Duke shfaqur rezultatin -19 deri 0 prej 20
  1. #1
    i/e regjistruar

    Ndimë në përkthimin e një materiali në Anglisht. perkthim prej ang-ne shqip kete material se e kam per provim
    Ju lutemi keni miresi se nuk e njoh mire anglishten......

    Pricing has traditionally been considered a me-too variable in marketing strategy.
    The stable economic conditions that prevailed during the 1960s may be particularly
    responsible for the low status ascribed to the pricing variable. Strategically,
    the function of pricing has been to provide adequate return on investment. Thus,
    the timeworn cost-plus method of pricing and its sophisticated version, return-oninvestment
    pricing, have historically been the basis for arriving at price. In the
    1970s, however, a variety of events gave a new twist to the task of making pricing
    decisions. Double-digit inflation, material shortages, the high cost of money, consumerism,
    and Post-price controls behavior all made pricing important. Since then
    pricing continues to play a key role in formulating marketing strategy.
    Despite the importance attached to it, effective pricing is not an easy task,
    even under the most favorable conditions. A large number of internal and external
    variables must be studied systematically before price can be set. For example,
    thereactions of a competitor often stand out as an important consideration in
    developing pricing strategy. Simply knowing that a competitor has a lower price
    is insufficient; a price strategist must know how much flexibility a competitor has
    in further lowering price. This presupposes a knowledge of the competitor’s cost
    structure. In the dynamics of today’s environment, however, where unexpected
    economic changes can render cost and revenue projections obsolete as soon as
    they are developed, pricing strategy is much more difficult to formulate.
    This chapter provides a composite of pricingstrategies. Each strategy is
    examined for its underlying assumptions and relevance in specific situations. The
    application of different strategies is illustrated with examples from pricing literature.
    The appendix at the end of this chapter summarizes each strategy by giving its definition, objectives, requirements, and expected results

  2. #2
    i/e regjistruar
    kam shume faqe dhe nuk po mundemi me i derguar

  3. #3
    i/e regjistruar
    ose te me tregoni ca linqe si tekst te perkthej ju lutem te me delni ne ndihme

  4. #4
    Cmimi tradicionalisht ka qene nje ndryshore nga une tek ... ne strategjite e marketingut. Situata e qendrueshme ekonomike gjate viteve 60' mund te kete qene pergjegjese per nenvleresimin e ndryshores "Cmim". Strategjikisht, funksioni i cmimit ka qene qe te jap nje fitim te pershtatshem per nje investim. Metoda e vjeter "costo plus" dhe metoda me e sofistikuar e "% e fitimit ne investim" kane qene bazat per te arritur ne cmimin e nje investimi.
    Ne vitet 70' megjithate nje sere evenimentesh i dhane nje komplikim procesit te vendosjes se cmimit. Inflacioni dyshifror, mungesa e materialit, kostoja e larte e parave, konsumatorizmi dhe sjellja e "kontrolluesve pas venies se cmimit", te gjitha keto e bene procesin e caktimit te cmimit te rendesishem. Qe nga ajo kohe cmimi ka nje rol te rendesishem ne formulimin e strategjive te marketingut. Megjithate vendosja e cmimint nuk eshte nje pune e lehte edhe ne kushtet me te favorshme. Nje numer i madh ndryshoresh te brendshem dhe te jashtem duhet te studiohen perpara se te vendoset nje cmim. Psh. veprimet e konkurences dallohen si nje faktor i rendesishem per te vendosur nje strategji cmimi. Thjesht te dish se nje konkurent tjeter ofron cmime me te uleta nuk mjafton, nje strateg cmimi duhet te dije dhe sa fleksibilitet ka konkurenca per ti ulur akoma me shume cmimet. Kjo presupozon nje njohje te stuktures se kostos se konkurences. Megjithate ne ditet e sotme ku ndryshimet ekonomike mund ti bejne projeksionet e kostos dhe fitimit menjehere te pavlehshme, strategjia e cmimit behet akoma me e komplikuar. Ky kapitull ju njeh me komponent te ndryshem te strategjise se vendosjes se cmimit. Cdo strategji analizohet bazuar ne apriorit e veta dhe rendesine e situatave te vecanta. Aplikimet e strategjive te ndryshme ilustrohen me shembuj nga literatura te ndryshme. Apendixi i ketij kapitulli ju jep nje permbledhje te perkufizimeve, qellimeve, kerkesat dhe rezultatet qe priten.
    Ndryshuar për herë të fundit nga ^SHIU^ : 02-01-2009 më 16:28 Arsyeja: edit
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  5. #5
    U mundova ta perktheja ne sa me shqip te ishte e mundur.
    Moderator, e di vet ti...

