrrus ne seront jamais timides. » Pelpessis affirme que les Epirotes parlaient albanais.

    Après la mort de Skenderbey toute union de ces tribus pélasges fut impossible.

    Une bonne partie se convertit au mahométisme, d'autres se réfugièrent i)ar centaines de milliers en Italie et en Sicile où il jouèrent un certain rôle dans les événements politiques modernes: les familles des Albani, Crispi, sont assez connues. D'autres gardèrent leur religion et ne furent lu'en apparence assujettis ; ce sont les Latins. Enfin les chrétiens orthodoxes, fidèles à l'Eglise grecque, se confondent souvent avec leurs congénères Hellènes. Comme musulmans ou catholiques les Pélasges font preuve de leur intrépidité dans les rangs de l'armée ottomane, et maintes fois les Kyprelis les Baïractars et d'autres chefs albanais ont attiré l'admiration de l'Europe, en jouant ainsi un rôle glorieux dans l'histoire de la Turcjuie. Ils forment ainsi un des élément des plus fidèles et des plus puissants de l'Empire ottoman.

    Comme chrétiens orthodoxes grecs, ce Albanais se sont révélés par le génie du mal et du bien, tel que Ali i)acha Tépéleni, le lion de Janina ; ils donnèrent le réveil à la guerre de l'insurrection de la Grèce qui ne fut à la vérité qii'uue lutte intestine entre des Pélasges chrétiens et des Pélasges musulmans. « Tous ces héros de la mer, dit Néroutsos, Miaouli, Tombazi, Boubouli, Bouboulina, Canaris, les Souliates, les Botzaris, Jriezi, Bythezi ou Kolocotronis, n'étaient que des Albanais ».

    Pélasge musulman, le glorieux Méhémed Ali pacha fils d'Ali, né en Albanie, vint avec ses Albanais fonder en Egypte la nouvelle et glorieuse dynastie actuelle des Vice-rois ou Khédives. Il ouvrit ainsi une nouvelle ère dç civilisation en Egypt à l'exemple de son aïeul, le fondateur d'Alexandrie.

    Voici donc que l'histoire nous apprend à reconnaitre les Pélasges chez leurs descendants les Albanais qui se trouvent actuellement répandus en Albanie, Macédoine, Epire, en Grèce et en Italie.

    C'est la langue ijui nous prouvera leur identité, étant donné que ce dialecte est unique dans son genre et ne jx'ut pas se confondre avec d'autres.

    D' Adamidi

    (« suivre.)
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

  25. #20
    i/e regjistruar Maska e Kreksi

    Për: PreJardhja Pellazge e Shqiptarve sipas Amerikanit George F.Williams

    Nuk ka skaj demagogjia e megalomania, keshtu mendohet por...pasi qe ta lexoni njehere këtë mjaltin...në fund te kesaj seance do ta marrim GRUSHTIN nga Dr.grekë sepse kështu e meritonte Dr.Adamiti,pashallarii i pashallarve te kuq...!
    Shife njehere se çka e ka shtyer kete organizat te mbroje tezen pellazgjike te prejardhjes së shqiptarve...per habin tone, edhe pas 100 vite te njejet pashallar jane riqfaqur ne ditet tona dhe kerkoje ketoteza djallezore mbi baza absurde derisa te dali tani ndonje tjeter greke apo pse jo ndonje serbë e te na i theje hundet mire, se, si thote populli, kur nuk e degjon nenen e degjon njerken...dhe bie nje budalla e hedh nje guri ne pus, 1000 tjere s'un e nxjerrin, duke patur Akademin tone sot e shtetin tone kerkojmi ende te dirigjohemi nga Kajro ? ..duhet te kemi turp !

    « Tous ces héros de la mer, dit Néroutsos, Miaouli, Tombazi, Boubouli, Bouboulina, Canaris, les Souliates, les Botzaris, Jriezi, Bythezi ou Kolocotronis, n'étaient que des Albanais ».