  6. #6
    i/e regjistruar
    Ju pershendes per kontributin e juaj
    flm shume per kete perkthim,"per kete ndihmes shume shume te vlefshem "por kam shume faqe qe me duhet te perkthej....po mundohem vete

    P.s Nese keni mundesi dhe te tjeret antare te me ndihmoni ne perkthime qe do te ju paraqes me vone ne faqe ju lutlem te me dilni ne ndihme se me Dt. 8 kam me dorezuar materialin ddhe berjen e punimit semenarik.........flm shume per mire kuptim

  7. #7
    i/e regjistruar
    Basically, a pricer needs to review four factors to arrive at a price: pricing objectives,
    cost, competition, and demand. This section briefly reviews these factors,
    which underlie every pricing strategy alternative.
    Broadly speaking, pricing objectives can be either profit oriented or volume oriented.
    The profit-oriented objective may be defined either in terms of desired net
    profit percentage or as a target return on investment. The latter objective has been
    more popular among large corporations. The volume-oriented objective may be
    stated as the percentage of market share that the firm would like to achieve.
    Alternatively, it may simply be stated as the desired sales growth rate. Many
    firms also consider the maintenance of a stable price as a pricing goal. Particularly
    in cyclical industries, price stability helps to sustain the confidence of customers
    and thus keeps operations running smoothly through peaks and valleys.
    For many firms, there can be pricing objectives other than those of profitability
    and volume, as shown in Exhibit 15-1. Each firm should evaluate different
    objectives and choose its own priorities in the context of the pricing problems
    that it may be facing. The following list contains illustrations of typical pricing
    1. Decline in sales.
    2. Higher or lower prices than competitors.
    3. Excessive pressure on middlemen to generate sales.
    4. Imbalance in product line prices.
    5. Distortion vis-à-vis the offering in the customer’s perceptions of the firm’s price.
    6. Frequent changes in price without any relationship to environmental realities.
    410 PART 6 Marketing Strategies
    Pricing Objectives
    EXHIBIT 15-1
    Potential Pricing Objectives
    1. Maximum long-run profits
    2. Maximum short-run profits
    3. Growth
    4. Stabilize market
    5. Desensitize customers to price
    6. Maintain price-leadership arrangement
    7. Discourage entrants
    8. Speed exit of marginal firms
    9. Avoid government investigation and control
    10. Maintain loyalty of middlemen and get their sales support
    11. Avoid demands for “more” from suppliers
    12. Enhance image of firm and its offerings
    13. Be regarded as “fair” by customers (ultimate)
    14. Create interest and excitement about the item
    15. Be considered trustworthy and reliable by rivals
    16. Help in the sale of weak items in the line
    17. Discourage others from cutting prices
    18. Make a product “visible”
    19. “Spoil market” to obtain high price for sale of business
    20. Build traffic
    Source: Alfred R. Oxenfeldt, “A Decision-Making Structure for Price Decisions,” Journal of Marketing
    (January 1973): 50. Reprinted by permission of the American Marketing Association.
    412 Pricing Strategies
    These problems suggest that a firm may have more than one pricing objective,
    even though these objectives may not be articulated as such. Essentially, pricing
    objectives deal directly or indirectly with three areas: profit (setting a high
    enough price to enable the company to earn an adequate margin for profit and
    reinvestment), competition (setting a low enough price to discourage competitors
    from adding capacity), and market share (setting a price below competition to
    gain market share).
    As an example of pricing objectives, consider the goals that Apple Computer
    set for Macintosh:1
    1. To make the product affordable and a good value for most college students.
    2. To get certain target market segments to see the Macintosh as a better value than
    the IBM PC.
    3. To encourage at least 90 percent of all Apple retailers to carry the Macintosh
    while providing a strong selling effort.
    4. To accomplish all this within 18 months.
    Fixed and variable costs are the major concerns of a pricer. In addition, the pricer
    may sometimes need to consider other types of costs, such as out-of-pocket costs,
    incremental costs, opportunity costs, controllable costs, and replacement costs.
    To study the impact of costs on pricing strategy, the following three relationships
    may be considered: (a) the ratio of fixed costs to variable costs, (b) the
    economies of scale available to a firm, and (c) the cost structure of a firm vis-à-vis
    competitors. If the fixed costs of a company in comparison to its variable costs
    form a high proportion of its total costs, adding sales volume will be a great help
    in increasing earnings. Consider, for example, the case of the airlines, whose fixed
    costs are as high as 60 to 70 percent of total costs. Once fixed costs are recovered,
    any additional tickets sold add greatly to earnings. Such an industry is called volume
    sensitive. There are some industries, such as the consumer electronics industry,
    where variable costs constitute a higher proportion of total costs than do fixed
    costs. Such industries are price sensitive because even a small increase in price
    adds much to earnings.
    If the economies of scale obtainable from a company’s operations are substantial,
    the firm should plan to expand market share and, with respect to longterm
    prices, take expected declines in costs into account. Alternatively, if
    operations are expected to produce a decline in costs, then prices may be lowered
    in the long run to gain higher market share.
    If a manufacturer is a low-cost producer relative to its competitors, it will
    earn additional profits by maintaining prices at competitive levels. The additional
    profits can be used to promote the product aggressively and increase the
    overall market share of the business. If, however, the costs of a manufacturer are
    high compared to those of its competitors, the manufacturer is in no position to
    reduce prices because that tactic may lead to a price war that it would most
    likely lose.
    Different elements of cost must be differently related in setting price. Exhibit
    15-2 shows, for example, how computations of full cost, incremental cost, and