    Pélasge musulman, le glorieux Méhémed Ali pacha fils d'Ali, né en Albanie, vint avec ses Albanais fonder en Egypte la nouvelle et glorieuse dynastie actuelle des Vice-rois ou Khédives. Il ouvrit ainsi une nouvelle ère dç civilisation en Egypt à l'exemple de son aïeul, le fondateur d'Alexandrie.

    Voici donc que l'histoire nous apprend à reconnaitre les Pélasges chez leurs descendants les Albanais qui se trouvent actuellement répandus en Albanie, Macédoine, Epire, en Grèce et en Italie.

    C'est la langue ijui nous prouvera leur identité, étant donné que ce dialecte est unique dans son genre et ne jx'ut pas se confondre avec d'autres.

    D' Adamidi

    Citim Postuar më parë nga Kreksi Lexo Postimin
    BULLETIN DE L INSTITUT EGYPTIEN (nga origjinali se shpejti edhe në shqip)



    L'histoire des Pélasges est à l'ordre du jour au sein de. l'nstitut et présente un intérêt tout particulier grâce aux raports entre ce peuple arclinïtjue et l'Egypte.

    lon savant confrère, M. le Dr. Apostolidès a entamé déjà cette queston dans les deux précdentes séances de votre honorable Académie, à propos d'une inscription comméniorative préhistorique trouvée à l'île de Lemnos.

    En terminant, l'orateur nous a dit « que l'inscription ne pouvait être pélasiiienne, étant donné que les Pélasges avaient été entièrement, hellénisés et absorbés par les Hellènes ».

    Je me propose aujourd'hui de relever les errata de sa conclusion et de démontrer devant vous le contraire de son affirmation, c'est-à-dire que les Pélasges n'avaient pas été absorbés par une petite race hellénique, Pélasgienne de-même, qu'ils continuent à survivre encore aujourd'hui, masqués sous le nom d'Albanais, leurs descendants.

    Ce sera le strict réumé de vingt années d'études que j'aurai l'honneur d'examiner devant xomen le divisant en deux chapitres: l'historique et la linguistlipie.


    Tout les anciens historiens reconnaissent à Unnaniniité que la Grèce, avant d'être apelée helladâ portait le nom de li£Xz7Y a et les Pélasges étaient considérés authochthones. Hérodote l'avoue nettement en disant: Eschyle, dans ses Suppliantes nous trace la carte d'un grand empire pélasgique, dont Argos est le centre et dont les frontières, de l'Adriatique à l'Hellespont, se perdent dans l'Erèbus du royaume de Pluton en Epire. Le planisphère des anciens auteurs est très borné du côté du Nord, autrement, d'après le témoignage d'auteurs plus récents, l'empire pélasgicjue empiéterait sur les contrées même du Danube. De plus, le littoral de l'Italie, de la Sicile et de l'Asie Mineure, était habité également par les Pélasges.

    L'Epire, ou All)anie du sud, était le centre des meilleures races des divins Pélasges d'Homère. Les Molosses, Myrmidons, Selli ou Helli ou Graeci, groupés autour de l'oracle de Dodone, près du mont Toniori, sont mentioiniés par des auteurs divers et surtout dans l'Iiade connue soldats d'Achille; les Petthalli, soit esTjaÀÀo'!, une autre tribu du royaume d'Achille, en émigrant dans les vallées de Pénéus va imposer leur nom, et la contrée sera nommée Thessalie, alors qu'anciennenient elle portait le nom de Pélasgiotis, de ses habitants, les Pélasges. Autour du mont Pindos nous trouvons les Pélasges Dolopes et Perrébi. Entre Œtlié et Parnasse, la célèbre tribu des Dropes les Pélasges Doriens et Macédoniens des auteurs) s'occupait des mines et des forêts, et dans ce but on la rencontre, ainsi que les fouilles et les monuments en témoignent, eu Epire, en Macédoine, en Eubée, en Argolide, aux îles de Grète, de Chypre, Karystos, etc. Pélasges étaient les Kranaoi d'Athènes, Pélasges, les tribus des Miuiens avec leur résidence en Béotie, Thébés, Théra, Orchomenos. Tous les Ioniens anciens du littoral sud de Pélopouèse étaient nommés Pélasges par Hérodote.
    Pélasges étaient les Lélégues quoique mêlés aux Egyptiens et aux Phéniciens. L'île d'Andros, l'Antandros de Pline, avait une population pélasgieuue; une aiitre ville Antandros appartenant aux Léléges, d'après le poète Alcée, est appellée une ville des Pélasges par Hérodote. Strabon, d'accord avec Homère, les met dans la ligne avec les Pélasges.

    Les îles de Lemnos, Samos, Samothrace et la Calchidique étaient le regniere des Pélasges.

    Les Dardaniens de Samothrace établirent la colonie des Dardaniens (anni) les Teucriens et ces deux races, ainsi mélangées, se concertèrent pour construire la ville de Troie. Les les Dardaniens ocupaient aussi une contrée de l'illyrie Macédonienne ou Albanie actuelle. Les Phrygiens de l'Asie sont considérés Pélasges et parents aux Argiens et aux Brygiens de la Macédoine et de l'Epiro-Illyrie, etc. Les Siculi ou Sicali de ces contrées sont les mêmes que ceux de ritalie et de l'Acarnanie, tous Pélasges ; aussi bien que d'autres races pélasgiennes homonymes, établies des deux côtés de l'Adriatique, sont citées dans divers passages des historiens compétents.

    Toutes ces peuplades pélasges collaborent et entreprennent des expéditîons maritimes des plus hardies et des plus aventureuses.

    Leur première confédération est enseignée par une inscription commémorative de Karnac, à l'époque de Ramsès II Ce roi montre au doigt les Pélasges ou gens de la mer, qui sont esclaves et punis de leur audace d'avoir voulu envahir l'Egypte sous le commandement de leur ami le roi de Libye. Les Achaïvi ou Abaousi, les Etruschi ou Tyrshi, les Sikali y figurent spécialement. Ou reconnaît la tribu de Sicali habitant Brindisi aux cornes de cerf, d'après Strabon, qui dit que les Pélasges nommèrent la ville Brindesi du nom qui signifie tête ou cornes de cerf. En effet, les voisins Albanais appellent jusqu'à présent, Brinddresi les cornes de cerf. Les Hellènes, bien entendu, ne figurent pas dans cette inscription.

    En dehors des expéditions des Argonautes d'Héraclès, etc., celle de la guerre de Troie est la plus célèbre, grâce à l'immortel poème d'Homère. L'illustre poète se reporte à un j)assé glorieux de la Pélasgie, avant les Hellènes, à une époque où tous ces cantons prétendaient avoir pris part à cette belle aventure. D'après Homère, de deux côtés du champ de bataille, les combattants sont congénères, se servant de dialectes parents, et, d'après les justes remarques de Strabon et de Thucidide, aucun des peuples de cet emi)ire pélasge n"est considéré barbare. Le roi Priant énumère les Pélasges de son armée, aussi bien que le roi Agamemnon. Homère immortalisa ainsi l'homogénéité des idiomes et de la civilisation des Pélasges dans un langage qui porte encore les germes du dialecte éolieu de ces peuples archaïques. Les Pélasges, dans Iliade, sont nommés tantôt Aroeioi, tantôt Danaoï on Ahaïoi, selon la prédominance d'une race ou d'une maison royale; mais la dénomination Argeioi est plus fréquente, vue la pléthore des villes pélasges nommées Argos. Les Hellènes ne sont pas encore mentionnés à cette époque, sauf une seule petite tribu d'Epire, ainsi que nous en parlerons. Il est bien évident alors qu'avant l'apparition des Hcdlènes, une civilisation assez importante s'était dévloppée parmi les Pélasges, au perfectionnement de laquelle les Egyptiens, les Phéniciens et d'autres peuplades asiatiques avaient contribué largement.

    C'est en langue pélasge, par conséquent, jue chantaient les aëdes de l'Olympe, les Orphées, les Thamyrs, etc., pour célébrer les muses de Piéria, les dieux païens, le héros Hercule, ("est bien les Pélasges de l'Epire qui formèrent la belle mythologie de leurs dieux préhelléniques. Ils avaient voulu personnifier toutes les forces delà nature, surtout la lumière et les belles saisons.