  8. #8
    i/e regjistruar
    Marketing Strategies
    EXHIBIT 15-2
    Effect of Costs on Pricing
    Cost Pricing
    Costs Product A Product B
    Labor (L) $ 80 $120
    Material (M) 160 80
    Overhead (O) 40 80
    Full cost (L + M + O) 280 280
    Incremental cost (L + M) 240 200
    Conversion cost (L + O) 120 200
    Product Line Pricing
    Markup (M’) Product A Product B
    Full-Cost Pricing
    P = FC + (M’)FC 20% $336 $336
    Incremental-Cost Pricing
    P = (L + M) + M’(L + M) 40% 336 280
    Conversion-Cost Pricing
    P = (L + O) + M’(L + O) 180% 336 560
    conversion cost may vary and how these costs affect product line prices. Exhibit
    15-3 shows the procedure followed for setting target-return pricing.
    Exhibit 15-4 shows the competitive information needed to formulate a pricing
    strategy. The information may be analyzed with reference to these competitive
    characteristics: number of firms in the industry, relative size of different members
    of the industry, product differentiation, and ease of entry.

  9. #9
    i/e regjistruar
    EXHIBIT 15-4
    Competitive Information Needed for Pricing Strategy
    1. Published competitive price lists and advertising
    2. Competitive reaction to price moves in the past
    3. Timing of competitors’ price changes and initiating factors
    4. Information on competitors’ special campaigns
    5. Competitive product line comparison
    6. Assumptions about competitors’ pricing/marketing objectives
    7. Competitors’ reported financial performance
    8. Estimates of competitors’ costs—fixed and variable
    9. Expected pricing retaliation
    10. Analysis of competitors’ capacity to retaliate
    11. Financial viability of engaging in price war
    12. Strategic posture of competitors
    13. Overall competitive aggressiveness

    In an industry where there is only one firm, there is no competitive activity.
    The firm is free to set any price, subject to constraints imposed by law. As an
    Illinois Bell executive said about pricing (before the AT&T split): “All we had to do
    was determine our costs, and then we would go to the commission—the Illinois
    Commerce Commission, and they would give us the allowable rate of return.”2
    Conversely, in an industry comprising a large number of active firms, competition
    is fierce. Fierce competition limits the discretion of a firm in setting price. Where
    there are a few firms manufacturing an undifferentiated product (such as in the
    steel industry), only the industry leader may have the discretion to change prices.
    Other industry members will tend to follow the leader in setting price.
    The firm with a large market share is in a position to initiate price changes
    without worrying about competitors’ reactions. Presumably, a competitor with a
    large market share has the lowest costs. The firm can, therefore, keep its prices
    low, thus discouraging other members of the industry from adding capacity, and
    further its cost advantage in a growing market.
    If a firm operates in an industry that has opportunities for product differentiation,
    it can exert some control over pricing even if the firm is small and competitors
    are many. This latitude concerning price may occur if customers perceive
    one brand to be different from competing brands: whether the difference is real or
    imaginary, customers do not object to paying a higher price for preferred brands.
    To establish product differentiation of a brand in the minds of consumers, companies
    spend heavily for promotion. Product differentiation, however, offers an
    opportunity to control prices only within a certain range.
    In an industry that is easy to enter, the price setter has less discretion in establishing
    prices; if there are barriers to market entry, however, a firm already in the
    industry has greater control over prices. Barriers to entry may take any of the following

  10. #10
    i/e regjistruar
    O shoku po nese nuk je i zoti ti perkthesh vete keto materiale atehere pse shkon kot ne shkolle?
    Te pakten ne seminar ne fund te faqes sheno "Kete material ma ka perkthyer ^SHIU^".

  11. #11
    Permbledhje mbi ndikuesit e cmimit

    Kur vendos cmimin duhen pasur parasysh kater faktore: Objektivi i cmimit, kostoja, konkurenca, dhe kerkesa. Ky paragraf jep nje permbledhje te shkurter te ketyre faktoreve ne te cilat bazohen cdo strategji cmimi.
    Ne terma te pergjithshem objektivi i cmimit mund te jete i orientuar drejt fitimit ose volumit. Nje strategji cmimi e orientuar drejt fitimit mund te shprehet si % e fitimit te deshiruar per nje investim (psh: vendos cmimin ne menyre qe fitimi te jete konstant; psh 10%).
    Nje strategji cmimi e orientuar drejt volumit mund te shprehet si % e tregut qe deshiron te zoterosh. (psh, nqs firma qe zoteron 10% te tregut i vendos cmimet ne menyre qe te ruaje kete pozicion). Ne disa raste shprehet edhe si % e rritjes se shitjeve. Disa firma e konsiderojne mbajtjen e cmimit konstant si nje strategji. Sidomos ne industrite ciklike (shitjet ndjekin nje cikel psh shitjet e kondicionereve jane me te larta ne vere dhe me te uleta ne dimer), cmimi stabel ndihmen ne ruajtjen e besimit te klientet dhe i mbron aktivitetin e kompanise gjate ciklit. Shume firma te tjera kane objektiva cimimi te tjera sic e tregon dhe tabela 15-1. Cdo firm duhet ti vlerosoj objektivat e cmimit bazuar ne prioritetet dhe problemet e saj. Lista e meposhtme tregon problemt tipike te cmimit: 1. renia e shitjeve 2. Cmime me te larta apo me te uleta se konkurenca 3. Presion i madh tek punetoret qe te krijojne shitje 4. Mungesa e balances midis produkteve te se njejtes linje prodhimi 5. Paqartesi vis-a-vis tek klientet mbi cmimin 6. Ndryshime te shpeshta te cmimit pa ndonje arsye te qarte.