    Le Zeus Pélasgiqus de l'Oracle de Dodoni était le premier sanctuaire de Jupiter en Europe, fondé par une prêtresse de Thèbes exilée de l'Egypte et vendue par les Phéniciens aux Molettes Epirotes, tandis que sa sœur fut vendue en Libye et créa le sanctuaire de Zeus Ammonius, d'après Hérodote. A en croire cet auteur, tous les autres dieux des Pélasges ont été en revanche importés en Egypte.

    Cette religion des Pélasges servira plus tard à la création de la théogonie d'Hésiode, ainsi qu'en témoigne Hérodote « ITzpà Uzly.sXaoov 0îo'j;''KXXr,vE;», c'est-à-dire «les Hellènes empruntèrent leurs dieux aux Pélasges.» Cela est vrai en ce sens que les Grecs, étant une race de la grande souche pélasgienne, s'étaient rapidement initiés dans ce culte. Il en est de même de l'alphabet. Les Phéniciens, grâce à leur esprit de colonisation et de commerce, enseignèrent aux Pélasges l'alphabet qu'ils avaient importé d'Egypte. Diodore affirme que les lettres pélasgiennes «à UsA%a^ Ypâ(j.[JLaxx » servirent, plus tard, d'alphabet aux Hellènes. Et en effet, M. Berger, de Paris, constate que l'alphabet préhellénique des Pélasges de l'île de Chypre est une forme éolodorienne semblable au phénicien, d'où le grec.

    Enfin, les Pélasges, célèbres par leurs murs cyclopiens, franchirent l'époque mégalithique et développèrent aussi les arts. Les lions de Mycènes, les canaux d'Orchomenos, le bouclier d'Achille, les toiles de Pénélope, surtout les merveilles d'art extraites des fouilles de Troie et des environs, tout rend un éclatant témoignage d'une civilisation déjà avancée parmi les Pélasges avant l'apparition des Hellènes et de leur rôle dans l'histoire Iai sïoixante ans après la chute clo Troio, la physionomie de ce grand eini)iro pélasgique va changer : les Hellènes vont paraître sur la scène de Thistoire, éblouir par leur civilisation éclatante le nom des Pélasges sans les absorber. Vingt ans après, les Doriens suivirent; les uns et les autres, peuplades pélasgi(|ues du nord, en quittant l'Epire et l'Illyro-Maeédonie (Albanie), émigrèrent vers le sud.

    « c'est-à-dire « l'ancienne Grèce située autour de Dodoni (en Epire) était habitée par les Selli, surnommés jadis Graeci et actuellement Hellènes.» Les Hellènes donc étaient une race pélasge de l'Epire qui descendit avec les Myrmidous dés aussi Hellènes et les Thessalis vers les vallées de la Pélasgiotis iui sera dorénavant connue sous le nom de Thessalie. Il a fallu plusieurs siècles de lutte et d'émigration lente jusqu'à ce que ces races épirotes parviennent à s'assimiler toutes les autres peupla des congénères de la Béotie, de l'Attique, etc. Un nouvel oracle de Dodoni fut érigé enThessalie, à l'exemple de celui de l'Epire. Le récit légendaire du déluge de l'Epire fut appli(|ué par les Hellènes partout chemin faisant.

    Alors la barque du héros Deucalion ayant abordé la hauteur de l'Ortliys, s'arrêta un moment pour fonder un autre oracle célèbre, le sanctuaire des Delphes, qui effacera le nom de Pélasge par le nom Hellénique. La barque avance encore et atteint le sommet sacré du Parnasse. De sorte pie par étapes successives les Hellènes amalgamés de tous les éléments rencontrés en route, doués qu'ils étaient de qualités supérieures, atteignirent l'aiiogée de l'intelligence. Ils parvinrent à dépasser toutes les races iarentes des Pélasges et construisirent le Panthéon sur l'acroixjle d'Athènes en symbolisant par le Parthénon le génie de leur race et les dieux des Pélasges.