    Pjesa 6 Strategjite e marketingut dhe objektivat e cmimit
    Disa nga Objektivet e cmimit:
    1. Fitim maksimal afatgjate
    2. Fitim maksimal afatshkurter
    3. Rritje e biznesit
    4. Te stabilizoj tregun
    5. Te ule friken e cmimeve nga klientet
    6. te mbaje statusin e liderit ne cmim
    7. Te c'inkurajoje konkurencen
    8. Ne nxisi daljen nga tregu te firmave me % te ulet fitimi
    9. Te menjanoje nderhyrjen e shtetit
    10. Te mbaje besnikerine e punetoreve dhe keshtu te marre ndihmen e tyre per rritjen e shitjeve
    11. Te menjanoje kerkesen e furnizuesve per "me shume"
    12. Te rrise imazhin e firmes
    13. Firma te shihet si e drejte ne raportet me klientin
    14. Te krijoje interes per produktin
    15 te konsiderohet i besueshem nga konkurenca
    16 Te ndihmoje shitjen e produkteve jo popullore
    17 Te c'inkurajoje te tjeret te ulin cmimet
    18 Ta beje produktin te "dukshem"
    19. "Te prishi tregun"- qe te marre cmim sa me te larte per shitjen e biznesit
    20. Te rrisi trafikun (numrin e klienteve)
    Nga: Alfred Oxenfeldt

    Strategjite e cmimit
    Problemet e mesiperme tregojne se nje firm mund te kete me shume se nje objektiv ne vendosjen e cmimit. Ne esence objektivat e cmimit ndikojne direkt ose indirekt ne 3 fusha: Fitim (vendosja e cmimit ne menyre qe firma te marri te fitim te kenaqshem), Konkurence (te vendosesh nje cmim te ulet qe te c'inkurajosh konkurencen), dhe Zoterim i tregut (vendosja e cmimit te ulet qe te rrisesh zoterimin e tregut.)

    PSh. Shikoni objektivat qe kompania Apple vendosi kur hodhi ne treg kompjuterin Macintosh:
    1. Ta bente produktin te leverdisshen per studentet
    2. Te merrte disa segment te tregut (studentet) qe te pelqenin me shume macintosh-et se PC
    3. Te inkurajoje 90% te shitesve e Apple qe te shisnin sa me shume Macintosh
    4. Ti arrinte te gjitha keto brenda 18 muajve

    Kostot fikse dhe variabel jane me shume rendesi ne vendosjen e cmimit. Per me shume nje shites duhet te marri paraysh dhe kosto te tjera si kostot "jashte xhepit", kostot qe rriten ne menyre eksponenciale, koston e opportunitetit, dhe koston e zevendesimit. Ne studimin e ndikimt te kostos ne cmim duhen pasur parasysh 3 relacione: relacioni i kostove fikse dhe variable, ekonomite e shkalles ne dispozicion te firmes, struktura e kostos se konkurences.

    Ne qofte se kostot fikse te nje firme zene nje vend me te madh se ato variable (ne %) ne koston e pergjithshme, rritja e volumit do te ndihmonte ne rritjen e fitimit. Psh ne linjat ajrore kostoja fikse ze nje vend 60-70%, keshtu qe rritja e numrit te biletave te shitura rrit fitimin. (Kostoja nuk ndryshon nese avioni eshte i mbushur gjysem apo plot me pasagjere. Mbushe plot me mire) Keto lloj industrish jane sensitive ndaj volumit.

    Ka industri te tjera si ato elektronike ku kostot variable zene peshen me te madhe te kostos totale. Keto industri jane sensitive ndaj cmimit sepse nje rritje e vogel e cmimit ndikon shume ne fitim. (ketyre i bie me mire te shesin pak me nje cmim te larte sesa shume me nje cmim te ulet).

    Nqs "ekonomite e shkalles" jane substanciale, firma duhet te planifikoje qe te rrise zoterimin e tregut kundrejt nje cmimi afatgjate duke marre ne konsiderate uljen e kostos per njesi.