    Les Doriens, au contraire, sous leur chef Yllus, fils de Héracleis, en partant de l'Illyrie l'Albanie actuelle) entreprennent pendant des siècles des émigrations également vers le sud. Ils s'arrêtent longtemps en Macédoine; la Thessalie fut leur seconde station, d'où ils entraînèrent les Dryopes, etc. Iais ilus bas ils se heurtent contre les Hellènes, qui se servirent de la puissance des Delphes pour chasser ces belligérants herculiens vers le Péloponèse, par la mort de leur roi Codrus. C'est la cathode des Héracleïdes qui donna naissance à Sparte et à Lycourge. Les Doriens, quoicpie athlètes, ont ti'ouvé beaucoup de résistance dans le nouveau pays. Arcadiens, Héliens et d'autres
    races pélasges du Péloponèse luttèrent contre les Doriens envahisseurs, et consei'vèrent leur dialecte propre et leurs mœurs pélasges.

    Mais les Doriens aussi restèrent en partie fidèles à leur idiome; la langue attique eut peu d'influence sur eux.

    Les Hellènes de leur côté ne purent helléniser ni l'Etolie ni l'Acarnanie qui conservèrent leur idiome. Même en pleine Athènes, nous voyons d'après Hérodote, des Pélasges d'Attique réfractaires à la belle langue athénienne parlant leur dialecte archaïque. Ces Pélasges, dit l'auteur, après avoir construit les murs de l'Acropole et élaboré les champs des Athéniens furent chassés d'Attique et n'ont trouvé que Lemnos comme refuge. Car cette île était toujours habitée par des Pélasges et par les Sinties ou Tyrrhéno-Pélasges. Pour se venger, ces réfugiés enlevèrent des femmes aux Athéniens. Mais ces femmes et les enfants qu'elles engendrèrent furent tués par les Pélasges de Lemnos puisqu'elles dédaignaient l'idiome pélasge et ne parlaient que l'attique. De sorte que l'île de Lemnos était exclusivement pé-lasgique jusqu'à ce que Miltiadès l'occupât.
    ================================================== =
    Voici donc un point capital établi: « L'île de Lemnos n'était pas hellénisée jusqu'à une époque relativement récente de l'histoire grecque. Le dialecte des Pélasges était donc conservé». Par conséquent, l'inscription commémorative, trouvée dans l'île de Lemnos et citée par M. le Dr.^ Apostolides, ne peut être que pélasge ou tyrrhéno-pélasge, d'autant plus que l'alphabet ressemble au alphabet éolo-dorien des Pélasges de Kypros et remonte à une époque préhellénique.

    Maintenant nous allons démontrer l'erreur de la proposition de notre confrère qui prétend que les Pélasges furent plus tard absorbés tous par les Hellènes. « Les Pélasges en grande partie ne purent pas être absorbés par leurs frères les Hellènes, et ils continuent à survivre jusqu'à nos jours, masqués sous le nom d'Albanais ou Skypetares ».

    En effet, aussitôt après la victoire de Salamine, les Hellènes, surtout les Athéniens, dans leur gloire introduisirent le maxinuim de l'effort intellectuel.

    L'éclat de l'époque de Périclès devait effacer toute civilisation précédente des autres Pélasges. L'anathème de barbares fut lancé à tous ceux qui restèrent indifférents à la civilisation athénienne et qui ne participaient pas aux jeux olympiques. Les pays d'origine des Hellènes, Epire.Yllyrie, Macédoine, furent nommés barbares et exclus du conseil d amphictyon.

    C'est à peine si le l'oi de Macédoine, Alexandre, fils d'Amintas, fut nommé philhellène et a été reçu aux jeux olympiques. Les Hellènes avaient créé une barrière contre les autres peuplades pélasgiques du Nord, leurs congénères. Philippe, pourtant, a franchi cette frontière barbare au désespoir de Déniosthène (ju^il appelle barbare, et il parvint par sa sagacité et sa force à s'immiscer dans les affaires sacrées des Delphes en s'intitulant du nom du protecteur, mais jamais du nom Hellène.

    Encore plus loin est allé son fils, Alexandre le Grand, l'intrépide enfant des deux grandes maisons royales des Pélasges du nord, de ces deux royaumes alliés. Après avoir réuni les Yllyro-Epirotes et les lacédoniens sous son sceptre, il parvint à rapprocher le deux éléments séparés, les Hellènes aux Pélasges barbares et put conquérir ainsi l'orient par la force de ses phalanges pélasges et par la lueur splenilide des savants hellènes.

    L'armée que Parménion commandait était formée, d'après Diodore, resque entièrement des Macédoniens, dont la langue était incompréhensible aux Hellènes. Sur 30,000 soldats, il n'y avait que 500 Hellènes et 1,500 Thessaliens et l'étoliens ue Strabon hésite à nommer Hellènes. Alexandre, lui-même, parle macédonien chez lui, avec sa mère Olympia de d'Epire et c'est en dialecte macédonien (pi'il s'adresse à ses soldats. Mais Alexandre, tout en parlant barbare, eut, d'après le témoignage des auteurs, pour maître le grand Aristote et pour guide les héros d'Homère. Achille, son grand-père, était son idole dans Vllliade d'où il puisait des forces pour toutes ses expédi- tions. Ce grand Pélasge va jusqu'aux Indes payer ce que la langue pélasge doit au sancrit et actjuitter en Egypte la dette due à la civilisation de Thèbes.

    Arrière-fils de Dodoni, il fait si prière au sanctuaire de Zeus de Libye, frère de l'oracle pélasgien et établit enfin en souvenir, à Alexandrie, le centre d'une nouvelle civilisation pélasgo-égyptienne. Les Ptolémés.malgré cette alliance Epiro-loniens et des Hellènes ne iurent pa'ni-er les Pelasges du nord, sauf ipieli|ues lial)itants iimitroiilies. Il ir'ii eurent as le temis d'ailleurs. Car, malgré la résistance t'raire de Pyrrus et de ses Epiro-llyriens, de Tenta, d'Agron ou d'Arian, les Konuiins imposèrent en revanche, par le nuissacre et l'esclavage, leur joug dur sur rE[)iro-Yllyrie et la Iacoin Ces Pélasges du nord sont donc restés statiomuiires et étrangers à la langue et à la civilisation hellène jusiju'à la domiiuition romaine.

    La preuve la plus éclatante s'en trouva dans les divers historiens et géographes de l'époque romaine qui visitèrent à plusieures reprises ces pays inexplorés.

    Parmi d'autres c'est Strabon qui nous peint précisément l'ethnographie de ces pays du nord habités aujourd'hui par les Albanais. Il est d'ailleurs d'accord dans les grands traits de son exposé avec Ptolémée, Skylax, Titus Lyvius, etc. Voici des passages de ce célèbre historien: « Ejyvopo; 'lÀÀjpîa, 'lltieipôç iz », les pays nobles d'Illyrie et d'Epire, unis à la Macédoine, forment un grand parallélogramme s'étendant de l'Hellespont à l'Adriatique, Korkyra y comprise, et qui fut nonnné sous le nom générique de Macédonia; car, ajoute-t-il, dans toutes ces provinces «xoivr, te -j-XoWari./.o'jpfi ta yXa(/.(oi/pâ)v':ai» c'est-à-dire les habitants se servaient du même dialecte, de la même coiffure et portaient les mêmes haljits. Donc ces Pélasges, sous la domination romaine, ne parlaient que leur idiome propre et commun danstoute la grande Macédoine, ils ne parlaient pas la langue attique des Hellènes. Les limitrophes des Hellènes et quelques colonies étaient biglottes ; Tlmcidide aussi en fait mention. Ailleurs Strabon nous étonne davantage en disant « Bipoapo:« Les barbares occupent la Macédoine, ainsi
    qu'une partie de la Thessalie, de l'Aetolie et de l'Acarnanie, les Molosses, les Thesprotes et les Athamantes, tous jieuples Epirotes. » Il est bien évident qu'à répo(jue de Stra])on encore tous les Macédoniens, les Illyriens et même les Epirotes Molosses, dont Aristote admire le gouvernement et leur civilisation, sont considérés tous barbares i)ar leurs frères Hellènes.