    Nqs nje firm ka kosto te ulet ne krahasim me konkurencen, duhet te marre me teper fitim duke i mbajtur cmimet konkuruese. Fitimet shtese duhet te perdoren per rritur zoterimin e tregut.
    Ne te kundert nese kostoja eshte e larte ne krahasim me konkurencen, firma nuk mund ti uli cmimet pasi kjo mund te krijoje nje lufte cmimesh dhe gjasat jane qe te humbi. Elementet e ndryshem te kostos duhet te kene ndikim te ndryshem ne vendosjen e cmimit. Tabela 15-2 tregon llogaritje e kostos totale, kostos eksponenciale
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  12. #12
    Vendosja e cmimit ne baze te kostos:

    Kemi dy produkte A dhe B. Ja te dhenat e kostos:
    A:Puna (P) 80, Materialet (M) 160, Te tjerat (overhead) (O)40
    B: Puna (P) 120, Materialet (M) 80, Te tjerat (O) 80

    Kostoja totale e A: 280 dhe e B po 280
    Kostoja variable e A = P + M =240 dhe e B 200
    Kostoja e prodhimit te A= P + O=120 dhe e B 200

    Menyra e vendosjes se cmimit si % fikse mbi kosto Psh 20% mbi kosto
    A = 280 + 280*0.2 = 336 dhe B 336

    Cmimi si % fikse mbi koston variabel psh 40% mbi koston variabel
    A=240+240*0.4 = 336 dhe B 280

    Cmimi si % fikse mbi koston e prodhimit: psh 180%
    A= 120+120*1.8=336 dhe B 560

    Tabela 15-4 tregon faktoret e konkurences qe ndikojne ne vendosjen e cmimit. Informacioni duhet analizuar duke pasur parasysh keto karakteristika:
    1. numri i firmave ne industri
    2. madhesia e firmave ne treg
    3. Diferencimi i produktit
    4. Thjeshtesia e futjes se konkurenteve te rinj
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  13. #13
    Informacionet e konkurences te nevojshme per caktimin e cmimit
    1. Liste e publikuar e cmimeve te konkurences dhe reklama
    2. Veprimet e konkurences si reagim ndaj ndryshimit te cmimit ne te shkuaren.
    3. Koha midis ndyshimit te cmimeve te konkurences dhe faktoreve qe shkaktuan kete ndryshim
    4. Informacione per offertat speciale te konkurences
    5. Produkte konkuruese
    6. Parashikimi i strategjise se cmimit te konkurences
    7. Performanca financiare e konkurences
    8. Parashikimi i kostos se konkurences (variable dhe totale)
    9. Ulja e pritshme e cmimit
    10. Analiza e aftesise se konkurences per te ulur cmimin
    11. Aftesia per tu futur ne nje lufte cmimesh
    12. Pozicioni strategjik i konkurences
    13. Agresiviteti i konkurences

    Ne nje industri ku ka vetem nje firme nuk ka konkurence. (Daah) Firma eshte e lire te vendose cmimin qe deshiron brenda kufijve ligjor. (Prandaj na griu KESH-i)
    Ne nje treg ku ka nje numer te madh firmash, konkurenca eshte e eger. Konkurenca e ul aftesine e nje firme per te caktuar cmimin. Ne nje industri ku prodhohet nje produkt standard (hekur psh), vetem lideri i industrise mund ti ndryshoje cmimet. Te tjeret jane te detyruar te ndjekin liderin. Nje firme qe zoteron nje pjese te madhe te tregut ka aftesine ti ndryshoje cmimet pa u shqtesuar shume per veprimet e konkurences; supozohet qe ajo firme qe ka pjesen me te madhe te tregut ka dhe koston me te ulet. Kjo firm mund ti mbaje cmimet e uleta qe ti c'inkurajoje te tjeret qe te rrisin kapacitetin.

    Nqs nje firm ka nje produkt te diferencuar nga konkurenca, mund te ushtroje me shume kontroll mbi cmimin, pavaresisht madhesise se firmes. Psh, ne industrine e makinave BMW mund ti ndyshoje cmimet pa u merakosur shume se cfare ben Fiat pasi ka nje produkt te differencuar)
    Klientet mund te mos ndikohen nga cmimi nese ata besojne se produkti i nje firme eshte me i mire. Qe te krijojne idene e nje produkti te mire firmat harxhojne shume per reklama. Megjithate differencimi i produktit lejon levizjen e cmimit deri ne nje fare mase.