    Je témoignage si net de Strabon sert à démentir tous ceux qui prétendent que les Eipirotes, Macédoniens et Illyriens, furent hellénisés.

    Curtius affirme que la langue macédonienne était incompréhensible aux Hellènes. Le professeur O.E. Mûller, dans un gros travail sur les Doriens, démontre que le dialecte macédonien est seml)lable à celui des Ej^irotes et le «même que l'idiome des Illyriens. Le i)rofesseur français Benlow, d'accord avec O.E. MûUer, certifie que cette grande Macédoine se servait du dialecte pélasge le plus archaïque, analogue à celui des Albanais d'aujourd'hui. ( "est le dialecte éolien, et non la langue attique que parlaient les Pélasges du nord restés intacts et, en cela, tous sont d'accord avec Strabon.

    Jet idiome donc des Pélasges de la Macédoine va être sauvé dans ces contrées malgré le grand cataclysme balcanique du moyen âge; protégés qu'ils étaient dans les montagnes contre les flots des envahisseurs, ils purent conserver leurs mœurs et leurs traditions. Quoique les divisions juridiques des Romains et les séparations ecclésiastifpies les Byzantins iiaralysèrcnt toute action romniunc de ces Pélasgcs, ces helliut'i'ants exeveaient leur instinet des armes aux rangs ilcleur comatriote Dioelétien et di's autres généraux romains. De sorte qu'à plusieurs reprises, dans les rochers qui leur servaient d'abri ou d'asile, ils étaient inaccessibles aux flèches des assaiUants et aux torrents des Huns et tout mélange était impossible, ainsi ue la linguisticiue le trouvera est ainsi qne la langue de ces Macédoniens écrite par un éveque du iv"'^ siècle, est l'albanais d'aujourd'hui. Au xi siècle, ces Pélasges Epiro-Macédoniens sont, pour la première fois, mentionnés par Anna de l'onniénos sous la dénomination nouvelle d Apiava ou àponavûat
    àêavo, lorsque les Macédoniens ou 'Apavo se battaient à Dyrrhachium sous leur chef Kembescourti (kambeshkurti)pied-court, en allbanais contre Robert de Guiscard et ses Normands.

    Depuis cette époque, les Européens appellent ces Pélasges du nord, tantôt Albanais, tantôt Epirotes, tantôt Macédoniens. Nous les trouvons en Italie sous le nom lieal Cavalaria Macedoniensum des Albanais; ces mêmes Epirotes formèrent «la cavalerie légère albanaise» à Paris, (pii mirent fin à la guerre intestine des Guise.

    A partir du xiv- siècle, ces Pélasges du nord reconmiencent une série d'émigrations semblables à celles des Héracléïdes Doriens, leurs ancêtres, vers la Grèce. Ils furent appelés par les despotes de la Morée à se partager les plaines, dévastées et dépeuplées qu'elles étaient par les pirates de la Méditerranée. Ces émigrations, qui durèrent plusieurs siècles, furent l'olj^jet d'études approfondies pour le regretté savant Neroutsos bey, l'archéologue connu d'Alexandrie. « C'est par milliers, dit-il, que ces Pélasges de l'Epire et de l'Yllyrie émigraient vers la Grèce accompagnés de leurs enfants, de leurs femmes et de leurs chiens. » C*es émigrés vont régénérer le pays de leurs ancêtres Pélasges; ils vont jouer un grand rôle dans l'histoire hellène moderne, tout en conservant à côté des Hellènes leur langue propre (jui est
    Talbanais actuel, et leurs inœurs de l'Albanie. Tout dernièrement encore Robstein a comi)té plus de 600,000 de ces Pélasges qui se servent exclusivement de leur dialecte albanais dans leurs foyers ; en pleine Athènes et aux environs, des quartiers et des villages conservèrent cet idiome du pays natal.

    Après la comjuête de la Grèce par les Ottomans, des Albanais, afin d'éviter le joug, émigrèrent en Italie, où Ton chante encore en langue albanaise à chaque printemps le chant de leur départ de Morée: Oli Morée o te sho jo te vere; atjt kain velher t'nn : «Oh! Moréa, je te regartle et je te contemple, car j"ai laissé mes frères là », Tous ces Albanais italiotes nommés Greci par les Italiens se servent encore de l'albanais dans leurs familles.

    Le même sort de la Grèce était réservé à TEpire qui fut envahie par les Turcs, après la prise de Jannina, on 2000 tètes d'Albanais furent suspendues sur les forts. Tandis que les autres Pélasges Yllyro-Macédoniens, groupés autour de leur héros, le prince Skender bey Kastrioti, luttèrent pendant vingt-sept ans contre les Sultans pour succomber à la fin, après avoir concouru à la défense de l'Europe. L'historien anglais Gibbon, ignorant que ces Pélasges Albanais étaient des descendants des Alexandre et des Achille, a voulu diminuer la A'aleur de ces héros de Croia de la Dardanie. Mais Skendor bey lui-même, nous dit l'historien de cette époque, Deliessis, appelait ses soldats Epirotes ou Macédoniens, et en réponse à une lettre de Naples il ajouta: « Mes soldats descendants des phalanges d'Alexandre et de Pyrrus ne seront jamais timides. » Pelpessis affirme que les Epirotes parlaient albanais.

    Après la mort de Skenderbey toute union de ces tribus pélasges fut impossible.

    Une bonne partie se convertit au mahométisme, d'autres se réfugièrent i)ar centaines de milliers en Italie et en Sicile où il jouèrent un certain rôle dans les événements politiques modernes: les familles des Albani, Crispi, sont assez connues. D'autres gardèrent leur religion et ne furent lu'en apparence assujettis ; ce sont les Latins. Enfin les chrétiens orthodoxes, fidèles à l'Eglise grecque, se confondent souvent avec leurs congénères Hellènes. Comme musulmans ou catholiques les Pélasges font preuve de leur intrépidité dans les rangs de l'armée ottomane, et maintes fois les Kyprelis les Baïractars et d'autres chefs albanais ont attiré l'admiration de l'Europe, en jouant ainsi un rôle glorieux dans l'histoire de la Turcjuie. Ils forment ainsi un des élément des plus fidèles et des plus puissants de l'Empire ottoman.

    Comme chrétiens orthodoxes grecs, ce Albanais se sont révélés par le génie du mal et du bien, tel que Ali i)acha Tépéleni, le lion de Janina ; ils donnèrent le réveil à la guerre de l'insurrection de la Grèce qui ne fut à la vérité qii'uue lutte intestine entre des Pélasges chrétiens et des Pélasges musulmans. « Tous ces héros de la mer, dit Néroutsos, Miaouli, Tombazi, Boubouli, Bouboulina, Canaris, les Souliates, les Botzaris, Jriezi, Bythezi ou Kolocotronis, n'étaient que des Albanais ».

    Pélasge musulman, le glorieux Méhémed Ali pacha fils d'Ali, né en Albanie, vint avec ses Albanais fonder en Egypte la nouvelle et glorieuse dynastie actuelle des Vice-rois ou Khédives. Il ouvrit ainsi une nouvelle ère dç civilisation en Egypt à l'exemple de son aïeul, le fondateur d'Alexandrie.

    Voici donc que l'histoire nous apprend à reconnaitre les Pélasges chez leurs descendants les Albanais qui se trouvent actuellement répandus en Albanie, Macédoine, Epire, en Grèce et en Italie.

    C'est la langue ijui nous prouvera leur identité, étant donné que ce dialecte est unique dans son genre et ne jx'ut pas se confondre avec d'autres.

    D' Adamidi

    (« suivre.)
    Askush nuk te pyt: ç'ka bere atedheu per ty por ç'ke bere ti per Atedheun ! - JFK

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