    Ne nje industri ku eshte e lehte futja e konkurenteve te rinj, vendosesi i cmimit ka me pak hapesire; ne te kundert ku eshte e veshtire te futen konkurente te rinj firma ka me shume hapesire ne vendosjen e cmimit.
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  14. #14
    Mjaft mo lale se na dol llapa
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  15. #15
    i/e regjistruar Maska e jul-linda
    ja ku te vjen Neki1 tani edhe me tre materiale te tjera ne gjuhen angleze , se gjeti nje perkthyes te mire..

  16. #16
    i/e regjistruar
    Citim Postuar më parë nga ^SHIU^ Lexo Postimin
    Mjaft mo lale se na dol llapa
    Flm shume per ndihmese^SHIU^ dhe ju falemnderohem shume per kontributin e dhene.VETEM mund te THEM me vjen mire qe ka "ANTARE"qe i kuptojne problemete edites se sotme ,por do te mundohem dhe do te shkoj se shpejti ne kurs te gjuhes Angleze....i flm te gjithe antaret ne kete teme diskutimi

  17. #17
    i/e regjistruar
    Citim Postuar më parë nga jul-linda Lexo Postimin
    ja ku te vjen Neki1 tani edhe me tre materiale te tjera ne gjuhen angleze , se gjeti nje perkthyes te mire..
    Pershendetje e nderuara jul-linda.....
    Me lejo qe ju flm shume ^shiu^per mirekuptim dhe per ndihmen e dhene,me vjen mire ju qe dhe shumica e kuptoni dhe e dini gjuhen Angleze dhe me vjen mire qe i kini kushte,EDI QE SHUMICA SI UNE DHE TE TJERE NUK I KANE KUSHTET PER KURSE APO PER NJE JETES ME TE MIRE DHE JU UROJ QE KY VITI TE JETE I MBARE PER TE GJITHE DHE PER MUA ASHTU ,DHE DESHIROJ QE TE KETE KUDO MIRESI DHE HUMANITETE ...SI p.she PER MIREKUPTIMIN E ANTARIT TE LARTECEKUR

  18. #18
    i/e regjistruar Maska e jul-linda
    Une thjesht po beja shaka , por ti ske pse ndihesh keshtu sepse me pune arihet gjithshka ...
    Suksese per provimin ...

  19. #19
    i/e regjistruar
    Flm dhe njehre per ndihme dhe e dorzova sot materialin dhe ju tregova se ne cfare menyre jam ardhe deri tej ky perkthim
    Flm shuem SHIU per ndihmesen e tij

  20. #20
    Neki, mos u merzit se ketu behet dhe pune dhe humor. E di qe Julinda sta kish me te keq prandaj nuk u pergjigja me pare. Nejse, suksese ne provim.
    Moderator, e di vet ti...

Tema të Ngjashme

  1. Krimet komuniste në Shqiperi
    Nga Albo në forumin Historia shqiptare
    Përgjigje: 375
    Postimi i Fundit: 03-01-2024, 15:54
  2. Informata Rreth Kultures Islame
    Nga StterollA në forumin Toleranca fetare
    Përgjigje: 7
    Postimi i Fundit: 24-05-2010, 15:27
  3. Si e bera anglez...Lasgushin e madh
    Nga Xhuxhumaku në forumin Enciklopedia letrare
    Përgjigje: 2
    Postimi i Fundit: 22-09-2005, 00:54
  4. Fan S. Noli si burre fetar
    Nga Sokrat K. Dhima në forumin Toleranca fetare
    Përgjigje: 9
    Postimi i Fundit: 10-10-2003, 17:28

Regullat e Postimit

  • Ju nuk mund të hapni tema të reja.
  • Ju nuk mund të postoni në tema.
  • Ju nuk mund të bashkëngjitni skedarë.
  • Ju nuk mund të ndryshoni postimet tuaja.